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About TheMightyEthan

  • Birthday 02/05/1986

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  1. And a few more... I would have bought Syndicate too but for some reason that one's not on sale.
  2. The back paddles on my Xbox Elite controller have started going gummy, and I've heard other people complain about the build quality so I didn't want to buy another one. Enter the Scuf Envision Pro. It's PC-only, but way more customizable than other "pro" type controllers, and also cheaper. I'm a little nervous about the different positioning of the back paddles compared to what I'm used to, but we're gonna give it a shot. I bought it on Amazon so I can always return it if I don't like it.
  3. I just didn't enjoy the encounter design, and thought every encounter went on way way too long.
  4. For me it's mainly because I think the pacing is awful, the gameplay is not fun, and every section is approximately 3x longer than it should be, which just exacerbates the fact that it's not fun. Also the story is trite but that's just video games, I don't hold it against this one specifically.
  5. Severed Steel This game is basically Superhot x Mirror's Edge x Hotline Miami. You're blazing through levels, wall running and sliding and leaping through the air, going into bullet time and blasting the shit out of guys. It's completely frenetic and crazy and so so good. Grade: A+
  6. Platform 8 This is a sequel to Exit 8, a Japanese game where you're caught in a purgatory of a repeating train station, except this time it's on a train instead of a station. Weird/creepy shit happens, and your goal is to get all the way through 8 iterations. It's a neat little game, but Exit 8 was better. Grade: C+ Fort Solis This is one of those "investigate a deserted sci-fi installation" games, but it's really well executed. I can't really talk much about the gameplay without spoilers, but it's tense and interesting throughout. I had a lot of fun with it, and would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes that kind of thing. And it's short, only 4 hours! Grade: A
  7. I mean... Granblue should have a "New To Library" label too, not sure why it doesn't.
  8. 27" 360hz 1440p OLED monitor, because my 19" 60hz 1080p LCD from 15 years ago just looks too much like shit to me now. I was actually gonna buy the 240hz version from Newegg cause it was on sale, but then I did a quick Google check and found that Walmart had the 360hz version for the same as Newegg's 240hz sale price. So that's sweet. *Edit - Though I actually plan just to use it in 120hz mode cause I don't want to make my 120hz LG TV start looking juddery to my eyes the way that TV made 60hz look juddery... XD
  9. Metaphor ReFantazio 117 hours later and man, great game. I don't have a lot specific to say, if you're familiar with the last few Persona games it mostly follows a similar structure, though in an industrial fantasy land instead of modern Japan. There are a few changes, like the "Personas" work differently, and everyone can switch now instead of just the MC, but for the most part if you like Persona I would definitely recommend checking this out. Grade: A+
  10. It's fine, but I would have preferred Super Nintendo Switch.
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