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Yeah, they can have a shitty default cover all they want, as long as they give me a reversible cover or a LE with a nice cover on it so that I can make it look pretty on the shelf. Seriously, having a reversible cover would cost practically nothing, but would make the issue go away all together.

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Wow, I'm retarded, I didn't even think about this game having its own LE. Derp. While the LE cover isn't amazing, it's fine looking, so I retract my complaints.


Still think the regular cover looks like poop, but whatever.

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Isn't their a slight problem in that the CE for Infinite is like a hundred brazzillian pound (plus tax).

This is my InFamous cover:


It cost me like £1 more iirc (also came with bit of DLC too). That'd be an alright compromise between the "Likes the game enough to not need the advert cover, but not enough/deep enough pockets to get the collectors edition.".


I am with Ethan though, I'd like to see a bit more info/stats/figures than them just saying "well it's a generic cover so it'll get in those COD types n such", because I've a feeling it won't sell particularly much more than the traditional gains of a sequel.



Don't let Dean know or he'll bring it back :P

I'm European, I guess I'm not used to the concept of having the shitty covers yet. Americans are already a bit desensitised. Also the whole work thing means I post at night/morning compared to the olden days of whenever (I'll be back to normal come xmas onwards)

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I am with Ethan though, I'd like to see a bit more info/stats/figures than them just saying "well it's a generic cover so it'll get in those COD types n such", because I've a feeling it won't sell particularly much more than the traditional gains of a sequel.


When do we ever see transparency from the marketing department? You know we'll never see these numbers. Personally I think that after all of this time they really have figured out how to market games compared to just a decade ago. So I'm not nearly as skeptical as you.

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Maybe it is a European thing. But as somebody who has lived in both South and North America, we don't tend to put the games on pedestals and point bright light bulbs on them as a choir of castrato choir boys chants an angelic theme for all the house visitors to pass and admire the cover and maybe... just maybe a tear will shed from their eye.


No we just put cases in stacks after stacks of old video games.


Out of the four video games I've bought or currently own, 4 of them involved an angry male with a gun taking the whole cover. Except for XCOM. That has like 4 figures in the shadows with their faces hidden by said shadows holding guns.

Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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I don't have mine professionally lit or anything, but I still like them to look nice.


@Dean: There's two special editions of Infinite, one for $80 and one for $100. As far as I can tell the only difference is the $100 one comes with a big-ass statute.

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We do love our slips of paper it seems.


At least I got to vote, and I chose Design #6 as it would be like a motif to the previous BioShock games. A small female character alongside a behemoth who is designed as her sole guardian. It happens to be the cover for the art book too, but it seems that Design #4 is leading as of now.


I would like that one too, but the logo stands out too much for such a finely illustrated piece. Design #5 is the one we were previously talking about as the cover, but as I thought, Booker's arm is cut off and it looks like he's simply a torso.

Edited by Atomsk88
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I picked 6 as well. Some of them are too close to the original cover, one or two I don't think would be good covers at all, so 6 was what I was left with for looking like a cover, but more importantly, looking like an alternate cover. Something a bit more artistic without going overboard.

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Yes, how ridiculous for people to express their opinions of things! And even more so for a company to take a teensy tiny action to please their prospective customers.


I voted for 5 because I actually really really like that picture, it's what I think they should have made the cover in the first place (and I don't think it hurts their "target CoD players" approach either). It's not ideal but something about the art style of the 3 way different ones is off-putting to me. Nonetheless 6 would be my second choice. Disappointed that 4 is winning, since I think it's just absolutely hideous.

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I agree the normal cover is awful, but its really sad how so many developers and publishers will bend over for all the whiners lately. Its unsettling.

Giving entitled assholes power...this games industry is so awful sometimes.

Its a fucking game cover and you probably wont buy it unless its less than full price anyways...so shut the fuck up. Most people who buy this on release day or even the first month probably arent going to give a fuck about the cover AKA the real fans who just want to play an amazing fucking game.

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Lets show 'em all here and give criticism!



Seems really rushed this one. Not much going on and not that stylish.


cover dos!


Now that looks nice. Great piece of artwork, but something tells me it won't be popular as the other, more stylised covers.




This is rubbish. Exact same as the original cover, only a different background. Imagine if this one won eh?.....hehe


cover cuatro!


That looks lovely. love the art style, the design of that creature, the cloud going past the logo....awesome.




Yeah this one kind of sucks. That brightness doesn't work, and Elizabeth looks like she's just slapped on there with no rhyme or reason. The worst one me thinks.


Cover SIX (Given up on the different numbers language thing)


That's awesome. You know I think the original complaining about the cover was a bit overblown for what was just some silly generic box art, but these alt covers have shown some fantastic art off, so maybe it was a good thing. OR MAYBE.....THIS WAS THEIR PLAN ALL ALONG.

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