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Epic Man Cooking Time


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Hello, guys! So I decided to make an epic-ass omelette* today.




Most Of The Main Ingredients...



The plan was to have three eggs, ramen noodles, ham, bacon bits, cheese (shredded cheddar and a slice of american), throw in a few spices and seasoning, and to then fry that and put powdered sugar on it. However, the plan didn't go so well when mixing in the noodles. It ended up turning into a globby mess of scrambled egg-ramen-lette. I decided against frying it because how would I even do that? The end result was this:





I'm nicknaming this hideous monstrosity of food "Courtney" after my ex-girlfriend. Sure, it's a mess, but she at least tasted good.


...Which brings me to my next point: This thing didn't taste all that bad despite the fucked up seasonings I dropped in. Mostly tastes like what you'd expect. Ramen noodles, chicken flavored, mixed with scrambled eggs with a hint of cheese to stick it all together as well as the occasional nibble of bacon bits. Not bad. However, once I ate this vomit-pile I decided the fryer was already warmed up and I needed to do something with the powdered sugar. So I did what any crazy American with a fryer would do...




Yes, that's french fries... covered in powdered sugar.


That. May not have been the best idea. However, I have no regrets. For now.

All in all, this experiment was a fail. But I am full, so it wasn't all bad.

Edited by SirBeefychu
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I now want to put powdered sugar on french fries... Damn you.


It's so weird. I'm honestly not sure if I would recommend it. If you do it, make sure to salt them for a bit of a sweet/salty mix.




Now that you mention it, have you tried making omlette with sugar instead of salt? It's weird, but kinda cool at the same time. Add sugar while stiring so the eggs can properly absorb the sugar. I tried once adding it dirrectly on the eggs while in the pan... didn't work out so well.

Edited by Kovach_
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Now that you mention it, have you tried making omlette with sugar instead of salt? It's weird, but kinda cool at the same time. Add sugar while stiring so the eggs can properly absorb the sugar. I tried once adding it dirrectly on the eggs while in the pan... didn't work out so well.


Why the hell didn't I think of that?

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