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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. In the UK there is apparently a saying "In donkey's years" meaning a long time. In the US there was a phrase "In a coon's age" which refers to the mistaken old belief that raccoons lived to be very old (they don't; 10-12 years tops) but since coon is also used as a racial slur the phrase has fallen out of favor and is rarely heard.
  2. It's annoying me that Facebook keeps bugging me to donate my organs. I'd like my body intact thank you very much!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      ^Which is a shame.^ It would be better if the default position was to harvest organs unless someone carries a "Leave my useless husk of body intact so that it can rot away in an expensive box buried in the dirt... card".

    3. excel_excel


      Thursday went there. OH HE WENT THERE!

    4. SixTwoSixFour


      Speaking as someone who will die if I don't get a donor... I think preserving a life is more important than being attached to your lifeless husk.

  3. Hardly. The government already vastly overspends what it brings in. Collecting taxes is almost just a formality. The so-called Buffet-Rule that is supposed to save the government is nothing more than Huey Long style "Let's take the barbecue away from the fat people" rhetoric. On a side note, there were plenty of useful idiots pretending to occupy a local square (getting protection from police that they despise) I guess the trust fund babies decided it was warm enough without mommy and daddy making them wear their jackets and their mittens.
  4. This never ceases to make me laugh: http://youtu.be/Yo_k1XPeYoo

    1. Chewblaha


      This WAS amazing.

  5. Duke Nukem Forever is $2.99 with Free Shipping on BestBuy.com. Still not low enough?

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It's not even worth the space on my HDD. There's better things I can do for 6 hours.

    2. Luftwaffles


      They should be paying you to play that game.

  6. Massachusetts is as close to a flat tax as a state can get. There are a few deductions but for the most part you take your Federal adjusted income and multiply it by 5.3% or 5.85% if you're so inclined. When you advocate for higher tax rates and claim you aren't paying your fair share and then don't check a simple box on your taxes to pay more, you're a hypocrite. Why not? They already pay for the majority of the government. I don't understand what you are trying to say. Paying more in taxes would give them more power?
  7. I'd like to see his tax returns to see if he used any deductions in his favor. The people who opt for higher tax rates very rarely practice what they preach for others. It's like here in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren (besides claiming to be a Native American) is claiming her taxes should be higher yet she opted not to pay the higher amount on her state taxes (in MA, one can opt to pay either the basic 5.3% or a higher 5.85% rate) She said, “I paid my taxes and I did not make a charitable contribution to the state,’’ The translation for that is "I want higher taxes for you but I won't put my money where my mouth is." Pure Hypocrisy.
  8. I may be talking out of my arse but will that always be the case? With the increase in private funding for R&D regarding new and sustainable energy, could the model change to a more competitive, less restrictive one as the old limitations of nuclear, hydroelectic and fossil fuel energy are conquered by new and more efficient types of energy - at least on a private scale? While the transmission of power to be zapped out of the air was demonstrated in the Republic Serial "Manhunt of Mystery Island," there really is very little chance of everyone generating their own electricity anytime soon. Some people do it with solar panels but the cost to install and maintain is cost prohibitive. You also have to set your house up as all electric and even if you do run all your own electricity, you're still on the grid for backup. Also right now, Natural Gas is in such huge supply I see those companies growing due to their price advantage over oil.
  9. And it starts ... wife cracked her windshield somehow ...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      is it a big crack? Roads around arizona are usually filled with trailers and it's almost like their tires shoot all the hardest pebbles at your windshield.

    3. TheRevanchist


      And sometimes a chip will spider out if it gets water inside the chip that freezes. So, who knows. It's just a pain in the ass when it does happen.

    4. Luftwaffles


      Yeah, I can't count how many times a little rock has come up and hit the window and grown into a larger crack when myself or my parents have been driving.

  10. More or less every utility company is a chartered monopoly. The reason is mostly infrastructure and the only way for a company to cease existing is for the demand of the utility to go away. Of course, these utility companies are usually regulated heavily by the Department of Public Utilities, Department of Energy etc. Oil and Propane companies on the other hand are usually only regulated by the Department of Transportation as they are merely a delivery company (same with coal deliveries for houses.) I don't know how the cable company works but I do know that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that the electric and gas companies charge their customers the price they pay for energy (rarely is an energy producer also a reseller and I believe laws prohibit that.) They are then allowed to tack on a delivery charge that is set by the state as a "fair" amount. The state also tacks in some hidden redistribution of wealth in there by making customers who are paying their bill subsidize the losses of those who don't pay their bill, while also forbidding the companies from shutting them off. Due to the large amount of infrastructure required on public land (telephone and electric poles, cable and gas lines buried underground and under city streets etc.) there's no real way around a utility company being anything but a sort of government sponsored monopoly. Can you tell I work in a utility related industry?
  11. Battra92


    If I was going to raise ducks they would be of the Pekin variety. Supposedly they make great pets: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pekin_duck#Pets
  12. Watching your bank account deplete to almost nothing is the worst part about buying a house ...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Battra92


      There are exceptions to that but none in this economy. My father-in-law had a 15 year ARM on his first house and it kept adjusting downward. Of course, that was the early 80s when the Stagflation of the Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter years finally came to a crash and 18% 30yr mortgages were common. My wife and I got a 3.125% interest rate on a 15yr. We could've opted for a 30 at 4% but why bother?

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      But the money would be in your account for what? A few hours? (Generally speaking) is it worth splitting it between multiple accounts?

    4. Battra92


      I'm confused as to what you are asking.

  13. Battra92


    Yet another reason I stand firm in my no animals unless I buy a farm pledge. Speaking of, I could've bought a bunch of chicks or ducks at Tractor Supply the other day.
  14. One of my younger sister's jobs is DJing middle-school age kids' dances and that sort of thing. She buys the NOW CDs as its a cheap way to get the crap the kids want to play for them. But yes, the crap continues on ...
  15. I'm here to play Devil's advocate and point out that the Public Domain is a great thing, sure. However, it's a double edged sword. Take for example, Popeye cartoons. Popeye cartoons used to be available on every cheap dollar DVD around in piss poor quality with faded prints duped from 16mm masters from TV releases. The original negatives rested comfortably in Paramount's vault but since they were so cheaply and readily available in the public domain Paramount saw no market to release their prints out into the public where the public domain would just allow them to be ripped off. Then through a twist of fate (and Congress) many of the classic Popeye cartoons were returned from the Public Domain back to Paramount. Paramount followed up by releasing some fantastically restored DVDs. I'm not saying that infinite copyright is the best or that the public domain should be eliminated, heaven forbid, just that copyright if too short can have its consequences as well.
  16. I didn't realize it... but I think I sorta did. I guess Hugh made it official, but what made him or someone else think, "What kind of animal is sexy? I know, a RABBIT!" I'm telling you, Bugs Bunny... Bugs Bunny! All rabbits do is eat, run away from predators and bang. Seriously a rabbit can conceive another litter when they are pregnant. If they weren't multiplying like, well rabbits ... they would've died off years ago. Rabbits are really just furry coyote food.
  17. Ah German, the language of love ...

  18. THe only solace from History is we aren't claiming the other party acted as a pimp for the ambassador of Russia as Andrew Jackson's supporters falsely accused John Quincy Adams of (Adams's supporters fired back with the true statement that Jackson's wife had technically been a bigamist.)
  19. This November we have a choice to make. We have a choice between someone who eats dog or someone who doesn't care for cookies made by a local bakery. Choose wisely.
  20. First Humble Bundle that's not even worth a penny. I think these things have run their course.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      What? Machinarium is an amazing game and I'm sure Botanicula is as well. Samorost 2 isn't as good as Machinarium but is still pretty good.


      Either way, I'm with Dean, the issue here is that they're premiering the game this way, when GoG has it as well.

    3. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      I kind of want to see that movie in the bundle.

    4. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      It's still a great deal if Botanicula is any good. I'd pay 50 cents to check it out. But joke's on them; I don't have 50 cents LOOOOOOOL

  21. It's less confusing than say, The Legend of Zelda or Metroid in terms of where to go. I just got stuck in the fire temple. Damn game kept kicking my ass and I gave up. I should go back to it. I bought it Day 1 and never regretted it.
  22. Really, what stick do you own? What's your OS?
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