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Upgrade vs. new PC


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Umfk, I think I mixed it up with brands before with my RAMs. Hell, I didn't even look at the timing for both... worked fine. I could of been lucky with the timing though. I don't think, note "think", brand matters as long they are the same. Sort of like how you can Crossfire/SLi different brands but the same card.

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Yeah, once you start building and upgrading PCs, the line blurs. I'd consider a new PC one built from the ground up with at least a new CPU, GPU, RAM and mobo. I wouldn't count new HDDs, PSUs and DVD drives as neccessary to say you have a new PC. Hell, my last "new" PC had 5 year old DVD drives and HDDs. Now only one of the HDDs remains.


agreed with this.


Somebody downvoted your post....I made it 'normal' again though :D


Anyway its always a bit hard to say its new. Its mostly just the feeling you have of 'newness' ;)

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Well then, thank you all very, very much for your help and if you want to play some games some time after tuesday just add me on Steam (id: umfk, or see Steam thread). I will order the parts tonight. (The shop charges no shipping when you order between midnight and 6 am.)

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