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The CGI commercial was kinda cool in its own way, but Elizabeth and Booker looked different. To me, they both looked older. As in, Elizabeth is this almost-20 girl, but she looks late 20's. Booker has always given me this mid-30's "prime" vibe, but in the trailer it's like he's about to have his mid-life crisis.



So everyone can see what I'm talking about, or if they didn't see it before.

Edited by Atomsk88
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I actually welcome the leak. Doesn't IGN or some other outlet have an "exclusive" review? With a leak, we can get a real idea off how the game really is. Yes, the PC version may have some problems not seen in the console version but if the game is good, I'm sure it can be fixed though some problems shouldn't even be there in the first place.

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As far as Elizabeth goes, she better be good cos game-long escort quest already docks a bunch of points in likeability of the character.

As much has been shown, since I can remember, she can handle herself. I think the design allows you to get into full-on gunfights without you having to worry about her health. She's more of an assist than an escort as she'll give you supplies and use her special power to materialize items from dimensional pockets.


Not to mention, unless the game has changed, but we can expect moments when Elizabeth will be taken away from Booker.

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Where've you heard about the PC version having problems?

Nowhere but remembering back to Bioshock 1 and 2, I do recall Irrational having to do some fixes. Nothing game breaking, just annoyances (I seem to recall something about mouse inputs).


And I shouldn't have peeked but... I think its fair to say we should judge the story ourselves. We're working off summaries. As for the gameplay, I dunno. My quick peek didn't get me anything.

Edited by MaliciousH
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Well the "escorted person gets taken away and now you've got to get them back" is a standard feature of escort games. It's more an issue of the AI that I have.


Issue with Bioshock 1 was mainly the whole GFWL stuff (Infinite is Steamworks) and 2 being ballsed up controls and no controller support, but that wasn't Irrational made. I'm kinda hoping those two main issues should be smoothed out come Infinite.

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WaS, it made me feel uneasy as well but I'm figuring most serious gamers wouldn't go out and get the leak. Hell, I think those who do are likely to be folks who want their cake after they eaten it (AKA entitled asses). Despite saying that...


Would someone kindly give me an idea of the actual game. If it all works outs, I'm game (As in GMG...).

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Oh wow, I didn't realize it, but the cover of the PS3 version says it includes the first BioShock. Of course I've had that game since late 2010, and got it for cheap too, but at this point as a PS3 owner, you can can own all of BioShock for the price of Infinite. Well, so long BioShock 2 is still free for PS+.


As for story leaks, I don't bother with them because you have to experience these things. Take some of the best games, maybe think of some experiences where you've tried to explain them to others, and think about how it sounds.


So that first BioShock, you're a guy who found a lighthouse that led to an underwater city. There he finds people who gained mutant powers by a substance derived from sea slugs hosted in the bodies of little girls. Those little girls have giant metal guardians composed of human organs and diving suits. And, like, there's this line "A MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS!" It's really cool in context cause you're beating the guy to death at the same time.

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Remember all that hub-bub about the cover art? Remember how we got to vote for the alternative? Someone made a post about it on r/gaming, and so the winner was...




It was my second choice, though the cover I wanted will be on the artbook (if I ever want it). Thing is, my only complaint about the above cover was fixed: the logo! The preview we saw when voting had the standard Infinite logo that looked out of place, but now it's illustrated like the rest of the piece.

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