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Who else downloaded, played, and finished Burial at Sea Episode 2?


I'm not quite sure how to feel. Not in an emotional sense, just in a narrative and fan of BioShock in general. I'm always a sucker for "behind the scenes" content in games, and this DLC definitely has it. Just, you're going to get messy when you apply a new narrative and paste it to an established one to fuse canon. The issues people had with Infinite basically come back to Episode 2 if I had to put it simply.


On a technical level, it makes sense.


Booker is there primarily to kill any dead air during Elizabeth's errands. Comstock had Elizabeth in Episode 1 as the partner, now a phantom of Booker is Elizabeth's companion. But what is he truly? Actually a mere figment of Elizabeth's mind, or maybe a fragment of her lost power? Maybe he fibbed and is actually the spirit of Booker?


Then we get into the issue of how many "Elizabeth" entities are present for the narrative of Episode 2. We see she died from the Big Dady from the prior installment, but supposedly she was brought back from beyond the grave, and such an action eliminates her powers and she becomes the only "Elizabeth." What's cool is that you can actually see dead bodies floating in the water as the Lutece twins row you to a lighthouse, so people have taken them to represent the multiple "Elizabeth."


In truth, playing as a true Elizabeth would be complex and overpowered, so random multiverse law and we have Ms. Sneaky-Sass Lass.


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They tried to close the loop but I'm not sure on how well they did on that part.



From what I gather, Elizabeth killed the last Comstock in Episode 1. So for some reason things (e.g. Elizabeth powers) broke down and we got plain old Elizabeth who is pose to finish tying up loose ends to usher in well, Bioshock, which is the "correcting" act.

After Elizabeth dies in the end, it is over for her and Booker. She is really dead. As for who we are playing during the playthrough, I believe she is the last Elizabeth. Sure she may have some flashback/flashforwards but I think its parts of her collective memories or something. Also notice that when you die and revive, you're doing it the old fashion way... a plain restart.


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Finished it.  I never died either, but now I'm wishing I had.



The reason Elizabeth lost her powers is because she warped back into a world in which she had died.  Apparently that takes away your powers for some reason.  I don't really understand why that made her lose her powers, but it's definitively established by audiologs that that's the reason.



I think it did a really cool job of bringing everything full circle.

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