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Killzone 3


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You know what really sold me on this game?


The feel. From movement to how the guns fire. It all feels heavy but at the right amount. MW2 and BLOPS in comparison feels like nothing has any weight to it. This becomes very apparent when you use any LMG, my weapon of choice. :D


If you storm a room and don't feel like

then something isn't quite right. Also, if you are wondering, TF2 doesn't really have the weapon feel either but other factors in the games dissolve that issue. :D

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That's true - CoD doesn't have any weight to the guns - which can be favorable because it makes aiming and movement so predictable and easy to control.


The thing that sold me on KZ3 was being able to smash some fools with the resident TAY crowd - yay for you guys, you little salesmen, you!




Now please buy the game, everyone.



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  On 2/22/2011 at 12:20 AM, Atomsk88 said:

I will! I was trying to save up for the Helghast Edition, but a few days ago I realized that was merely a fantasy. :(


I'll get the standard game with a pre-order bonus. :lol:


That's the way, sir, that's the way! But hurry! Only one more daaaay.

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  On 2/22/2011 at 12:30 AM, TheForgetfulBrain said:
  On 2/22/2011 at 12:20 AM, Atomsk88 said:

I will! I was trying to save up for the Helghast Edition, but a few days ago I realized that was merely a fantasy. :(


I'll get the standard game with a pre-order bonus. :lol:


That's the way, sir, that's the way! But hurry! Only one more daaaay.

Oh, I already pre-ordered. The problem was that the only way to pre-order the game was to pre-order the Helghast Edition.

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Oh shi-, bad news guys.


One of my checks still hasn't been cashed for a bill, and so while I had about $109 today, I had to fill up the gas tank. Also, I got a pizza today because I did some laundry at my sister's place, and she never has any good food. Coupled with my Netflix subscription, I'm down to $60.99 and my check is for $50.43!


I have $20 in cash, but that's pathetic. I'm going to go in tomorrow to see how long my pre-order lasts because payday is Friday. I already have groceries and everything set, just I can't splurge on a video game until Friday. -_-

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  On 2/21/2011 at 10:27 PM, MaliciousH said:

The feel. From movement to how the guns fire. It all feels heavy but at the right amount. MW2 and BLOPS in comparison feels like nothing has any weight to it. This becomes very apparent when you use any LMG, my weapon of choice. :D


Personally the weird thing is that I enjoyed/got used to Killzone 2's weight/movement so after trying Killzone 3's beta a while back it felt far more like MW/Blops.

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  On 2/22/2011 at 6:19 AM, Atomsk88 said:

Oh shi-, bad news guys.


One of my checks still hasn't been cashed for a bill, and so while I had about $109 today, I had to fill up the gas tank. Also, I got a pizza today because I did some laundry at my sister's place, and she never has any good food. Coupled with my Netflix subscription, I'm down to $60.99 and my check is for $50.43!


I have $20 in cash, but that's pathetic. I'm going to go in tomorrow to see how long my pre-order lasts because payday is Friday. I already have groceries and everything set, just I can't splurge on a video game until Friday. -_-





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I never played Killzone 2 so I won't know of it personally but I have heard that it felt more heavier than Killzone 3. At least it doesn't feel exactly weightless like MW2/Blops. Its one of my major reasons why I don't like those two games. Now the first MW... I heart.


So yeah, I think Killzone 3 should of gotten it down with the controls. I heard that Killzone 2 heaviness came from input lag and such.


And Atom, Helghan is disappointed but also understand your plight. :(

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I still think it was fine, but all the "FPS elite" got into a fit and I still remember that ridiculous input lag video. I mean, we're talking milliseconds here, but I guess that can win/lose a battle. :rolleyes:


So yeah, eventually there was a patch that fixed the controls. Haters still hated, and so at the end of the day there wasn't much to improve as far as opinion. Killzone 3 has met everyone halfway, but again, haters doth hate.

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It can but only on rare occasions (I usually attribute it to myself, say a quick word and move on.) and besides, not like you would be the only one with the input lag so... it all evens out.


And yay, my copy is nearby now. It should be heading towards the South City UPS facility then to my house sometime today.

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'Ight, here's the situation.


I was trying ever so hard to learn how long a pre-order lasts through the Google machine, but to no avail. So, I head off to Best Buy today, you know, what with all the glorious Helghast Editions glowing directly in my face. I ask a cool dude the duration of my pre-order, and it turns out I have a whole seven days to claim my Helghast Edition.


As I said previously, I intended to get the standard game through the pre-order, but I can (theoretically) wait until Friday and bring honor to Helghan with the purchase of a HELGHAST EDITION!

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@Malicious: Yeah in KZ2 there's a massive sense of momentum to your movements, so your character starts turning pretty damn slowly and swings into faster turning- couple this with really tactile camera movement and gun swinging- and the control style can be pretty jarring to people who are used to 1:1 movement accuracy games like Modern Warfare and all PC games. Once you got used to the swing and momentum though, it was great, and you really felt like a realistically heavy guy carrying lots of firepower. Fitted with the plodding pace of the game too, shooting Helghast was incredibly heavy and gory and chunky. So good.


In KZ3 they really, really sped it up, but it's still not quite as rapid as MW, etc.. I think also the game mechanics and style of the game overall really make it stand out, and make up for any speed normalization they added for new players. I love the ability to toggle crouch now, so taking cover in singleplayer actually feels like it's useful! Holding down a trigger for it never quite felt right to me; one thing too many to think about in a firefight.


EDIT: @Brain: I'll be getting my copy, at the very earliest, next Monday. Probably later, with two essays for the next Monday after that. Christ I'm stressed.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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  On 2/23/2011 at 12:50 AM, MaliciousH said:

I'm waiting for my brother's GT5 B Spec to be over then I'll hit the singleplayer first. 30 laps... on a huge track. Going to be a while.


I borrowed KZ2 from a friend and need to beat that SP first.


Probably be a while till I touch it.


But MP - I'm gonna try that out soon! Yayy!

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