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Archer is dropping the whole spy agency thing this series. Which could be interesting. It would seem Breaking Bad has been watched heavily by the writers. Oh and they're making a country album that'll include Danger Zone.

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The episode description mentioned


a main character dying


but I'm sure he's not really classified as such. After the intro and cut to commercial, I was under the impression Malory was the one. Insane I know, but sometimes I wonder...


EDIT: Speaking of commercials, I've been spoiled by the Blu-ray releases. I forgot how often and how long the commercial breaks on FX were. It was almost torture!

Edited by Atomsk88
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Right after the theme, so it was the first scene with Archer and the flowers, theme, then commercial break. All of the jazz of who's who, then commercial. The bargaining up to Malory's decision, then commercial, come back right for the end with the reveal and credits, which simultaneously run along side the bumper for Chozen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Truthfully, I'm worried for this season of Archer. There just doesn't feel like there's any spark to it.


I guess you could consider me fortunate that Rick and Morty comes on right after Archer, and while I gave Chozen a chance, the second episode was extremely mediocre. So I get a solid hour of my current favorite comedies. Thing is, Archer's current season is only... alright. Second episode was great, but the last one didn't do much for me. No doubt it had its moments, but we dicked around the mansion again, and it looks like we will again next episode dicking with Pam's coke problem. Speaking of, her coke addiction is getting old.

I might be missing something here, but there's only been 3 episodes so far right? 1st was set in ISIS/FBI HQ, second they went to Miami with shots of mansion, and only in this one was it a wholly "mansion episode", and we're only on the third episode. Going off Archers fantasy/mini-trailer in episode 1 still got to head out on tour for Cherleyne, invade Laos and go to whatever island it is that popped up in the trailer too. And float around in the ocean a bit.
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Maybe I'm use to things being more lively and having variety in the high jinks for Archer and the rest of the cast. The first episode didn't do too much other than hilariously set up the season. Of the three episodes I like the second the most, but after the third I'm suspecting that we're going to be revisiting a lot of previous characters. Not that it's a problem, but there's nothing new yet.


I probably just don't like the mansion as a setting, and like I said before the cocaine addiction is getting old. Still, I'm sure it'll pick up like when Cheryl will go on to be a country singer.

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  • 8 months later...

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