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Post rating system


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I don't like "ratings" for comments anywhere. Even in here. They're just stupid, honestly. It's like it's distilling communication between commenters down to smoke signals or caveman grunts ("UGHN. UG LIKE!!" "UG NO LIKE!!!" *pounds chest*). If you have something to say about a comment, just reply to it and actually say something rather than just grunt like a caveman of your approval/disapproval. Plus, it gives a voice to some extent to stupid people/fanboys who can't be arsed to actually write a comment and just do drive-by semi-commenting by downvoting everything they disagree with.



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Here at TAY we've been doing a good job of responding/commenting after a vote. It's not like someone well make a thread and all the responses are in +1/-1. Besides, sometimes it's better than a, "Oh cool, thanks" post.


Really, the one time I would say it got out of control was the lil' controversy with... Well, I don't want to get involved, so I'll have others explain. :)

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  On 3/27/2011 at 4:44 PM, withoutphallus said:

Personally I never use the minus button, but if someone makes a particularly good post I will +1 it.


Most of the time I forget the rating system is even there, though.

Yeah, same here.

I don't think I've ever repped any posts because I always forget the option is even there.

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