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Well, the other thing about the Siren is...


you can dispatch the dead soldiers by killing them while under the effect of Shock Jockey. They won't leave behind a corpse, so you do reduce the number of guns firing at you with a vengeful trans-dimensional spirit chasing you.



I'll hit him next time W&S.There have been moments where I used Possession on a vending machine and people freak out.

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As someone who hasn't played either, does infinite have any tie ins to either of the System Shock games? Just curious


Not aesthetically.


Bioshock and Deus Ex are considered spiritual sequels to System Shock. They couldn't do a direct sequel because (I think) it's EA who currently owns the rights. Ken Levine was lead designer on both Bioshock and System Shock 2 however and there are huge similarities in gameplay.


System Shock 1 was designed by Doug Church, who would eventually work with Warren Spector on Deus Ex.

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Oh yeah, I know the spot.


There was the one in Shantytown where you can see an Infusion, but if you step up to the guy you'll be "thieving." It makes sense for that item, but if you go to collect the lockpick to the left of him at the enclosed area, most of the time the guy reacts because you'll have crossed the line. The first time I did it I got the lockpick, but I pushed my luck with the Infusion. I said screw it I'll just get the lockpick. Restarted probably eight times and I passed on it.


Of course, later on you can get both items no problem.


Speaking of, I always had tons of lockpicks on me. The only time I didn't have enough was at the beginning, and that was only for safes. Even though there is room for three digits, the game stopped me at 30 lockpicks. That, or it glitched and I couldn't pick up one lockpick. There were usually around two lockpicks near locks, and if you were the scavenger type, lockpicks were at tons of other places too.

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Speaking of, I tried to complete the first optional mission (the key), but I couldn't figure out where to use it. The description said it was for a house, but what I learned today was that it goes to a chest. I knew it was an Infusion, and not just an Infusion, but the Infusion I missed in the game.

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Bioshock 1 is INFINITELY better with the mouse acceleration disabled.


The last time I tried to play it was 3 years ago, and apparently at that time I didn't know enough about PC gaming to diagnose mouse acceleration as the problem.


*Edit* - First sentence pun about Bioshock Infinite was entirely unintentional.

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That timeline cleared a lot. As to which



DeWitt she was killing I assume it's the original DeWitt from the timeline that got pulled into this Comstock's. Aka the one that wasn't killed and became a martyr and the one that actually got to save Elizabeth from the pain device. He just has the memories of all the other DeWitts due to the tear jumps. I assume that once he got killed his memories of the travels with Elizabeth got transferred into a DeWitt from a similar timeline (didn't accept Baptism and has gambling problem) but the difference now is that since every DeWitt that is accepting the baptism is being murdered, there only exists one reality we truly care about anymore as all the other ones got destroyed due to him never going to Columbia and Comstock never taking his daughter. Happily ever after with his daughter. Shame the Elizabeth we knew had to cease existing though.



The ONLY thing I'm still curious about, which I mentioned before is



Why was it necessary to kill this DeWitt. Unless the explanation was that every DeWitt that has gone to Columbia needs to be destroyed to get rid of possibilities and reset everything to a neutral timeline. If not I have no clue as he was going to deny the baptism


Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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You could see it as...


There needed to be different timelines to have a successful DeWitt come to the conclusion.


After all, we needed to have an old "indoctrinated timeline" Elizabeth give a younger Elizabeth the notes to control Songbird. The creature was always getting in the way of different realities, and so foresight from a possible future needed to be applied.


What began to bug me today was the post-credits scene. At first it made sense, but then I realized that Booker didn't have Anna before he went to be baptized. Thinking it over though, I realized that Booker could still exist in that timeline because all that was done was the eradication of a baptism event. It created a split that resulted in Rosalind Lutece developing technologies for Comstock that would then begin manipulating tears and altering many different realities.


Now let's say that a reality where Booker never considers baptism is similar to a reality where Booker rejected baptism. He could still have met a woman that would birth a girl named Anna. That's how I see it at least; practically the same Booker timeline, but without the meddling of Rosalind Lutece.



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1999 Mode isn't too tough yet, but I guess it helps having already played the game knowing what weapons and vigors to focus on. I have noticed some differences during my second time, like Booker said "Tails" rather than "Heads" at the coin flip.


Now for a few snapshots (for now). I'll put in spoiler tags just for anyone who still hasn't played.




So this is what I was talking about earlier when I said I was impressed with Elizabeth's reactions. For the next couple images I have a few examples, though I wasn't able to get a good enough photo of when you enter the "white" women's restroom. Though, because I stayed for a little while longer, Elizabeth asked me what business I could possibly have in there. :blush:














Now I wasn't recording when this happened, but when I entered the arcade, Elizabeth went over to this Duke & Dimwit machine and said something along the lines of, "Oh wow, the new Duke & Dimwit! It's finally out after having been delayed three times." Basically, fourth wall joke.






Oh, and the previous "choices" diagram forgot a certain choice we could make, though it's completely optional.







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Somebody today pointed out that the post-credits scene could be



A reality where Booker never went to the baptism due to falling asleep, so he'll never get in debt to Comstock due to Comstock not existing and retaining the memories of the other Booker



Which I would like but



Booker didn't have Anna till after the Baptism, hence why Comstock stole her. If he already had her there wouldn't be a need to steal her


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Yeah, that's why I think it goes like...



the baptism event was removed, and so a liner timeline remained where Booker still meets a woman, marries, and has a child. Now the mystery is whether it is still Anna, even when Booker says Anna. Either way, she wouldn't become the Elizabeth we knew because, hopefully, this child doesn't spend 19 years stuck in a library tower.



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