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Best atmosphere/setting:  Bioshock 1, easy.  Though the temple when you first enter Columbia was pretty awesome.

Best gameplay:  Infinite (I did like the designs of the weapons and plasmids in BS1 better, but I didn't hate fighting the enemies in Infinite)

Best narrative/characters:  Infinite

Best overall game:  Infinite

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Best atmosphere/setting:  Bioshock 1, easy.  Though the temple when you first enter Columbia was pretty awesome.

Best gameplay:  Infinite (I did like the designs of the weapons and plasmids in BS1 better, but I didn't hate fighting the enemies in Infinite)

Best narrative/characters:  Infinite

Best overall game:  Infinite


Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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  • 2 months later...


Upcoming singleplayer DLC takes you to Rapture.  It's a two-parter.


Here's an interview with Ken Levine about it.


Presumably it has to do with (Infinite spoilers):



the whole many worlds thing, with this being a different Booker and Elizabeth.


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  • 3 months later...


Ugh... what was the point of this? Is this part of Elizabeth's way to try to get rid of all the Comstocks in her bid to close all the variables?



My guess based on what I've read is that this universe is kind of a unique singular branch where Comstock survived the drowning/purge from the end of Infinite either because a) Elizabeth was actually there during that flashback and her interference caused the decapitation of that Anna b) He was in a universe were neither him or booker existed.  Elizabeth was there to clean up the loose end but, instead of simply killing Comstock outright she gave him a chance to redeem himself.  This is some what supported by Lady Comstock's dialogue in Infinite 


Lady Comstock: If that's so, then why am I alive?

Elizabeth: You're not. Not in this world. Maybe this is you in another. A world where you never meet him.

Lady Comstock: Or where I saved him.

Elizabeth: I don't know. Is that possible?

Lady Comstock: Find out child. Find out.


As you go through the game you can see that he's still the same.  The AD on his hand is simply a tattoo instead of an actual scar.  He fled and abandoned Columbia after Anna's decapitation.   He wasn't willing to be the one to turn up the heat and lastly he tried to force Sally out of the vents, taking what wasn't his.  The timing on the drill at the end was too perfect for revenge not to be one of the motivations though.  It's all speculation for now though until Episode 2 comes out and we get more speculation to pile on top.


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Eh, not sure how I feel. There were hints of what was going to happen, but the most suspicious of all was...



Cohen, while crazy-kooky as he may be, seemed to be aware of what Elizabeth was capable of. We have audio logs of a scientist aware of a girl when "phenomena" appear. I didn't get all of the logs, but I did at least hear the scientist guy wishes to observe/test her.



I didn't like the feeling of everyone all of a sudden being a dick to me, even if I had been a dick before. Booker was right to feel, well...



Comstock that is, was right to feel like he was being set up. Just, why so elaborate? Is there something to Sally? I'm being serious here when I say I hope Elizabeth gets some backlash. She is suppose to be the main character of Episode 2 and it looks like she's taking it upon herself to clean up the Booker-Comstock parallels. Hey Elizabeth, remember Booker DeWitt still wanted to sell off Anna. Comstock was still a dick for wanting her, but you stepped in and Anna lost more than just a finger.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Im probably the least pickiest person on this forum when it comes to graphics, but are the textures on the PC version of Infinite just as bad as the console versions?

It didnt bother me, but it did confuse me. The PS3 version has textures close to the quality of the original Bioshock. Just super blocky and fuzzy. Is there a reason why the game was made that way? It didnt seem like a very complicated game to run to me.

I know the art style isnt lifelike, but thats no excuse. Cartoony games can still look good.

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