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  1. Figure I'd make a thread for this (surprised I hadn't already). Comes out in a few days (early release at least). I'm kinda hype (I am using it as a reason to get a new PC), I get that Bethesda stuff can be clunky but I kinda like the largeness of the worlds and coming across little weird bits and just immersing yourself in something for hours and hours. There's signs in some of the videos (especially their deep dive) this is likely still on Creation Engine (aka Gamebryo) so I'm sure it'll have some cute little bugs like being launched into space by putting down a sandwich (and not because you hit the "launch my ship into space" button). I'm curious to see what they'll do with the planet side of things - I'm figuring it'll be sort of in-betweens Mass Effects planets and No Mans Sky - they're many many planets, and some auto-generation for a few and some set pieces on others. figure that the auto-generated ones will be an evolution of the auto-quest thing they had in Skyrim and (annoyingly done) in FO4 with Garvey and his settlements in distress - so you'll have like "Bognor Regis III" with a space complex being attacked by pirates but it'll be nameless pirates and auto-cobbled together base. Looking forward to building my own space ship - it looks pretty intuitive and high customisable. And I'm enjoying they're not really pushing the main story side of things with the alien artefact ring things; I'm sure by now they have a ton of data that says no one ever found Shaun or got rid of Macho Man Randy Savage the dragons. Regular trailer: Deep Dive Tested (Adam Savage from MythBusters) has an ongoing series where they build up the default ship. It's been pretty fun so far. Especially if you're into prop building stuff - it's been broken into various steps so like 3D printing, lighting, painting, and is to culminate in them doing a motion control shoot with it.
  2. Figured this deserves its own thread. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-01-27-ace-combat-7-now-coming-to-pc-and-xbox-one-as-well-as-ps4 It's also going be on PC, PS4 and XOne, so that's a thing. VR compatibility is also pretty cool, though I ain't buying a PSVR anytime soon.
  3. DOOM ETERNAL \m/ \m/ Looks great, love the grappling hook, the Crucible, everything, can't wait! \m/ \m/
  4. QR link: http://dotconnexion.ubi.com/ So this looked pretty damn nifty. I'll update with video once it hits online. My main issue is it was going fairly well until the gun fight started up. Also the pre-game bit talking about PMC conspiracy stuff didn't have me going in with high-hopes. edit: And the gameplay video:
  5. Been playing the beta for a bit and boy do I have some thoughts. But first, a couple of trailers: So, first things first, this is quite different to Wildlands, Wildlands was already a severe departure from previous GR games and this one goes further. I've seen it compared to The Division, though I only played the beta of it so I can't go into details, there's another game that it reminds me of, Destiny (kinda). So here's the thing, there's now a ton of RPG-lite mechanics, things like loot, levelling, unlocking skills and even special abilities based on the class you pick. Starting with classes, the big thing is that they don't really matter. Whatever class you pick, it only determines what your special ability is (something I've rarely used so far) and it also gives you a small bonus with different weapons, for example, Assault has a skill that heals you after every kill and makes you harder to kill and gives you a bonus with shotguns and assault rifles. You also get a special grenade but outside of the medic drone, the other two classes aren't that useful. In terms of skills, all classes have access to the same skills, perks, etc. So regardless of which one you pick you'll still get to unlock whatever skills and perks you want. Skills are separated by different categories, unlocking two skills in each category unlocks the next one. There's a weird progression here where getting stealth skills unlocks the assault category. I assume that progression in the full game will be slower, so far, I've been able to unlock a fair amount of skills and have found that some of them either don't work, or don't really work as advertised. I unlocked a skill which gave me a perk that's supposed to mark enemies within range, and either the range is stupid small or it is not working as I've yet to see it in action, even when bumping into enemies. Some skills are related to the ingame store which I'll get to in a bit, the skills themselves are meant to unlock things to buy, like better weapons and vehicles. Next, the other biggest thing: The loot. Here's why I say it reminds me of Destiny, there's your player level and your gear level. Your player level goes up as you complete missions, kill enemies, etc. Your gear level goes up as you get better gear. As usual, you'll find new stuff in chests, from enemies and from completing rewards. You can also get blueprints, which allow you to buy a specific weapon from the store whenever you want, so if you have a favourite, you can sort of just stay with it, except that it seems to stick to normal rarity only, there's a skill that supposedly increases the quality of blueprint weapons, but I reached max level before being able to unlock it. The thing is... Gear level kinda doesn't matter(?), you'll get a warning when fighting enemies with a higher level, but you can still kill them in one shot if you aim for the head. Supposedly, in normal combat gear level means you're harder to kill and enemies are easier to kill, though I've yet to notice any difference. Even the Wolves, the strongest enemies in the game aren't that hard to kill if you aim your shots. Drones are another story entirely as those things are annoying as hell and seem to be geared towards co-op play. It is possible to destroy a Behemoth solo, just probably not worth your time. Customisation was also reduced, you're now much more limited in terms of what accessories you can equip and you can no longer modify things like barrel, trigger and stock. Also, and this was really annoying, when buying an accessory for a weapon, it does not tell you which weapons can equip it, I ended up buying a bunch of grips, only to find none fit in the weapon I had. One thing I do like is that when you obtain information on an enemy base, if you look at it on your map it tells you what gear you'll find there, so if you're looking for something in particular, you don't necessarily need to wander around aimlessly until luck brings it your way. Of the bugs I ran into I won't comment, being a beta/demo/whatever, there's some issues to be expected. Couple of things that may make or break the game depending on how you play: The new objective system. You no longer get a waypoint to your destination, instead, your mission will say something like "North of PLACE, southeast of OTHER PLACE" and then you have to look in the map, find that place and use a beacon, even then, you'll have to navigate there yourself. With how big the map is, how hard it's to drive around and the new injury/fatigue system, it makes it a chore to get to certain places. Speaking of, the second thing is the aforementioned injury/fatigue system. Injuries happen when you take damage beyond a certain point in your health bar, after you get injured, your mobility is reduced and you'll stumble and fall pretty often. Thankfully, outside of battle it's easy to deal with injuries, just use a bandage (of which you have infinite uses), during battle it can be a pain, but there are other, limited use items that can help with that. In general however, it's too simple to be anything more than annoying for most people and not in-depth enough for hardcore survival players. Well, that made sense in my head, hopefully it makes sense here as well. TLDR: Tiered gear feels out of place and doesn't make much difference Classes are mostly pointless All skills are available to all classes Fatigue/injury system is too much for casual players, but probably won't be enough for more hardcore survival fans Customisation is limited and convoluted, specially for your outfits The map is huge and a pain to navigate, also you have to find your objectives yourself, no more waypoints So yeah, I was looking forward to it, but after playing the beta I feel like I got my fill of this game, there's some stuff I like, but enough that I don't like that it makes me feel like I should just skip this one. Or wait for some kind of complete/GOTY/ultimate edition.
  6. There's no topic for this game yet, hmm? So when AC:B was released I read and saw a couple reviews, and despite it being called Assassins Creed 2.5 I still wanted to get it. So I did, and I'm not regretting it. I love the fact you can scout for other Assassins and send them out on missions. I have checked out the multiplayer too, and I'm still getting the hang of it. So far I'm at level 6 or something, and I've only really participated in the Wanted mode. I should check out the Alliance mode. Also I heard two new (free) DLC modes have been added. What's your take on the game, singleplayer/multiplayer?
  7. Bungie's new project: http://www.joystiq.com/2012/05/21/activision-bungie-contract-reveals-four-game-plan-code-named-de/ The reason I'm posting it here is because I'm wondering if the timed Xbox exclusivity is some remnant of Bungie's deal with MS, or just that they're more familiar with the 360.
  8. So I searched and could not find a thread for this, which seems odd as I think I remember some people discussing it, but whatever. So, the Dead Money DLC just came out for PC ( and I imagine will for PS3 later on today). I haven't finished the main story yet (haven't played since the holidays, actually) but I've been meaning to get back into it and this DLC could be the reason to do so. Since I'm pretty sure at least some people here must have played it on 360 by now, I was wondering about something. I know it raises the level cap to 35, but do I need to be that high level to play it, or would I do fine on my current level (think I was around 20)?
  9. Looks cool, though from what I've seen, it seems like this is one of those games were if you don't have a group of friends to play with it's probably not going to be nearly as fun. Open beta starts this weekend and you can preload it right now.
  10. So, this somehow doesn't have a thread yet! Feel free to discuss anything: the original, the PSP sequels or the anime series. If you're into SRPGs, this is one of the best PS3 exclusives, imho. The cell-shaded graphics look pretty great through the game's painting-style filter and the mix of turn-based and third-person make for some very addictive gameplay. I'm on the chapter 16 of the original right now, so I'm almost done with it. I plan on eventually picking up VCII, but I was wondering about something. If anyone has played VCII, did they address some of the balance issues of the original? Right now, I can beat pretty much any map in a turn or two by buffing up Alicia (or any Scout, really) with defense and evasion boosts and then just rushing the objective. It's very game-breaking, but once you're strong enough to do it, it feels kinda silly to even engage the enemy. What's worst is the ranking system is kinda broken and only takes into accounts how many turns it took you to win, so you're actually getting LESS XP by wasting turns fighting than you would if you just Scout rushed. :/ It's an amazing game, but that right there is a serious design flaw. Did they fix it in the sequel?
  11. So anyone else got this on their radar? I've yet to finish the first(Got a fair few RPGs I need to polish off actually) but it was very enjoyable so I'm definitely hyped for the second. The regular and collectors edition are amazing too. They're really pulling out all the stops. I'll probably just get the regular version, it's a good price and I don't think I need Geralts bust. The regular edition 'just' includes: The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings game Making of Video DVD Official Soundtrack World Map Game Manual and Game Guide Pamphlet and Cursed Coin 2 x Papercraft Figures of Various Game Characters For £25($40), which is well below most new PC titles. My main concern would be the first game, built on Biowares NWN Aurora Engine was a bit crappily optimised. But there's a new engine here so I'm hoping that's better. The combat I want to see as well. The first game was quite different for combat to other games. And it could take an hour or so to get into the flow. But once you're into it, then it feels pretty great. The choice stuff is also pretty good. With somethings early on in game not having any result until later on in the game. So you kind of have to pay attention no 'oh damn chose the wrong option, lets go back to an older save' cos this would lose you hours and hours of game play in Witcher. If folks have yet to play I suggest giving it a shot.
  12. So Human Revolution hits later this year. I was gifted (I think via request) the GOTy eidtion with the first 2 in from Ethan over Xmas. So I've slowly worked my way through Deus Ex the past few weeks. Only like 7 hours in at an airport (I checked FLD) Anyone else got any experience with this game, hopes for the sequel?
  13. Developer: Bethesda Softworks Publisher: Bethesda Softworks/Zenimax Entertainment http://www.elderscrolls.com/ Lead Designer: Todd Howard Release Date: 11th November 2011 Globally. Platform: PC/PS3/360 First Trailer Everything ESV comes in here. Talk about it!
  14. I can't believe this doesn't have a topic already. If it does, feel free to merge this with the previous thread. I am very excited for this game. It looks like it will be a worthy successor to the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale games. Here's a demo from Gamescom featuring gameplay from the backer beta version of the game.
  15. Can't believe I couldn't find a topic for this. Anyway, whipped this up over on Press X or Die and was curious what your guys' wishes/predictions were for the next Half-Life installment. http://www.pressxordie.com/2011/06/28/half-life-3-wishlist/
  16. To take the discussion out of the "Games You Bought" subforum, I'd like to play some virtual boardgames this summer and am willing to schedule chunks of time in advance. Here is my general availability, all times local to New York City, Eastern Daylight Time: I am usually available weeknights between 10:45 pm and 1:00 am. Not a lot of time, I know, but it's my traditional gaming/watching TV time. Tomorrow, Friday, July 7, I am free from 7 p.m. onwards. On Saturday July 8 I am not free until after 8 p.m. On Sunday, July 9, I am free from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., but the 12:00 p.m. cutoff is strict. The following weekend of July 14, 15, and 16, I am free all weekend except Sunday night, which is the Game of Thrones season premiere. I am also free the entire weekend of 21, 22, and 23rd until around 3 p.m. on the 23rd. I am free on July 30th, aside from when Game of Thrones is on. I am willing to play any game, keeping in mind that I am out of practice and have not played a bunch of the TTS games I actually have bought. I would be willing to buy almost any game suggested, so don't worry about whether I own a game or not. I was thinking of playing Scythe first, just because I saw a group of folks playing it this past weekend, but I am willing to play just about any game. I am most resistant to fun social games over TTS, like Secret Hitler or cards against Humanity; I just think they wouldn't work as well virtually as in person.
  17. Got my fingers crossed for this one. I've not seen much in the way of hype or footage, but I've really enjoyed Ninja Theory's previous works, and I'm confident this will hit the mark once again.
  18. Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. The new version of Final Fantasy XIV that the game will be updated to and eventually next year I guess will release on PS3. Announced of course with a CGI trailer and no release date. I guess it'll do well on PS3.
  19. Mr. GOH!

    XCOM 2

    The reviews are pouring in and they seem universally good. Here's PC Gamer's: http://www.pcgamer.com/xcom-2-review/ I got my copy pre-ordered. Who's with me?
  20. An adventure game developed by the company that made Remember Me, this time seemingly focused primarily on the time-rewindy puzzle solving. Sounds great! That was always the most interesting part of Remember Me to me.
  21. How had I not heard of this game before?! Apparently it's a Steam punk/Dickensian stealth action game... looks really cool. Some new screens just went up today: http://www.joystiq.com/2012/03/20/latest-dishonored-screens-depict-steam-punk-x-dickens-crossover/
  22. So this is a game that seems to have a fair bit of hype and I'm not sure on the why. The whole "procedural" stuff with a billion planets n what not seems a bit silly given there's no way anyone will visit that much places, and on top of that after a while it'll seem quite samey I'd imagine. It's also hardly like Minecraft (That I've seen so far) in being able to sculpt the worlds to your will, you mainly seems to just be flying around from planet to planet, popping out for a jog, then off to the next one. The current hype just seems...strange. Anyone that's hyped for it care to help me understand why it gained seemingly sudden hype? (I'll load in some of the recent trailers when I'm home)
  23. It's one of those "the world is all terrible these days" games that seem to be popular of late (Ubisoft having two of them). But it looks neat, looks kinda like Wath_Dogs, so I'm wondering if Ubisoft have their own in-house engine going with all this. Certainly looks pretty.
  24. From Respawn Entertainment, using the power of Source Engine, comes...Titanfall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXwoDAPlFrM Looks pretty, might give it a look over time. I need to play more Hawken though. Still quite amazing this is the same engine running TF2 though.
  25. Here is the link. It's kind of odd, though, I thought they were in the business of making games, not charity. Who told them otherwise? On the other hand, I just hope that it's been "put on hold" and not canned. Would really like to see DICE finish it up after they complete Battlefield 3. Of course, EA is still scrapping the game on basis of a prototype made from a small team split off from DICE's already-dedicated manpower to making BF3. So maybe they just need more hands.
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