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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Amazon's having a sort of Criterion sale right now: and UPDATE!! MUHAHAHA! I finally won this on eBay!!! Fuck Yeah, Seaking!
  2. picking out my wedding band. Total budget goal: $30 or under. Totally do-able!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Tradition also dictated that the man was purchasing the woman from her father.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Also, re: $80 engagement ring. We went to the jewelry store together, her favorite ring was $80, I was not complaining. :D

    4. Strangelove


      Actually, Megadeth would be more appropriate.


  3. Ever think of becoming a lipstick model?
  4. Because the idea of hereditary legislators is as inconsistent as that of hereditary judges, or hereditary juries; and as absurd as an hereditary mathematician, or an hereditary wise man; and as ridiculous as an hereditary poet laureate. -Thomas Paine "The Rights of Man"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      I'm happy to have an inoffensive head of state that is non-political. We need someone we can send out to international shindigs without embarrassing us.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      So true, Agamemnon.


      Battra: Yeah, I think you'd be hard pressed to find an American who didn't agree with at least the core of that quote, and you could probably extend that to Westerners more generally.

    4. Battra92


      Indeed. Of course if there has to be a monarch I like the model set by Oliver Cromwell.

  5. I'm going to say Efrem Zimbalist Jr or Roger Smith: or those crazy cats in Hawaii: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oCySuqUnZk I'll pass on the three men living together in a houseboat in Miami, though.
  6. Today I cleaned my IBM Model M keyboard with a Mr Clean eraser. It looks almost as good as they day it rooled out of the factory in 1986!

  7. What's wrong with a chick listening to headphones?
  8. Many a live wire would be dead if not for its connections.

    1. CyberToyger



  9. Because ... why the Hell not?
  10. Hipsters were cool but now everyone wants to be one so it's not cool anymore.
  11. Actual call today: "I can't find a file I saved two days ago. I don't remember the name nor where I saved it." Yeah, I'll get right on that ...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AgamemnonV2


      None of this rivals "my computer won't turn on" when it's not plugged in.

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      Actual gmail chat from an older friend: "can you load mp3s on dvd cds and have them played on regular mp3 players?"

    4. Battra92


      Yes, p4 you can ... on Meth.

  12. Whoa boy. I know I'm a little late to the party but as a Conservative registered Republican, I want to apologize for the fact that we have Beck. I mean, the left has Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann and other unintelligible people who make shit up off the top of their head so I guess it's only expected that an alcoholic, self-proclaimed Peter Priesthood would became a national joke and an embarrassment to the Right. I mean, the guy believes that some dude in Upstate NY looked into his hat and "translated" scratches on some copper that some local practical jokers made up. I don't know why anyone would take him seriously on economic matters.
  13. Both of the Blu-Rays came with tickets to see Cars 2. I gave them to my little sisters. Anyway ... moving on: The US version is now OOP and sells for around $70. The UK version sells for about $20 shipped the US. There's a reason I have several region free / PAL to NTSC DVD players. I bought this because it was £4.16 for four movies. Granted all I was really interested in was the packaging and the curiosity that is the colorized version of King Kong. Between my brother, dad and I we own Kong on Blu-Ray, DVD R1, VHS, VHS colorized, Laserdisc (60th Anniversary - we don't own the Criterion one ... yet ) and Selectavision (CED). Now we can add the R2 release to the pile. and finally ... This is another case of the US version being long OOP and sells for $70 and the UK version is £5.83. Besides, Anna May Wong films are pretty rare to see.
  14. Thanks to a great deal over at Worst Buy I was able to get the both of these for $25 including the tax to Devil Patrick. My fiancee is not a fan of CARS so I will be watching that one alone.
  15. $20 Bucks? What was wrong with it?
  16. www.gutenberg.org Seriously, there's tons of stuff on there for free! They are all public domain so don't expect anything new. What you can expect is ... The works of Wilkie Collins The Boy Scouts of the Air in Indian Land The King James Bible ... You name it and if it's Public Domain it's probably on there for free.
  17. And the Prophet said, "And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day, it was as one dead." - Old Arabian Proverb

  18. I want this ... when it's not a mock-up ... http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64.aspx

    1. Gigawings


      It isn't a mock up, you do realize a shopping trolley red button on the upper right with the words "buy now" right? warning, it use Intel Atom.

    2. Battra92


      The pictures look a little CGI for me. I want to see teardowns and everything. If it was $300 I wouldn't care about the Atom processor.

    3. Gigawings


      It's real, but the $600 price tag ($200 if you only buy the casing and the card readers)is just too steep.

  19. I never owned much music. We would just copy records from my uncle onto cassette tapes. My first CD was a collection of sound effects that we got at K-Mart for $5.99. (Why I remember that, I have no idea) but I used to take my cassette recorder and make radio shows or stories using the sound effects and everything. Those was the days!
  20. Dear racist people at work, random ASCII character symbols coming out on your printer ARE NOT FUCKING CHINESE YOU IGNORANT FUCKS!

    1. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I have it on good authority that it spells: "Ching chong ting tong".

    2. Johnny


      I, too, hate ignorant people.

  21. And yes, I hide all my desktop icons at work. I think it makes my workspace easier to deal with. Oh and the Ubuntu Logo for the Start button is thanks to a theme I applied to get the brown "human" theme for Windows. I think it looks a lot cleaner, although I'd prefer to have a Linux machine on my desk instead.
  22. The fiancee and I watched a couple episodes of the Twilight Zone tonight. I'm so glad she's into TZ and not the sparkly Twilight instead.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McBeeferton


      Let's watch Twilight!







    3. Battra92


      Rod Serling is dissapoint, Beef.

    4. -Dex-


      Fuck yeah, Twilight Zone. Huge fan.

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