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Just finished watching the first season of Archer on Netflix Instant. It is absolutely amazing! If you've ever watched Frisky Dingo or Sealab 2021, this has similar humor (made by the same people, just aired on FX), but takes a much darker direction. I am hoping the second season comes to DVD soon.

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  • 1 year later...

Started watching this as part of "Operation find something to watch now all the shows I carry on picking to watch finish/get cancelled". Picking a show that's currently 4 series in and is about 10 episodes a series and only 20 minutes per each show was probably not the best idea. But still it's pretty good. I'm nearing end of series 2 at the moment. I should probably pull back on the pace. The character development is weird  for some there's hardly any at all, yet others like Cyril they've spent a fair chunk in expanding them a fair bit. It's a bit uneven, but not like it's ruining my enjoyment of it.

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  • 3 months later...

Been working my way through S1 of Archer and while I'll probably be treated like a pariah for asking this...does it get funnier?


I can't deny that Archer himself is funny, and the delivery is great but everything else already feels stale. I don't mind the general 'plot of the week' formula they have going but already I'm tired of the same Lana and Cyril relationship stuff every episode along with side characters like Pam and Cheryl just there to hang out and talk weird sex stuff.

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Lana and Cyril becomes less of a focus later on, not to mention the gay guy becomes a bigger character, Barry which you probably haven't met does as well, and there's a bit more continuity. If you haven't enjoyed this season though that might be weird as alongside the latest one it's considered one of the better seasons. It's similar to Arrested Development with witty dialogue and callback humor.But yes you're a weirdo kill yourself.

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Hmm. I wouldn't class it anywhere near Arrested Development's level of humour or dialogue. That had clever, interweaving plotlines. Archer has completely unrelated side stuff where the humour is just from being weird. Though, I won't deny there have been better episodes that are well-structured. This is probably just a bad run.


I guess it's down to taste, because I don't mind the recurring 'Archer is a stupid jerk' stuff or the funnier meta things ("Yay for metaphors!") but the other stuff seems to rely too much on shock value.

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Yeah the start kinda sucks, but it does get character development and plots and arcs towards the end. The Archer-Lana-Cyril triangle gets mostly dropped about halfway in the first series.


A fair chunk of it is still based on the weirdness and dialogue though. I'd say a major issue I have is how much of the first series characters are dropped (apart from Barry...hehehe). Well I guess Conway makes a cameo later. And how a lot of the bomb threat plots are pretty much the same.

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  On 5/24/2013 at 1:15 AM, Deanb said:

Yeah the start kinda sucks, but it does get character development and plots and arcs towards the end. The Archer-Lana-Cyril triangle gets mostly dropped about halfway in the first series.


A fair chunk of it is still based on the weirdness and dialogue though. I'd say a major issue I have is how much of the first series characters are dropped (apart from Barry...hehehe). Well I guess Conway makes a cameo later. And how a lot of the bomb threat plots are pretty much the same.


Hmm, well, I've just watched the seventh episode of S1 and it was still going there. Also, I have no idea who Barry is but I guess that's coming up. :P


I guess, to sum it up, what irritates me is just that I get the feeling they have no idea what to do with some of the ancillary characters most of the time. What Dean says makes me think that things will improve a little though.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

The bad part is having to wait until January.  They took the Archer episodes off of On Demand once the season ended.  And the re-runs only air at some f'd up time when no one is awake.  I've been recording them, but they have been mysteriously disappearing off of the DVR.  I suspect my wife is making room for recording Lifetime and foreign IFC movies (not the cool kind with dragons, swords, and guns, but the shitty kind with depressed French people).

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