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This is definitely a first day purchase for me. I wasn't very big on Bioshock 2, but I love what I've seen and heard of Bioshock Infinite.

I'm particularly interested in what the game will show about rabid nationalism. With the game being released during an election year in the US, I can't help but wonder if the game will garner criticism -- particularly from the Tea Party.

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... :scratch:


are people just not that into Bioshock here? How many of you non-US people are familiar with the Tea Party?


Did anyone enjoy the first game? I really loved the first one, but I was turned off by the quick-profit vibe of the second game. Once I actually played the second game's single player, I was pleased to see that it wasn't bad. It simply didn't add anything to the original story. It was more of a reproduction of the first game.


BTW, how awesome is the reveal trailer for Bioshock Infinite? If you watch that trailer along with the original Bioshock trailer, they are very similar in nature. I also like the cartoonish humor thrown into the Bioshock Infinite trailer.



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I'm a little bit sceptical of the skyline system, mostly because it seems to throw the laws of physics out the window. Whether this will be an issue in the actual game depends on whether it serves a useful gameplay function.



I don't understand how it throws out the laws of physics. The rail functions a bit like a roller coaster.


Yes, I'm sure it bends physics a bit, but then I gave up on the idea of absolute realism when I saw that the game involves a city held up by hot air balloons. :P

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I <3 the first two Bioshocks. Sure the 2nd one was just more of the same and certainly didn't have such a wow factor to it since you been there before but if you wanted more of the same, you got it.


Now Infinite... lordy lordy. I'm with Johnny here, I want to be on a media black out. Its better to be a little bit unsure what you're getting yourself into than being all super hyped up to the point that they will fail to deliver. I know that Infinite has the same folks that made the first, and man does it look good. Tea Baggers going to be on this for sure...

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I don't understand how it throws out the laws of physics. The rail functions a bit like a roller coaster.


Yes, I'm sure it bends physics a bit, but then I gave up on the idea of absolute realism when I saw that the game involves a city held up by hot air balloons. :P

When you watch or play a fantasy film/game obviously there is a required suspension of disbelief, one that is usually established early on, for example we are asked to imagine someone has made an underwater city, or a floating one in this case, but there still has to be rules to this world. Imagining that someone could build the technology to make a floating city is a lot different from believing that a normal human could travel along a rail at high speed, hanging by one arm, then leap off somehow and fall massive distances before again catching onto a rail without tearing his arm out it's socket. Plus it makes no sense how the hook connects to the rail.


I don't think I explained that very well, basically unless Irrational establish that this is a world where everyone has impossibly strong left arms, then it's not OK for everyone to have impossibly strong left arms.


And I know it's not a massive thing, but it's something that really annoys me, especially in films. Like I said, if the gameplay actually merits it, and if it feels natural then hopefully it won't annoy me so much.

Edited by withoutphallus
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I don't understand how it throws out the laws of physics. The rail functions a bit like a roller coaster.


Yes, I'm sure it bends physics a bit, but then I gave up on the idea of absolute realism when I saw that the game involves a city held up by hot air balloons. :P

When you watch or play a fantasy film/game obviously there is a required suspension of disbelief, one that is usually established early on, for example we are asked to imagine someone has made an underwater city, or a floating one in this case, but there still has to be rules to this world. Imagining that someone could build the technology to make a floating city is a lot different from believing that a normal human could travel along a rail at high speed, hanging by one arm, then leap off somehow and fall massive distances before again catching onto a rail without tearing his arm out it's socket. Plus it makes no sense how the hook connects to the rail.


I don't think I explained that very well, basically unless Irrational establish that this is a world where everyone has impossibly strong left arms, then it's not OK for everyone to have impossibly strong left arms.


And I know it's not a massive thing, but it's something that really annoys me, especially in films. Like I said, if the gameplay actually merits it, and if it feels natural then hopefully it won't annoy me so much.



You must love that part in Star Wars: Episode II when Anakin randomly free falls onto a moving speeder.

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BioShock 2 had improved elements over the first, but I guess people want an entire revolution when it comes to a sequel. Yeah, it was a stretch to revisit Rapture, but being a fan of the series, I was simply receiving more of what I like.


For me, the one aspect I've liked the most in BioShock is the Daddy-Sister relationship. So really, playing as a Big Daddy and protecting Little Sisters in the sequel was my cup of tea. Combat was improved, but really, there wasn't an grand mystery or twist. They should have gone along with the plot where Delta was actually the father of that girl. Instead, you really were just a twisted experiment hellbent on rescuing a girl.


I look forward to Infinite mainly for the new locale. Rapture was dark and wet; now we'll have sunshine and... OH POOP I'M FALLING TO MY DEATH, BLLAAAHHHHHH!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Participants must be (a) legal residents of the 50 United States, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada (excluding Quebec), Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxemborg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, and (B) 18 years of age.


Eh, they cover a lot.

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I guess i'd understand if they were giving out stuff or something, but they're just gonna use a name. And 17/200-ish isn't what i'd call a lot XD Tho i guess i'm just bitching cause this shithole of mine is NEVER eligible for... well, anything. And 70% of the time they mess up the name. Oh well, i'll just be happy if they make a good game.

Edited by Kovach_
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  • 2 months later...

I saw the GTTV demo. It seems that the player has a greater involvement in the story this time around as opposed to being a bystander in the previous Bioshock games.



Also, it would seem vigors have a limited amounts of usage before they run out. On top of that, you can't carry an armory's worth of weapons on you like in the previous games, as well.


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I actually didn't get to catch the demo on television, but the videos are on GameTrailers.


Spoilers, so tread carefully.


Spoiler #1


I laughed when the dimensional rift sent them to the 80's. I don't care who you are or where you're from, but I guarantee that would freak you out too. :lol:



Spoiler #2


I'm a little worried with the weapons and powers. I mean, it does appear that Booker only carried two weapons. If people rode Duke Nukem Forever down for only having two weapons because it was "dated," Infinite is going to have to prove that theory inaccurate. Still, you do have "vigors," but with how limited those are as well, users might like some more freedom with the mechanical weapons.


Edited by Atomsk88
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