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  1. So Sony is giving a free (permanent) copy of Jurassic Park: The Game to anyone who signs up or renews 1 year of Playstation Plus by the 8th. Does anyone on here have Playstation Plus? How good are the incentives?
  2. FUCK YES CEL DAMAGE HD IS COMING TO PS4 PS3 VITA! I fucking loved that game. For the longest time my primary screen name was "Enchilada!" because of that game (a cheat code changed my Xbox's LAN name to "Enchilada!").
  3. QR link: http://dotconnexion.ubi.com/ So this looked pretty damn nifty. I'll update with video once it hits online. My main issue is it was going fairly well until the gun fight started up. Also the pre-game bit talking about PMC conspiracy stuff didn't have me going in with high-hopes. edit: And the gameplay video:
  4. Ok, I think there is enough info to merit some discussion at this point. A new Naughty Dog game with a mature theme is certainly welcome, as far as I'm concerned. The trailer already shows off some decent voice acting and great production value. The zombies though... I've really had enough of zombies. It's not a deal-breaker, but I have to wonder what made them to decide to take one of the most traveled roads in recent years.
  5. There's no topic for this game yet, hmm? So when AC:B was released I read and saw a couple reviews, and despite it being called Assassins Creed 2.5 I still wanted to get it. So I did, and I'm not regretting it. I love the fact you can scout for other Assassins and send them out on missions. I have checked out the multiplayer too, and I'm still getting the hang of it. So far I'm at level 6 or something, and I've only really participated in the Wanted mode. I should check out the Alliance mode. Also I heard two new (free) DLC modes have been added. What's your take on the game, singleplayer/multiplayer?
  6. Bungie's new project: http://www.joystiq.com/2012/05/21/activision-bungie-contract-reveals-four-game-plan-code-named-de/ The reason I'm posting it here is because I'm wondering if the timed Xbox exclusivity is some remnant of Bungie's deal with MS, or just that they're more familiar with the 360.
  7. Let's get everyone's ID in here. Maybe we'll play some games together. I'm Sindodrums.
  8. So I searched and could not find a thread for this, which seems odd as I think I remember some people discussing it, but whatever. So, the Dead Money DLC just came out for PC ( and I imagine will for PS3 later on today). I haven't finished the main story yet (haven't played since the holidays, actually) but I've been meaning to get back into it and this DLC could be the reason to do so. Since I'm pretty sure at least some people here must have played it on 360 by now, I was wondering about something. I know it raises the level cap to 35, but do I need to be that high level to play it, or would I do fine on my current level (think I was around 20)?
  9. Didn't see one for the PS3 version, which is different than the DS version (I should get it... and a DS), so here I go. Its almost seems like the RPG that I have been waiting for for YEARS. I don't want to be overhyped but man does it seem like the game that have been missing from my life. Things that caught my most attention... the overworld and A DRAGON THAT ACTS LIKE AN AIRSHIP. Okay I'm done now. If this doesn't get a Western release, blood will flow.
  10. We don't have a RDR topic? I'll post this here then. Not a big surprise they want this to be a franchise, in fact I'm surprised we haven't got a sequel or a follow up considering the success Redemption got 3 years ago.
  11. So, this somehow doesn't have a thread yet! Feel free to discuss anything: the original, the PSP sequels or the anime series. If you're into SRPGs, this is one of the best PS3 exclusives, imho. The cell-shaded graphics look pretty great through the game's painting-style filter and the mix of turn-based and third-person make for some very addictive gameplay. I'm on the chapter 16 of the original right now, so I'm almost done with it. I plan on eventually picking up VCII, but I was wondering about something. If anyone has played VCII, did they address some of the balance issues of the original? Right now, I can beat pretty much any map in a turn or two by buffing up Alicia (or any Scout, really) with defense and evasion boosts and then just rushing the objective. It's very game-breaking, but once you're strong enough to do it, it feels kinda silly to even engage the enemy. What's worst is the ranking system is kinda broken and only takes into accounts how many turns it took you to win, so you're actually getting LESS XP by wasting turns fighting than you would if you just Scout rushed. :/ It's an amazing game, but that right there is a serious design flaw. Did they fix it in the sequel?
  12. So Human Revolution hits later this year. I was gifted (I think via request) the GOTy eidtion with the first 2 in from Ethan over Xmas. So I've slowly worked my way through Deus Ex the past few weeks. Only like 7 hours in at an airport (I checked FLD) Anyone else got any experience with this game, hopes for the sequel?
  13. Developer: Bethesda Softworks Publisher: Bethesda Softworks/Zenimax Entertainment http://www.elderscrolls.com/ Lead Designer: Todd Howard Release Date: 11th November 2011 Globally. Platform: PC/PS3/360 First Trailer Everything ESV comes in here. Talk about it!
  14. Can't believe I couldn't find a topic for this. Anyway, whipped this up over on Press X or Die and was curious what your guys' wishes/predictions were for the next Half-Life installment. http://www.pressxordie.com/2011/06/28/half-life-3-wishlist/
  15. Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. The new version of Final Fantasy XIV that the game will be updated to and eventually next year I guess will release on PS3. Announced of course with a CGI trailer and no release date. I guess it'll do well on PS3.
  16. An adventure game developed by the company that made Remember Me, this time seemingly focused primarily on the time-rewindy puzzle solving. Sounds great! That was always the most interesting part of Remember Me to me.
  17. How had I not heard of this game before?! Apparently it's a Steam punk/Dickensian stealth action game... looks really cool. Some new screens just went up today: http://www.joystiq.com/2012/03/20/latest-dishonored-screens-depict-steam-punk-x-dickens-crossover/
  18. I want to hear more about this fucking game already.
  19. Love/hate/neutral about the Elder Scrolls? Post things here. I'm gonna try and keep this Oblivion-specific, but I don't mind if you wanna discuss Morrowind and the other series, too. Me, I started with a wood elf agent. I became so high in acrobatics, speed, marksmanship and sneak... I could just up onto some high ledge, stand still and be invisible and snipe something from miles away in one hit. My character eventually became the guild master of the Thieves guild.
  20. This is the thread for all things GTA. However I must say that the ones I have experience with are GTA III and the subsequent ones that followed. Anyways we want to hear all your stories about gunning down people and generally committing the offense of grand theft auto. Ive played GTA III through IV but Ive only beaten Vice City, San Andreas, and IV. Suprisingly if I had to pick which one was my favorite I would say San Andreas. And I have no interest in gangstas or rap but in my opinion it was the best at what GTA tries to do. And that is provide a stylized view of America. Anyways, its only a crime if you get caught.
  21. Any fans here? Especially ones looking forward to the sequel? Personally I really liked the game. Felt it was pretty polished, love the moving around (though going back n realising you have to work a fair bit to get the ziplines n gliding stings) The options were very black n white, but one of the first games where I felt being bad was good. Also it wasn't just a change to the ending but gives you nearly a completely different playstyle too. Other games with a morality system how you play the game is largely going to remain the same, but with Infamous it changes between the good defensive styles, to a very offensive playstyle that requires you to be killing the enemy ASAP n taking as few hits as possible (whereas Good almost encourages it), Very much a game that knows most folks don't play evil til the second go around. I'm hoping some kind of save moves on, though there's been very little word on stuff like that. So don't know if I'll start the game all glowing blue or red with black tints in my skin. I won't mind too much but it'd be a nice touch. Also hope that the addition of new powers means we won't have to relearn all the other stuff. btw any owners of this game: Play the evil mode some point before Infamous 2. You'll love it.
  22. PS1 - 3 games streamable to a variety of devices including PS4, Vita, but also TVs, smart phones, and tablets. Games will be limited at launch but The Last of Us will be there. Closed beta launching January 2014, full service rollout this summer. Full story via the PS Blog:
  23. The next Final Fantasy XIII announced it in this loooonnnngggg ass video. Why is Lighting returning being presented as this incredible thing? I dunno. I guess maybe she was really popular, but this damn video drags and drags. Final Fantasy is like a crystal? Of course! XIII is like a boquet of roses? That explains everything. Christ. Anyway, here's the info that actually matters. I like the idea of moving Lighting during the battle system. That's closer to the original FF XIII trailer than any of XIII was. And what I like more is this being the final game of the XIII world. At least, I hope it is.
  24. How did a topic on this series not exist? Anywho Cliff Bleszinski has given out some words on how he think it could top GTA. Mainly along the lines of dropping the dildos and related elements. http://www.vg247.com/2013/01/25/bleszinski-on-saints-row-lose-the-gimps-and-dildos-to-beat-gta/ The "would you play it in front of SO/parents" is certainly a good benchmark for your game to try n follow.
  25. This game is pretty rad. In an era of gaming where some of the biggest games have few consequences for player failure and focus on multiplayer, XCOM dares to be deliciously unforgiving and single-player focused. I'm loving it.
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