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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. I too mostly shoot film so most of my stuff isn't online. My scanner is also at my parents' house until I move it to the new place. Bleh! Still, here's my horribly out of date Flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/94213629@N00/
  2. Effing hippie! Get a haircut and a job! Me, I just let the fiancee shave my head for me.
  3. Tonight I am having leftover pizza. The boss informed me today that I am to buy pizza for lunch tomorrow for Christmas (it's the last day everyone in the office will be in at once.) I also had pizza on Saturday and Sunday. :-/ Yeah, too much pizza around here.
  4. I'm waiting for the 20 page hipster rant by Tim Rogers or whatever his name is to talk about how his password (SMB2RULES) was a super awesome and smart password and that hackers deserve to know how awesome he and his password are.
  5. Yeah it's not really a movie you say, "I feel like watching a movie ... how about Gone with the Wind?" It's something you plan to watch and you kind of make an afternoon out of it. It's like Citizen Kane. I love the movie but damn it takes a lot out of you to watch it. My favorite, "I'm flipping channels and this movie is on and I can't change it" is probably Back to the Future.
  6. Battra92


    No pets here but the fiancee wants a red eared slider since I have a firm no cats rule.
  7. Love you really. It's kind of funny. I'm in no way homosexual or even metrosexual. I don't know what styling gel is for. My clothes rarely match. I don't wear body spray (man purfume) or carry a man-purse. Oh and I don't have any attraction to men at all. I also love breasts, fighting games, sex with women and yes, movies that gay people like. It's one reason I stopped hanging around photography clubs and stuff. People started to think if you have any creative talent you must be to the left of Marx and gay. I am neither. :-P I also pass the straight test because I cringe whenever Glee is on. :-P
  8. It's impossible for me to pick just one so I have a short list In order of their creation: The General (1926) Metropolis (1927) The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Gone with the Wind (1939) Meet Me in St Louis (1944) Singin' in the Rain (1952) Gojira (original Japanese version of Godzilla) (1954) The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) Oh gosh, I could go on forever. :-)
  9. On the bright side, it got me to start reading TAY and that's why you put up with my sorry ass all the time now. :-P
  10. I have been watching a lot of different things but mostly Have Gun Will Travel and Dragnet. I added a bunch of silents to my Instant Queue and will watch those as my fiancee has the next season of Ally McBeal on the way. :-/
  11. Yeah I read a lot on the Revolution but nothing as complete as the Civil War stuff I've read. The biography of John Adams by David McCullough was amazing!
  12. The entire movie but this part always makes me laugh Oh and I could fill this board up with pages and pages of film clips.
  13. I just finished the third and final volume of Shelby Foote's "The Civil War: A Narrative." It took me a year to get through the war (about 1/4th the actual war length) and I'm not sure where to go next. I'd like to get out of the Civil War but I'd like to keep with American History. Any ideas?
  14. I have an old 30GB iPod Video from 2006. Four years later it's still served me well and the original battery is still going strong. I have a feeling it will need replacing at some point, though. My sister and brother in Law both have Sansas and love them because they do what they want them to do (play music) I bought the woman of the house an 8GB iPod Touch for Christmas. Hopefully she likes it.
  15. So I changed all my passwords (including those that were different from my Gawker password) Any idea if I did this for nothing? I didn't have an email address attached to my account.
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