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Actually guys, I think he means the scene right after you wake up from the collapse in the air vent.


Now, if I remember correctly, the difference is...


there shouldn't be any Little Sisters as you've been harvesting the whole lot of them. All that are left are the few Little Sisters, ADAM and all, who for some reason still help you.



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Two things Infinite related that have been bugging me:



1. I'm kinda tired of running into fans who are 100% dedicated to the idea that the sound you hear in Fort Frolic is Songbird. Besides the concept that Ken & Co. would be the most cryptic of developers to add a two second sound clip to an original IP in the off-chance they would apply it to an alternate reality mecha-beast from another game years later...


We have to also remember that the Songbird originally sounded like a larger Big Daddy rather than it's loud bird-like screeches. I wish I could find some video of earlier footage, but now we have a flood of current Infinite gameplay online.


2. I think people are taking the coin flip a bit too literally. We can't say for certainty that our Booker is #123, because at the same time the Lutece twins could be simply hopping between alternate realities with no discretion. Alternatively, they could be reversing the specific moment in the timeline over and over and we are only seeing the 123rd time. Time is an illusion, an ocean, Dr. Who quote, and etc.


At the end of the day, it's a nod (and foreshadowing) into the power and events the Lutece twins are capable of. (Though of interesting note, you will end up with more "Tails" if you spin a coin.)



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I agree on the first point Atomsk, they are giving WAY too much credit to Levine and his team when it's much more likely they took the audio for Infinite instead of the other way around.


As to the second point, I think either side can argue for their point as that one is more debatable. Nothing is to say they haven't done it that many amount of times.

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Oh definitely, but for me I wouldn't simply state the second point as fact for Booker. It's an interesting concept, but that's really it. It shouldn't necessarily be set in stone that he is defined by that lone observation. In fact, another theory is...




if you ever die without the aid of Elizabeth, and you see the office door, perhaps another Booker is being pulled into place. I'm not sure on that aspect as I haven't given it much thought, other than maybe you're the same Booker, but being pulled back to a safe point of probability. Still, that itself would contest the idea that we are always this "Booker #123."




I guess it doesn't bug me too much, but it's still speculation on the fan side of things.

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Like I said this is all from the general understanding of what I can gather around. I personally found Bioshock 2's villain to be extremely weak, but the story of the Big Daddy and the daughter/little sister was touching and sweet. Minerva's Den apparently is considered better as in it's closer to the original Bioshock and focuses on better characters.

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What's the glitch?

That the boss is defeated when I don't do a thing. Last I played this boss on Hard Mode, I had to take out its health.


Of course, is there something I'm missing? The last I see of it, I'm running out of the way of its AoE attack. I go down the stairs and I hear it scream out defeated. I honestly don't remember the first fight being timed to three minutes.

Edited by Atomsk88
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I swear it was longer the first time I played. I was using more health packs and I even used the Crank Gun because I was running out of ammo.


I'm looking up other videos and they all have the player defeating it after five or so minutes. Something happened, like when the Vox Handyman mysterious died for me too. I was running to the higher platform when I hear the guy self destructing.


I'm wondering if enemies can clip out of stages and "die" because I looked all over for the Gear the Handyman was suppose to drop.

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Second fight, I think it happened again, because after my ninth attempt, random completion. I'm not really complaining because the second fight is the worst one, whereas the third one is a breeze with a fully upgraded Undertow,fully upgraded Shock Jockey, and a fully upgraded Sniper Rifle.


Well actually, the second one was only difficult because I wasn't going to buy any health packs. You only have one resources and it's the Dollar Bill vendor.

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I can't remember who mentioned it in which website but they made a fascinating point. Ken Levine is considered a perfectionist/genius among many of them, and basically they praise his vision for these games and how well they turn up. They also say that the reason he probably makes FPS's is not because it's his preferred game style but because it's the hot chocolate tits right now. He wants to tell you a story in a cool setting but makes it an FPS so it sells. I mean it works out but most people ignore how mediocre/just ok the actual gameplay is. I wouldn't mind a game where they focus on the mechanics first and then build a story around it.

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