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Killzone 3


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How many of you are planning on picking this up when it eventually arrives? I have to say out of all the shooters in recent years, I preferred KZ2's single and multiplayer over everything else. The multiplayer especially, despite initially missing FFA. If 3 keeps the same feel online and expands the single it should be fantastic.


It'll gain bonus points if they kill off Rico. That asshat really needs to take a lead injection.

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I got into Killzone 2 way after it hit, and the online community was...small. Like, Metal Gear Online small. But I still had an awesome time with the game. I can't wait for 3 to come out so I can be a part of it while it's still popular.


I enjoyed the single-player, too, even if it was completely brotastic.

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First, he explains all the problems with Move (over sensitivity, etc.) and how to properly tweak your settings. Then he shows you how to trick the calibration test to fix some of the issues and it works really well. Tried it last weekend for myself and I really liked how it felt.
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All you do for the calibration is aim your Move at the dots on the screen. The rest of the stuff is just options to configure your setup (similar to changing your button layout, only you can change the deadzone and movement speed and other move orientated features). It seems like a lot because this dude is fucking awful at explaining things, but it's really not all that bad. Not all Move games offer that much customization for the controller though.

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I'm saving up for the Collector's Edition.


Considering I won't have much to do next semester, I can afford to play Killzone's online multiplayer a bit more. I never played the first game, but Killzone 2 is one of my favorite FPS games. Last I heard, the Alpha/Beta for online was so good, they could literally sell it as is and make millions.


Also, I too want Rico to die a horrible and painful death.

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I'm still looking for a reason to care about KZ3- it looks interesting, but it just doesn't feel like they've changed enough. Give us a Helghast campaign, Guerilla, you know it's what we want! The ISA is super boring! Radec was the best character in KZ2!

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