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Yeah does strike me as more of a "avoid the holiday rush" kinda dealy. Quite a few games to go up against and this isn't exactly the Bioshock folks picked up in '07 so it's somewhat risky. And a game having deadlines pushed back isn't always a good thing, so it's not really backwards thinking. It's always easy to over cook a turkey. Wouldn't surprise me if the time is taken to refine ports (iirc it's coming to Vita), or work on multiplayer. Or on other game or eventual DLC n such.

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Well one theory says Rockstar told Take Two that GTA V will be ready for fall, so they pushed Bioshock back to avoid competing with themselves (and of the two I think it stands to reason that GTA would do better against the fall heavy hitters than Bioshock).

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It makes you worried that they're taking their time to finish a project instead of rushing it out to meet a deadline? You have it backwards.

I know and get what you mean but problems are problems. It could mean something is seriously wrong.


BUT yeah, its more likely to avoid the heavy hitters in the fall.

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  • 5 months later...

Thinking of pre-ordering the Premium Edition of Bioshock Infinite. Ever since the Killzone Helghast Edition, I've been careful of Collector's Editions. In the end the price wasn't justified and after a month that edition went down to $90. (Not to mention I've lost part of my exclusive figure.)


However, for an extra $20 I get an artbook, keychain, 3 bonus powers, lithograph, that game board figure, and a theme. That stuff seems to be worth that much money, because to be honest, I wouldn't spend an extra $90 for a game to get a giant statue I have no home for (the short coming of the Helghast helmet for me as well).

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  • 1 month later...

Well then they should show us the nice looking "you don't need an advert on your home shelf, you've already bought it" reverse cover then. Bioshock 1 & 2 didn't feel the need to have generic as fuck cover and they obviously sold well enough or 2 and Infinite wouldn't exist.

There's always the Terrible Box Art thread to show what happens when the cover is treat as an advert.

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I too agree the video thumbnail should have been the cover.


But also, Dean, it's just following the common trend of box art this generation. Take a gander at the first Bioshock cover and you'll see it's positioned tilted left primarily featuring a Big Daddy. Yeah, Big Daddies are cool characters, and that pose (Xbox 360) is very imposing, but that's about it.


It's not like I'm really trying to defend it, but it's nothing out of the ordinary at this point. Going through my collection, there's really only a handful that break the mold and make something more unique. i.e. Catherine, Portal 2, Rayman Origins, and Valkyria Chronicles.

Edited by Atomsk88
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