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    New York City

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  1. I came over to your home one time! Was just returning the brush you lent me for my glorious hair! I spent weeks flushing out that raid chemicals out my eye. On the bright side, roaches considered me a part of the family.
  2. I throw crap away as soon as newer systems come out, no nostalgia here...UNLESS YOU COUNT OGRE BATTLE! Wouldn't mind seeing that series on a console again, I'll settle for a handheld one if need be. Consoles I currently have: XBox360 Nintendo Weeeee!!! Nintendo BS And I do PC gaming as well. I will purchase a PS3 again only for Disgaea 4, as well as the 3DS? when it comes out.
  3. I' a Role-Playing fan and while the Playstation 1&2 were RPG Heaven for me, the third one decided to cheat on me with other genres. The Xbox has a ton of Role-playing games so it's pretty much where I'm chilling.
  4. Mac Gaming is dying. Discuss.
  5. Mario Party, my mom loved the crap out of that series but after awhile you notice it was pretty much the same game with upgraded graphics and perhaps 20 different games. If Mario Party was still being made today, you get the feeling rather than make a whole new game, they'd just let you download (for a price) 10-20 games every 6 months.
  6. Well, today's game aren't the same like the early ones from the 80's/90's, those were a bitch. Especially games like Sonic and Mario, just one misstep and you're restarting the whole level. I guess you could say LittleBigPlanet has some hazardous levels, at least from the few times I did play it. Man, I think my weakness is jumping. Some games make it that you either time the jump correctly, or fail, there isn't a "just barely made it".
  7. Doesn't matter too much, if you're playing as a casual gamer (normal mode), the regenerating health isn't going to be needed that much in the first place. Like the above comments, if it really affected how I enjoyed the game I would just push the difficulty to the highest possible point and go from there. I do notice that in so many games, you're just full of health packs. I think if there's any complaint I have, is the amount of health packs in game. Limit that a bit, it's far easier to heal than waiting to regenerate health (at least in some games). Now if I was in a real fight with someone and he kept regenerating his health? I'd just give up on the spot, tell him to forget it and twitter to everyone that he's a Wolverine and no one should take him up on a fight. What the heck am I talking about? Whatever.
  8. Littlepirate is an actual Pirate? I love to do the same thing, I'll go nuts if I can't get every single possible item that exist in the game. If I know there's even a chance an item is missing, I'll either spend weeks searching or restart the whole game just to find that item I couldn't get the first time.
  9. People keep talking about RDR, I think I'll wait for the GOTY edition before jumping on it again. I'm with Hotchops in terms of escaping reality, nothing beats a game that makes you feel like your apart of that world.
  10. Ah, you're right about that Hot chops. You should still make the topic, I suck at debates XD but I do enjoy reading threads like these and seeing what people have to say about certain issues.
  11. My opinion is right! and I can't choke Johnny, we're behind PCs and he might be a 7 foot man holding intense rage inside.
  12. It's a copy, so it's not stealing. You're trying to justify stealing, and I ain't buying it. You got your opinion, I got mines. People like you aren't worth arguing with, same here, we aren't going to changed our views.
  13. I swear I am the least artistic person you'll ever meet. But dammit I tried! Here's the finished one And this one is one I messed up on, don't ask XD
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