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Killzone 3


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My only logical reasoning for liking the Helghast is because they look cool. I guess it follows suit with the "villains look cool" clause you see a lot.


I actually took it upon myself to read Killzone "history" and the Helghast stem from a bunch of rich douchebags. In short, the ancestors screwed up and the present day Helghast suffer for it. Considering living on Helghan is dangerous, what with dust storms, lightning, and toxins, you can see why the Helghan people pushed for an invasion on ISA turf.


I hope for a truce, written and signed in the blood of Rico!

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Has anyone read the backstory of killzone? The helghast arent completely evil. The story isnt black and white. I think thats why i dont really pick a side between them and the isa. They both have done their share of assholery.


Im going to really miss visari. Such a great character thanks to brian cox.

and yeah, rico needs to change or die.

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Has anyone read the backstory of killzone? The helghast arent completely evil. The story isnt black and white. I think thats why i dont really pick a side between them and the isa. They both have done their share of assholery.


Im going to really miss visari. Such a great character thanks to brian cox.

and yeah, rico needs to change or die.

Well, as I was saying above, yeah I've gone through the history. It didn't start out as a battle of good vs. evil, but about human survival, business, and douchebaggery. There were wars, but nothing along the lines of "Light Against the Dark."


It only began resembling a good vs. evil struggle after Visari's coup turned the Helghan government into a fascist-totalitarian empire.

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Well, as I'm sure everyone is aware now, the open public beta will be tomorrow at 10 a.m. PST. Kinda sucks, but it's one day and at least the US and Europe get to start on the same day. It would be cool to win one of the 60 copies of the Limited Helghast Edition. Sure it only adds on LED lights for the eyes, but that's still a free $130 package!

Edited by Atomsk88
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You could have gotten Stacking for free!

I noticed when you get games for free with Plus, you only own them if you maintain the subscription. I don't really like that, at all. For example, I had Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee with Plus, but in Information it had an expiration date.


It works like OnLive. You know what you're getting for when you pay for it!

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As I need to beat the single player from the second game, it'll be a while till I touch 3's single player, so I'll be buying it for the MP, like most games.


But yeah - I'm guessing we'll probably have a decent amount of TAY folk getting the game? Hopefully?

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