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Everything posted by Battra92
Is it blasphemy to say that I prefer the Sonic Advance series over the original Genesis Sonic games?
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Also, complaining about dorks on a gaming forum while using an anime avatar and regularly posting silent movie purchases...
No, Strong Sad is just always being an ass. It's his hobby to hate everything and contradict everything anyone else says.
PSA (from a mod stance): Namecalling is actually the childish thing to do. And it's also not welcome here.
I remember now why I prefer ROMs to carts on certain games. It's no fun losing your save. This noontime I will be looking for a CR1616 battery I guess.
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Bummer dude.
Don't forget fast forward!
Well my replacement battery (and four others) shipped. $1 for 5 including shipping isn't bad, I guess.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. - A. Lincoln 1865
having a 1.5 year old at your apartment is the best child deterent around. What a handful! No Mini-Battras anytime soon!
I stopped at a yard sale today and there was a DS Lite. I talked them down to $25 because it didn't have an AC adapter. But it works fine. It came with Pokemon Ruby and Leaf Green. I'm going to swap out the casing since it's a bit dirty and scratched.
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Lucky you Battra. I usually see yard sale signs around my neighborhood, but never gone to one. I will try to do so.
Man, I should go to yard sales more often. Convince them that expensive shit is cheap and such.
I already sold the Pokemon games so I can ship those out Tuesday (I have to solder a new battery in this weekend) so essentially I got a DS for $10 (after selling the carts and buying the replacement case and charger)
Great words to find in your paycheck: retroactive raise. Fuck yeah, seaking!
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Retroactive? Did they lose a class action lawsuit or something?
that's awesome. Go buy stuff.
They did it because they took away our bonuses. I'll take my bonus in 26 easy guaranteed installments on which future raises stack on. And Yant, I already bought a few things to celebrate.
You know, even with my backlog several dirt cheap GBA games are catching my eye. A Gamecube, with a Gameboy player (and a knockoff classic controller with a GC port) is perhaps the best value in gaming out there.
I got my gameboy player, but not the disc :C
Possibly cheaper to chip your GC to play a backup but Nintendo sells new discs for $15. http://store.nintendo.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=19551¤cy=USD&catalogId=10001&tranId=0&lastAction=setCurr&storeId=10001&languageId=-1&categoryId=4400&ddkey=http:SetCurrencyPreference Check eBay too
How to spend my lunch break: read history book or play Oracle of Ages. Gotta make my mind up. Which one should I take?
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I ended up reading my book. When the sun is that bright the screen is just glare. Ahh GBA, you are a great system but you have your faults. I wish the DS played GB/GBC carts.
I read this status update and all I could think was "Friday."
You and me both, Johnny
Did you know Firefox autocorrects apatosaurus to brontosaurus? Because fuck you paleontologists.
I really need to go through my backlog of unfinished games and actually finish them. Super Paper Mario, Neptunia, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia. Why did I quit playing all these?
So ancient Egyptians had heart disease huh? Guess they had McDonalds and Burger King back then. If only they had the wise, Marie Antoinette Obama to take away their cheeseburgers and chocolate milk.
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Heart disease, diabetus, fat kids etc. The whole program makes me sick. Of course we should eat healthier (I lost 75 lbs eating healthier and exercising) but that's the responsibility of the individual or the parent; not some bureaucrat in a far distant capital.
Except the side-effects of bad health and well being are the responsibility of beuracrats in the capitall
Hardly! Who decided that they are our parents or our benevolent care-givers? Let people take care of themselves, for once instead of being coddled by the long arm of the state. Washington shouldn't care what I eat or consume. Now they want to ban potatoes in school, POTATOES! It's pure madness!