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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. There's no place for personal attacks here. Personal attacks at people I know from college who whine on facebook from their iPads that they have no job?
  2. It's sad how many people threw out working CRT screens. Good luck playing Duck Hunt with an LCD screen.
  3. Not really. See, the electric company doesn't make anything off of electricity they provide to your house, just a "delivery" or "transmission" charge. Besides, if they can reduce the amount of power being supplied they won't have to purchase as much. Energy efficiency and conservation help the utility industries actually. Edit: That reminds me, the new house is filled with incandescent. I'll have to start replacing them soon. I wonder where I can get a good deal on LED bulbs.
  4. Simple, it's not the government's job. Also, Ethan I wasn't referring to everyone who hit hard times as being lazy, just some fat assholes who sit online all day whining about how they don't have a job and how they might lose their unemployment or government services.
  5. A misplaced sense of pride? Nope, just not lazy people who sit on unemployment for years and do nothing to better their situation. I forget who originated the quote (I heard it from Andrew Wilkow on SiriusXM) that says "Capitalism is a race. Some are at the front and some are at the back but everyone is moving forward. Socialism has everyone at the starting line standing still so they are all equal." Oh and two chicks at once ... EPIC!
  6. We ended up going with the larger Kenmore models (which are LG guts with a different brand sticker on them) and opted for the maintenance contract on that one. I NEVER buy extended warranties but this actually adds once a year checks where the service man comes in and takes it apart, cleans it and replaces worn parts (kind of like an oil change for a washer.) My friend (who works part time at Sears) told me it was like I cheated the system as I took advantage of a fantastic sale and picked out the pieces perfectly. We paid under $3K for a top of the line washer/dryer and a decent fridge and freezer (which my electric company will give us a $50 rebate on each as well) and then we got about $40 in reward points.
  7. Exactly! Besides, who says transportation has be to publicly run? A lot of people utilize taxis over buses for example. Seriously, dude. Get over your fucking self with that moral superiority crap. I give to the Salvation Army, I've volunteered through church and I've done many things for people I know who are poor. I'm not part of the 1%. Fuck, I'm not even part of the 25%! I grew up through hard times as my dad became disabled with no insurance and there were times when the church food basket kept us fed. I know what it's like to have hard times but I also know that my parents never would dream of accepting welfare or food stamps. They worked three jobs each and scrimped and saved. To say I don't know what the poor go through is just plain ignorant.
  8. I don't understand where you're getting this from. Conservatives who oppose Big Government programs hate the poor and think they should eat catfood and die. At least that's what the talking point the left always pulls out. It's an argument based on emotion without any facts or evidence to back it up.
  9. Well this is the most ignorant thing I've read all day. Not really, which do you prefer, to ride on a bus or to drive your own car? There's tons of areas in Texas with no public transportation. That doesn't mean everyone is broke. Most of those rural areas people have lots of land and nice trucks. Exactly. I personally view having to use public transport as a sign that people live on top of each other. Plus, and this is the snobby side of me living in a rural area, I like my space. My wife could live in a cul-de-sac while I would go nuts due to the lack of privacy. Give me some space and my own car (mine is five years old with 90K miles on it but it's paid off!) and I'm happy. In fact, 74% of the poor in America (the poverty level line is quite arbitrary as it's not based on location) own a car. Source: Rasmussen I wonder how many of the 26% are elderly and have family members who take them places or live in dense areas and do not need a car. The numbers aren't there so all I can offer is anecdotal evidence. The kind that makes yogurt is good. In all seriousness, I think that's highly subjective. I mean, some people might think going to Euro-electro-rave-electronica trash concerts is culture. Me, I prefer silent movies and classical music. Who's to say what's cultured and what isn't? I'd say you're all uncultured for not getting the TZ reference.
  10. Indeed. I've seen bologna like "Access to public transportation" listed as part of the standard of living in some of those surveys. To me, having to use Public transport is a sign of low standard of living. Don't get me wrong, the Underground was alright as is the T in Boston but if I had to take them every day I'd be pretty annoyed. I think I have a pretty decent standard of living. I live on almost an acre of land in a decent house (that does need some repairs but I'm working on it.) I work a good job where I don't work slave hours. Up until I bought the house I had no debt. I can go to whichever church I wish (there's literally dozens within 5 miles of my house of varying faiths) and there's food in abundance whether I go to the local grocery stores (there are 3 in my city) or I go to the farmer's market or straight to one of the many local farms. I have a good life so I really couldn't care less what some statistician claims is the standard of living. Maybe because there isn't a train or bus station nearby or because *gasp* I have to pay for my own medical insurance I live a shitty life according to him. Meh, whatever!
  11. That's because Bill Clinton was the first black president. Everyone knows that!
  12. The good news is that there's gas on the street. The bad news is that the Gas Company won't put in a line unless I *at least* put in a gas hot water heater along with the stove. Since all that costs money, it won't be for a couple years at best. :-/ We have no deck but there is a sun room. I will probably get a grill even if I have to grill out on the lawn. Of course, one year I may build a paver patio in the backyard (less to mow ) but we'll see.
  13. Web 1.0 was designed to debate Star Trek vs Star Trek: TNG. The Web 2.0 is so that teenagers can point out that women in YouTube videos have large breasts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleven


      Enlighten us!

    3. fuchikoma


      Web 2.0 is a great way to sell conference tickets and books. :P

    4. Battra92


      fuchi pretty much nailed the definition.

  14. We got an Oster toaster for the wedding shower that goes on the same concept. It's especially nice since I bake my own bread a lot of times and the slices are too big for regular toasters. Of course, they are designed around shit like Wonder Bread so they are defective by design. Anyway, the wife and I are going to be buying these this week: I envy the chest freezer my parents have. They bought it when they were caterers but now they just use it for buying in bulk. You could fit a whole side of beef in there! This is much smaller. and finally: sadly, where I live we can't get gas so I'm stuck with an electric stove. It's okay as it's been what I've used most of my life. If I'm going to have electric I definitely want the coil top over induction or glass top. The reason of course is because I want to be able to use my cast iron pans. Bye bye all my moneys!
  15. Pikmin 2 is finally coming to the US Wii? About flipping time! Too bad I already bought (and beat) the import copy. Oh well. Perhaps I can try selling that one on eBay and getting the US release.

    1. Yantelope V2

      Yantelope V2

      Sell it now before the release while the value is high.

  16. I think Obama has been very successful. Of course, his success means that America hasn't been the last few years.
  17. Lords of the Realm. Yep, I'm hooked on a PC game from 1994. Wow, the game is 18 years old now ... o_O I can hardly believe that! Still a huge time sink, though.
  18. Joe Leiberman is perhaps one of the few politicians I can respect for honesty. A lot of Democrats grew to despise him because he refused to play their talking points game bashing the armed services. He took the high road and got a lot more respect from me. I still disagree with him 90% of the time but he seems like a good guy.
  19. Pulled up more carpet (and padding) today as well as cleaned a few rooms and removed some wallpaper while the wife and her mother painted. Productive day, if I do say so myself!

  20. Women are far better looking than men anyway.
  21. And finally we get to a fun part of buying a house: buying appliances and furniture!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pojodin


      How can you afford these things?

    3. Battra92


      Work and save. I work IT and take all the OT I can get. Before this job I worked two jobs. My wife also works for the time being (when we have kids she won't) and we try to be frugal in everything we can (e.g. I never buy games at $60.) The biggest part is just having a budget and sticking to it.

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      Since it sounds like you're sensible with your money I hope you enjoy spending it. Making your house into a home may sound cliché but that's because it's true. I hope it turns out as you imagine it.

  22. I think Carter was (perhaps only surpassed by Wilson, Harding or LBJ) as one of the worst presidents of the 20th century. That said, from reports I've read he seems to be a very reasonable, likable guy who does what he thinks is right. He was just way in over his head. Nixon is the other end of the spectrum. He never connected with the public despite winning two landslides. He was secretive, paranoid and very uncomfortable about himself. Neither were good presidents by any stretch of the imagination but I think it shows that personality really doesn't have much to do with how well you'll do as a president.
  23. Jim Geraghty of National Review summed it up nicely "The Barack Obama of Wednesday denounces the Barack Obama of Monday as a closed-minded bigot."
  24. I accidentally clicked repeat in Winamp and it is playing the Jazz Jackrabbit theme over and over. I'm okay with this.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Johnny


      In my extensive experience with both programs, Foobar2000's plugins offer much more in terms of actual functionality.


      As for those screenshots, you can easily make Foobar2000 be like that if you wish to. I don't know why you'd do that though.

      I just use a media library list sorted by artist, and a search field.

    3. Battra92


      I can't wait to get a turntable again. My brother is restoring an old BIC one for me and I have a good solid state amp from the 70s that all I need to do is either replace a pot or (hopefully) just spray some Deoxit in there. If I had an Ikea nearby I'd get one of the 2 x 4 Expedits and convert it to an LP/LD stand and put the amp and turntable on top.

    4. Battra92


      Also, the free software I use is better than the free software you use.

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