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Killzone 3


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So many great memories being the sniper for the Helghast team.


For the life of me I can't remember the level's name, or mode, but it's that wasteland one and the opposing team had to deactivate explosive charges. I found the perfect spot to snipe where I was out of the ISA snipers' sights in their spawn camp. My team was lucky enough to get both charges set, and I took care of crowd control. Everyone died off, returning to camp, but I was sitting back popping headshots when anyone from ISA came to deactivate a charge. I had the magnum as my sidearm, so whenever someone got wise to where I was, two shots and I was back to sniping.


I still remember these two guys having a conversation, with one saying, "Shouldn't we be protecting those..." His friend stops him and says, "Nah, that sniper has it covered."

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Apparently they've fixed the input lag on the controller a bit which sounds good. That drove me crazy in Killzone 2. Also, it'd be nice to carry more than one gun.


they patched that in KZ2.


I really hope this game isn't "casualized" and becomes a twitch fest. Yet to play it, but I like the fact that you move slow. It feels like the weight is realistic.

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I loved KZ2's multi and controls. It was one of the only games I played long enough to see the top rank.

Same here. I played it a lot back in my community college days, back when there was barely any homework. Now I'm only taking one class in college, so aside from work, I'll have as much time to play online.

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I might opt out of the 3rd installment, which is really weird for me since I purchased all the Killzone games whenever they came out. I might pick it up when it goes down in price, but I really hope they can make the single player better than 2 was...

and I secretly hope Rico is killed.

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I liked the weight and didn't think it needed fixing. Apparently I am in the minority with this opinion.

I liked it, but I even liked it before the "patch" so, I was a major minority. I loved the weight. You actually had to know what you were doing, because you couldn't turn around in a second.


I won't be able to enjoy this until after I get back from basic, but I used to be in the top 1% ages ago. I think one of my accounts is still in the top 10%, even though I never play anymore. I used to play a shit ton with a guy from Texas, it was great.


I was a pretty terrible sniper on there, but it was fun because you were cloaked. I just used that to make call outs. I usually used the Tactician / Medic however,m sometimes the engi.


Anyone in the beta though? It'd be nice to know how it plays compared to KZ2, if the addition of more weapons and the mechs ruin it, etc.

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I'm, I'm not sure. o.o


I still say nothing beats someone on a high perch calling it out for you in real time. Much better.


If they did add a tagging system, it would really ruin the cloak for the sniper, if it just scans the screen like it did in KZ2. That was how the snipers sniped each other. It'd be OP if everyone had that.

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I liked the weight and didn't think it needed fixing. Apparently I am in the minority with this opinion.



I was fine with it too. Not to necessarily point any fingers, but back in KZ2's prime, I noticed a lot of the complaining came from Call of Duty players. Even with the patch there still was complaining.


Haters gonna hate, I tell ya.


Damn straight. Since I played the original demo for KZ2 I really enjoyed the weight of it's controls, and have frequently argued with people who say it wasn't precise enough. It was fine for precision, you just needed to compensate and think ahead with your aiming. Good call on the CoD'ers not opening their minds to another control style in the slightest.


KZ3's looking great, although I'm not sure if I'll have the money to get it. Pretty sure I'm somewhere around £-700 in my interest-free overdraft D=

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Well in BC2 you had to aim at people and hit a certain key, I forget what, in order to tag them, and tags disappeared after so many seconds.

Oh, never even knew. I always sniped and I had that attachment that automatically spotted them for you (which was annoying because then someone else stole your kill -.-).

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The sniper is technically the Scout class so that's why you could scan the environment for enemies. Scanning would tag enemies close by and display them on all your teammates' radar/mini-map.


I eventually became a great sniper, but I had to wait until I unlocked the magnum sidearm. There's no way I would use that class without packing that two-shot killer. I mean, you have the lowest health, so a lot of the times I would choose Boost as my secondary skill to heal and get the hell out of somewhere.


Speaking of Boost, the Assault class was such a bitch. Early in the game that class was so unbalanced. I mean, you're suppose to be the slowest because you use heavy artillery weapons, but Boost would make you the fastest thing on the field with rockets! Eventually the class gained more balance thanks to some patches, but man I almost stopped playing online from all the online matches featuring 3/4 of Assault players. I still remember one match where everyone got into a rocket orgy on the smallest level.

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Boost was useless for the Sniper for me, I usually just used the scan; or I had C4 as my secondary ability. Worked wonders. They would run into whatever building I was in up to three times usually before they gave up or started chucking grenades like mad.


The key was being a sneaky dick and throwing them on the ceiling, or sides of the doors on the inside where they would explode after they got in (or, right when they hit the door frame, for the ceiling).

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Boost was useless for the Sniper for me, I usually just used the scan; or I had C4 as my secondary ability. Worked wonders. They would run into whatever building I was in up to three times usually before they gave up or started chucking grenades like mad.


The key was being a sneaky dick and throwing them on the ceiling, or sides of the doors on the inside where they would explode after they got in (or, right when they hit the door frame, for the ceiling).

I use to do that, but I eventually found myself playing with a lot of clever players because once they were killed once by C4, they knew to look out for it. The C4 would detonate and the player would rush in before I could turn around.


There was one match I had where me and another guy were seeing who could get the most C4 kills. Placing them on all kinds of surfaces and reinventing our strategy all for the sake of gaining one vantage point.

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The main thing about the multi that really bugged me was that those flying drones were completely useless. Turrets could be good if you positioned them well but drones got shot down in like ten seconds. Did they ever get a little boost via a patch?

Drones eventually gained a little more power, but they still sucked because they still couldn't land enough hits on anyone.


I swear, getting those drone specific badges was one of the toughest because of how lame they were.

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Yeah. I think I got like every other badge except the drone ones. I tried really hard before I just gave up and said "Fuck it." If they're in KZ3 I hope they're a little more useful. It should be something with heavy armor and a decent rate of fire but vulnerable against certain classes' weapons, like the rocket launcher or something. I'm thinking of the choppers in Modern Warfare, but not quite THAT powerful. Just...better than what it is now.

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Really, the likeliest reason for ever getting a kill with a drone was because the person was almost dead and the drone finished them off with one shot. That's how I got a drone badge, placing the drone outside a prime battle locale where anyone who ran off to heal was greeted by my drone. Of course it wouldn't take long for someone to shoot down my drone, so I went through quite a few drones.

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