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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Zack and Wiki: The Quest for Barbaros' Treasure What went wrong: Well in was the Autumn of 2007. The Wii was still in relatively short supply thanks to all the casuals and soccer moms buying them up. Hardcore gamers who owned a Wii dismissed the game as "kids' stuff" while children and their parents seemed to only want generic minigame fests like Carnival games or licensed recognizable characters. Zack and Wiki was an awesome game that sold very few amounts. Word of mouth was strong for this game with different sites having "Buy Zack & Wiki" campaigns. I was in a Gamestop where a mother was trying to choose a Wii title for her son and the clerk pointed out Zack and Wiki as a great game for everyone and she bought Carnival Games. My sisters gave me Zack & Wiki for Christmas. It's one fun game!
  2. My fiancee was sick this morning so if she's feeling better tonight we're going to get her engagement ring back from the jeweler and discuss her wedding ring. Maybe Little Caesar's too if we're lucky (or unlucky based on your POV)
  3. Not a movie but I can spoil a TV show for you 30 Minute Meals with Rachel Ray
  4. I'd drive an electric if it was in any way practical. The battery tech just isn't there. Maybe in 10 years or 20 or 50 or whatever, but when you live in rural areas like I do, 35 miles on a charge just won't cut it. I understand it has a gas engine as well but now the costs are way up and it's just not practical. Better battery tech is something I anticipate! I can't wait for a laptop that can run for a whole day without charging or car that can make a 100 mile round trip without the backup gas engine starting up. That day will be awesome.
  5. I like most genres although there are some I play far more than others. I guess if I were to put them in the order I enjoy playing them they would be (highest to lowest) Platformers Pinball (I consider this its own genre) JRPGs Puzzle Shmups / Run & Gun Fighters I do play the occasional FPS (the only one I want ATM is Goldeneye.) Occasionally I will play a casual game (I mean stuff like Wii Sports, NOT Farmville and the like)
  6. There's a long and complicated answer to that question. But the simple version is that, for a variety of reasons, the US auto industry and govt decided (for a variety of good and bad reasons) to favor gasoline over diesel, resulting in a higher tax on diesel fuel than on gasoline. Now the infrastructure is entrenched and it will cost mucho bucks if folks re-adopt diesel suddenly en masse. But there has been a growing interest in diesel fuel amongst US consumers. I personally support a significantly lower tax on diesel fuels as a way to help speed the adoption of diesel vehicles in America. Oh I understand the reasons but even with the higher taxes on Diesel a 65mpg car burning $3.59 a gallon diesel is much better than a 30mpg car burning $3.27 a gallon gasoline. Plus when you factor in that algae based biodiesel is a very possible future alternative to fuel (or at the very least a supplement to standard diesel) it makes even more sense for the future. Electric cars I think are a boondoggle. Who wants a coal burning car?
  7. You know what I'd like? A car with decent milage. My Elantra gets 30mpg. Hell, the Ford Fiesta UK Diesel models gets 65! Why can't we Yankees get in on that party?
  8. Yeah, how about no. I understand that inflation sucks and all but $50 for a portable game is just not up my alley. At least the backlog of DS and GBA games will hold me over until the 3DS gets a price drop.
  9. Anyone hear what game carts will cost?
  10. Hamlet EVERY romantic comedy: or a variation:
  11. It doesn't matter if the record stinks so long as the cover is awesome. I'll start with the greatest album cover of all time: The sheer number of parodies and tributes to this album cover show the impact it had on pop culture. Oh and by the way, that's shaving cream and a drop cloth and the woman is three months pregnant and showing. So let's see some awesome album covers!
  12. See, I'd love a car that drives itself. I never understood why celebrities don't all have chauffeurs (or at least call cabs for everything.) Driving is a chore and if I could spend that time reading or sleeping, let me do that instead.
  13. Yuck! That was me last week. Personally I have the night to myself. My fiancee is doing bridesmaid dress shopping so I'm going to clean up a bit, eat some leftovers and play Super Paper Mario.
  14. Well, being one of the resident Wii Fanboys here I can say there will be plenty of good games coming out in 2011 for the Wii. Nintendo is just very secretive to the point of being annoying. That said, the backlog of games I could buy would keep me entertained even if I didn't have a 360 and a PS3.
  15. Well, and Gundam. :-P But I heard a great quote on film once that said something akin to "If you want to love film you have to love crap." Anime is the same way. "Super Kawaii-Desu Tentacle Child Rape" is garbage but some people actually enjoy watching garbage.
  16. Fucking Kotaku, how does it work?
  17. Hmm, to preorder Neptunia or not ...

    1. TheMightyEthan


      What is Neptunia? I've never heard of it and neither has Wikipedia.

    2. Battra92




      Basically it's a JRPG based on the OS-tans. It's made by SEGA so it can't be all bad.

  18. Well you should've done what my fiancee did and bought it at $20. She said she'd have been disappointed at $60 but $20 was its sweet spot. So maybe rent 13-2?
  19. Well that sucks. My fiancee was switching over to Verizon in April to hop on my plan and get off her parents' bloated plan her father had to get with the iPenisReplacement.
  20. Apparently it was the stupidest creature ever and only survived thanks to seclusion. So, I just think it'd be hilarious. The passenger pigeon was apparently delicious which is why it was hunted to extinction. Supposedly there are unopened cans of squab that might be used as a source.
  21. Well now we know your first name anyway ... :-P Anyway this is on my iPod at the moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRhEvjyk_dc
  22. I understand why they are doing the mammoth but at the same time it'd be more interesting to have an incredibly stupid bird from Madagascar over a big wolly mammoth. I believe it folly to ever say that man will become his own master. It shows an inherent pride in mankind that was evident in ancient times such as the building of the Tower of Babel.
  23. I'm thinking our ancestors killed them off because they were delicious. I'd rather see them bring back the Dodo bird or something.
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