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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Never smoked but a couple of my acquaintances quit using the electronic cigarettes. I fully support these as then I don't have to smell the tobacco around them.
  2. Going to attempt to make a sort of pseudo Chipotle burrito tonight out of chicken and stuff. I can't wait!

    1. Enervation


      Good luck! :D


      And make sure it all stays on the inside. Burritos are not meant to be eaten with spoons!

    2. Battra92


      Thanks. www.chipotlefan.com has some recipes worth checking out.

    3. Battra92


      Also found out that their chicken has onions in the marinade which explains my discomfort after eating there.

  3. Yet people accuse ME of lying when I tell them I beat SMB3 with 99 lives and without (unintentionally) losing a life* or warping. I had a VHS recording of it somewhere ... *In World 3 there's a level where you can get infinite lives and I let the time run out to get 99 lives.
  4. Densha De Go was a fun train sim on the Dreamcast. Granted, I had to read online guides as to how to play it.
  5. If you're a fan of PlayAsia on Facebook they have a universal 20% off coupon. Nothing I want, though.
  6. I was actually listening to this on the way to work. Yep, I'm a different sort.
  7. I do the same thing in my sleep. Sometimes I also do the covers over my head thing.
  8. Oh and I also bought the lady of the house a bouquet of flowers because she's still got a bad ear infection and couldn't come out with me.
  9. MS Train Simulator was pretty fun back in the day. Of course, it's the closest we'll get in the west to Densha De Go.
  10. Well thanks to Borders.com being utter rubbish I canceled my order of The Complete Metropolis and instead, took advantage of Barnes & Noble's Buy 2 get 1 free sale. This is what I got. :-) and ...
  11. I started losing my hair in highschool when I was 14-15. Yep, it was horrifying to wake up in the morning with clumps of hair on the pillow. I talked to my doctor and he said it was genetic and there wasn't much I could do. I was picked on for it in high school and in college the thinning got really bad. I know it affected my social life with women as a lot of girls thought I was significantly older than I was. When I met one ex-girlfriend's parents they advised her that dating a man in his thirties was not a good idea. I was 22-23 at the time. Final year of college I said screw it and when I was home alone I checked a YouTube vid on how to shave your head and upon realizing that it is that freaking simple I went upstairs to the bathroom and shaved it bald. I'd like to think I pull it off.
  12. Don't tell my sister but I bought her a copy of TLOZ: Wind Waker for her birthday next month.
  13. Just put an hour into Bayonetta. It's good mindless fun. I'm glad I didn't pay anything for it (used Amazon credit to get it) but it's fun and I can see myself playing it.
  14. Tonight I played Bayonetta for the first time. I have to say it's the cheesiest thing I've ever seen this side of Cabot Creamery.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Battra92


      I swear when she said she was going to "bust a cap in yo' ass" my fiancee and I almost died laughing.

      Slithy - I've actually been to the Cabot factory to see the deliciousness being made. Supposedly Cabot is even sold in the UK now as it's so close to real English cheddar.

    3. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      honestly cabot is the only cheddar i'll eat. it's that good and the ppl who make it are that "wholesome", or like, real new england farmers more like. but the "cheesy" was a delicious new england joke all the same. get outta new york you masshole.

    4. Battra92


      Haha, well I'm in MA on weekdays for my work at least.

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCkJ16gbrgg Not sure why but this song has been in my head today.
  16. I buy almost nothing day one. But seriously, I know those class you are talking about. On the other side you have the losers who made a special carrying case for getting their copy of Super Smash Bros Brawl on launch.
  17. I'd pay $50 for that PS2 add-on to the PS3 that Sony patented.
  18. I watched the BD of The General tonight. Damn that's a fantastic film! Buster Keaton's masterpiece is so expertly shot and yet so cleverly funny that it's one film (silent or otherwise) that is required viewing for anyone serious about film. It was one of the founding class of films inducted into the National Film Registry in 1989 alongside Gone with the Wind, Casablanca Sunset Boulevard (which features a cameo by Keaton) and Citizen Kane.
  19. My fiancée got that set for her birthday and we watched a few together. The show did not age as well as Ducktales and Ducktales didn't even age all that well either.
  20. Gaffer's tape is actually a really awesome cloth based tape that is non-permanent. Believe me, if you're a photographer or work in theater you love this stuff.
  21. I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouch, Scaramouch
  22. This is a super tough list to narrow down but choosing my favorites: In descending order: Buster Keaton John Wayne James Stewart James Cagney All FOUR Marx Brothers Robert Mitchum Clint Eastwood Actresses: Doris Day (before she was a virgin) Judy Garland (cue the gay jokes) Kumi Mizuno Maureen O'Hara Lilian Gish My list changes frequently based on mood and what films are inspiring me at the time.
  23. I hate coldsores. :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Battra92


      Yeah no action for Battra for a couple weeks. :(

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I keep reading this as "Coldstone" and I'm like "goddamn, Coldstone is delicious."

    4. SomTervo


      Same here man. Total crap, especially after having a cut lip and then dry lips for the last two weeks D=

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