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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. You're fine; it's your man who needs the makeover.
  2. ... but probably not in the way you're thinking.
  3. Hear! Hear! Though Colors seems to show promise but it's still a $20 purchase tops for me.
  4. Ever notice that some couples look more like siblings than a couple? I don't mean this as fodder for incest jokes but it's actually more of a narcissism thing. We like people who look like us because, in our minds, we're the shit. By the way, your ladyfriend has nice hair.
  5. My parents work at a school and they refuse to have a facebook because, inevitably, some kid will find it and try to add them. It's bad enough you have to run into the little turds at the grocery store and Walmart but can't there be some solace online?
  6. Yeah, we're not even a week into the year ...
  7. I don't even have my family on my Facebook. It's strictly for IRL friends.
  8. Hardly. The automobile can't really be traced to one person but to a group of people. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built a steam powered car in France back in 1769. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/auto.html
  9. IOW, it's a nice place to visit but you couldn't make me live there.
  10. Stove top, air popped or that disgusting preservative infested microwave variety?
  11. I'm roasting a chicken and will make some mashed potatoes and salad to go with it. U Jelly?
  12. Someobe said I'm a Nintendo fanboy. I don't quite see the merit in that. Anyway, I really am not a big fan of some of the Apple fanboys in my office. Yes Steve Jobs is selling a new product. No you don't need it to complete your task. Yes you are free to use your own money to buy it. No I am not disabling security features so that you can put it on our network. I'm anti any fanboy who can't stand to see someone else have fun because it's not THEIR choice of fun. Now if you excuse me, I'm off to go play Super Paper Mario.
  13. How about a Resolution on In-de-pen-den-see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f74hv69aSw
  14. Reading Sherlock Holmes has reminded me that "ejaculation" and "knocked up" have very different meanings than from Victorian/Edwardian England.
  15. I really REALLY hate the NY DMV. The Mass RMV was so much easier

  16. Why would you get a tatoo of a hot water bottle?
  17. I think the difference with lady bugs is that they eat the more harmful bugs. You can vacuum them up and release them outside.
  18. Ever try Stinger? This game my sisters and I would play for hours and hours. Great game!
  19. I agree that Other M was an experiment. It was something different. Prime was an experiment and we got two nearly identical sequels. I am probably the only one who prefers Other M's gameplay over Prime but then I'm not a big FPS fan.
  20. Yet we say they are "in school" as opposed to "in THE school." In the UK and Canada they go "on holiday" which is fine if it is actually a Holy day. In the US we go on Vacation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2wXGRU4mEQ
  21. Do you live on Spider Island by any chance? We had an earwig problem when we first moved into the apartment. What you can do to stop them is put boric acid (or just plain old 20 Mule Team Borax) around the foundation of the house and they won't be able to get through it to get in. Earwigs are gross, ugly, creepy looking and just flat out disgusting. They are also 100% harmless and don't bite (well anything with a mouth bites but not a poisonous or even painful bite) but once they enter my domain they die. Ladybugs I will turn loose outside; everything else must die.
  22. Saw this and had to share. I mean no offense but it did make me laugh in a bad way: the Preface: "Sex is like pizza: even when it's bad it's still good ..."
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