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Roommates & Co. Rants


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Oh boy, it might be that I've had a busy day and ended it with a terrible movie, but I've got to rant about the roommates. Well, truthfully, it's the people that flock around my roommates, but they won't escape my wrath either.


To make this open to everyone, you're free to rant from your experiences as well. I like hearing about such things, especially if justice had been served! :P


Anyway, I believe I've discussed a certain girl that drives me up the wall. That me and her are practically polar opposites and if we were left in a room alone, one of us would be dead within the hour. The roommate that associates with her tends to be a stick in the mud when it comes to fun, like not liking to play any kind of games. Not video games, I mean the general term of "game." Unless it's an official sport, he doesn't play it.


So, to the point, tonight a megaton of people come into the apartment. Alright, what's going on? "We're going to burn some shit, man!" Oh, well, I'm not in the mood to go off in the middle of the night and burn some wood and junk. "Come on little friend!"


What the hell did you call me?


"Hey, didn't you guys see this Tron movie?" (I have a poster) Oh, they're talking about Tron; maybe I can talk with these people after all. Bitch-girl replies, "It was terrible and cheesy, so I couldn't help but laugh through the whole thing."


Oh shi-


I can handle other people's opinions. I'm on the frickin' Internet a bit of my day, so I'm going to see a variety of thoughts and ideas. Yet, with all my previous experiences with this girl, I became frustrated. I mean, she thinks Grown Ups is comedy gold! She spends most of her time with sports, television and etc, but thinks video games are a complete waste and all of those who play games smell and contribute nothing to, well, anything.


I ended up saying nothing, but I was about to go into film critic mode. I'm not an expert, but I would say I'm a league above the average joe. I mean, yeah Tron: Legacy's story need work, but how in the hell are the visuals "cheesy?" Another thing, if you didn't like the music, what did you expect from a movie centered around entering an electronic world inside a super computer?


Nah, we'll have some Toby Keith or Dixie Chicks whilst we see Programs ride light cycles. -_-

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I feel like my attitude wasn't justified at first when I wrote the thread, but it got worse after I posted. They all came back to the apartment at 2:00 am, but instead of relaxing or doing anything quiet, they decide to watch a movie with the surround sound blasting throughout the complex.


Seriously, though no one actually walked in to complain, you could still hear people and thumps on the walls and floors for them to turn it down. They never did. -_-


Though I question their intelligence and maturity, there are times where they're decent human beings. I have three in total, but I would say I can only stand one if we were to live together longer. My only complaint about that one is that he feels like he can dictate my life. Ever since I confided in him once, I think he feels like I gave him an open invitation to comment on things I do.


What's worse is that when I don't do anything, he goes on about how I should be doing something. Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I couldn't have moments of relaxation. <_<


EDIT: Oh, and speaking of roommates breaking things, I've got one. Not too long ago, a roommate broke down the freaking door! Why? "I thought you guys were locking me out!"

Edited by Atomsk88
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  On 4/2/2011 at 10:45 PM, Atomsk88 said:

EDIT: Oh, and speaking of roommates breaking things, I've got one. Not too long ago, a roommate broke down the freaking door! Why? "I thought you guys were locking me out!"


List of things my brother/roommate broke over the course of 7 years:

  • Countless glasses, including my favorite Jack Daniel's one;
  • A few dozen coffee mugs;
  • One awesome beer mug;
  • A few plates;
  • 2 windows;
  • One antenna holder on the balcony;
  • The front of my PC case (reset button and front USB ports don't work anymore even after I put it together);
  • One wardrobe door;
  • A Bart Simpson bust;
  • 2 Genius gamepads (Mortal Kombat and PES were the "reasons");
  • 3 or 4 mirrors;
  • One bed (mine, of course).

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The four of us moved in here, but last year Glenn dropped out of uni and moved back home, so we got a guy called Chris in.

He called in cleaners twice (they get put onto our rent, yippee. He could of jsut asked us to clean), within the first month he'd broke the door of the washing machine by trying to open wit while locked. He's broken one of the kitchen cupboards, that's yet to be fixed, I think I'll be wood gluing it before we move out. Also he runs the tumble dryer almost non stop. Just like his gym kit or a few boxers, never a full load.

And going by the amount written on my board it seems he thinks he's either not paying for his part of the TV license or he thinks he's not paying for 8 months of Internet. (TV license is £40~ each, and he's only one who actively watched TV. Internet is £5 each a month) There's still a few months.


As for Ben n Tom the remaining two, we've known each other for about 5-6 years now, so yeah there's not much annoyances that those 5-6 years don't wash away. We're all pretty annoying to each other, but best of pals so yeah. Ben helps me through uni, I sort the bills, run tech support, Tom pays for our meals and joins me in taking the piss out of Bens insecurities of his height (he really needs to realise he's not short and us being "tall" wouldn't be an issue if he didn't think he was so short.)

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Oh, man. For me, it doesn't apply to my roommate, but rather, my entire dorm hall.


1. The bathroom is a fucking mess. These guys can't pick up their own shit even if it was sitting on top of their own damn face. The bathroom literally has crap lying all over at any given time. On top of that, they never flush when they piss, and when they piss on the toilet, they spray it all over the damn seat.


2. The hallway is a fucking mess. Ever like seeing trash and the wall posters laying all around the floor? Yeah.


3. They are fucking loud, annoying, and stupid. They are loud because they like to be loud because they think they're all that and nobody can stop them; they play music that you can hear through the walls 4 rooms down in the middle of the day, and run down the hall hammering the doors at night. They are annoying because they are all stupid little shits with grandiose amounts of self-entitlement and absolutely no knowledge of the word 'respect' or 'silence'. They are stupid because most of them engage in the college's bum-level majors: sociology and psychology.


tl;dr: They should replace dorms with farmhouses that have plumbing. More cost-effective and the residents will fit right in.




In fact, I have a little story to tell of what happened just this past Thursday/Friday.


By this time, it's the third and last quarter of my freshman year of university. The hallmates, in the course of an entire week, ended up permanently on my shitlist.


Every single night (LATE night, I might add, usually between the 1/2/3 AM period), the idiots always seemed to like to pick up their noise levels to absurdly stupid amounts befitting those who watch the culturally-degenerative trash known as MTV. It just so happens that in this particular night they left for somewhere which I don't particularly give two craps about, and then returned at around 2 AM, and then proceeded with their loud habits as usual. Me, however, having put up with this shit for four days straight right about now, simply opened the door, and said, in a very pissed-off voice:


"Can you please be quiet?"


Now, note this is a tone of voice that anyone who isn't my immediate family has ever seen me speaking. This is a voice that, if you're not stupid, is the kind of voice that means that shit's about to go down. Because I so rarely use this voice, that when I do, I expect someone to pay the price in blood with their pathetic mortal blood for forcing me to use such a lordly tone of voice against such useless worms. A tone of voice that means 100% business, and if you knew what was right, you'd shut the hell up and never say anything again.


So they stared at me for all of 5 seconds, gaping at the new side of this person they knew little about in sheer shock, before their MTV-educated bullshit started kicking in. Now, note again that this is at 2 AM in the morning, and they were pulling noise levels that would have woken up even a bear from it's hibernation. So they started calling me names, like 'faggot' and 'asshole', and saying that 'it's none of my damn business'. They were a group of about 8, so it's easy how one can actually feel tough when they have the numbers on their side.


Me, I don't give two shits about it. Californians, especially those brought up in today's society, are often too acclimated to the niceties of luxury to the point where they would never risk a physical engagement. Sucks for them, because that wasn't what I was going for. Words from losers like them only made me laugh, because I knew that I would finally get my chance at revenge.


So I took the proper precautions, contacted the RAs on duty (who came up to investigate the noise claims, and, as usual, the hallmates scrambled like rats and then regrouped after the RA left), emailed my hall's RA about the situation (he isn't too fond of it, either), and we will be having a hall meeting next week to sort the issue out. I will not be adhering to my usual social status as the silent bystander this time around. Anything the hallmates do as retaliation to me will only make their situation worse. As my roommate put it: "It's time to crush them with bureaucracy."


I don't go out of my way to be a jerk to people; I stay respectful. Cross the line, and you will never go back. Trust and respect are much easier to lose than they are to gain. You should all take that to heart.


tl;dr: Hallmates made the grave mistake of fucking with my sleep, now I won't stop with my payback until I run them into the fucking ground.


P.S. There are four things you never fuck with when it comes to me: my food, my videogames, my money, and my sleep.

Edited by Pirandello
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  On 4/3/2011 at 2:51 AM, Pirandello said:

P.S. There are four things you never fuck with when it comes to me: my food, my videogames, my money, and my sleep.


For me it's two things: Video games, money. Money probably being the bigger one. Try to scam me out of my money and I will seriously hurt you.


But yes, I completely agree with your approach. I don't go out of my way to bother anyone, but if they personally offend me shit will go down until they back the hell off and don't even think about doing anything to bother me again. I'd contact the RA and force a hall meeting like you did. If that didn't work, I'd do it again. If that still didn't work, I'd keep contacting whoever's further up the authority chain and get the people who have a problem with it (like your RA) directly involved.


I don't have any stories of my own. I live at home and don't have to worry about shithead roommates or anything like that. It's actually dead quiet 99% of the time. Knowing horror stories of how terrible rooommates can be, I don't think I'd ever room with anyone if I can help it.

Edited by RockyRan
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I spend my nights being kept up by my stupid hallmates whilst thinking of how many ways a person can be murdered. It's things like that in which I can honestly say, I am at the point where I simply don't care if these people get killed (actually, I will care. I'd care enough to celebrate).


Like, fucking seriously. What the fuck do they not do during the day that warrants this shitty-ass behavior during the night?


Also, the RA chickened out on the hall meeting. Figures.

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What great timing on this thread popping up.

Someone just knocked on the door, I assumed a delivery (more on that later), but it isn't. I open the door and this guy holding a laptop just steps right n says cheers n heads up stairs.

I think Chris needs to learn that his friends have to say who the fuck they are before just rudely walking into what is theoretically my house. Like shit. This isn't the first of his friends to do it, only two have ever stated they're here for Chris before coming in.


As for deliverys. Toms girlfriend has been ordering god knows what (Actually todays had "Boots" written on it so I know what) and that means packages, sometimes multiple times a day. Bum thing is I've ordered a couple things to so I'm checking the door in hopes of my things. I should stop, but I'd just feel pretty rude. Then again I've not so much had a thank you for being at the front room thus answering the door.

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  On 4/8/2011 at 8:32 AM, Deanb said:

What great timing on this thread popping up.

Someone just knocked on the door, I assumed a delivery (more on that later), but it isn't. I open the door and this guy holding a laptop just steps right n says cheers n heads up stairs.

I think Chris needs to learn that his friends have to say who the fuck they are before just rudely walking into what is theoretically my house. Like shit. This isn't the first of his friends to do it, only two have ever stated they're here for Chris before coming in.

Yeah, I'm getting a 4-room apartments with my friends next year.


Some things I'm going to go over with them:


-Food is shared between all of us, but if you take the last one, you have to say you took it and/or replace it.

-Guests are only allowed in only if we all reach consensus.

-Anybody who doesn't live in the apartment who enters without notice will be subject to physical harm.

-Any actions done by your guests, YOU will take responsibility for.

-Close the damn toilet seat.


GOLDEN RULE: Don't be a dick.


Seriously, the Golden Rule should be plastered all over the damn place. Would make the world a nicer place to live in.

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"-Any actions done by your guests, YOU will take responsibility for."


This is one I've had trouble with in the past. Guests making messes and breaking anything they get in their grasp. Usually it's small repairs anyone can do, but somehow it seems I'm the one who is bothered by slanted drawers, broken blinds, cups of fluids randomly placed anywhere, and etc.


At least the door was repaired, but we'll see what happens when we have company over again.

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  On 4/8/2011 at 8:44 PM, Pirandello said:

-Food is shared between all of us, but if you take the last one, you have to say you took it and/or replace it.


Yeah.... that won't last long. Apart from things like milk n bread, and even then, you're pretty much fucked unless it's like days and people are hankering after a milky tea or slice of toast.

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  On 4/8/2011 at 9:33 PM, Deanb said:
  On 4/8/2011 at 8:44 PM, Pirandello said:

-Food is shared between all of us, but if you take the last one, you have to say you took it and/or replace it.


Yeah.... that won't last long. Apart from things like milk n bread, and even then, you're pretty much fucked unless it's like days and people are hankering after a milky tea or slice of toast.


That's where the new rule comes in:


- You don't tell us you finish the food, no more food. Everyone gets to have cold pizza every single day, for every single meal, for the entire year.


Except for me, of course. 'Cause I can cook.

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Let me tell you my story.


I had a roommate who I grew up with, and we were basically best friends. We lived in the same apartment for 4 years, and everything went well (or so I believed) during that time. This guy had a hard childhood, and some emotional problems, but doesn't everyone? Unfortunately, his ended up manifesting in a VERY VERY ugly way. He decided to become a drug dealer in the summer of 2009. I wasn't very comfortable with the idea for obvious reasons. Then really sketchy people started showing up, and overstaying their welcome. Deals were constantly being made. I was putting myself through college at the time, and had no way out of the situation that wouldn't threaten my graduation, since I come from a "have not" family. Dirty girls started sleeping over, and doing coke all day. After we had a talk, it stopped.


Then November hit, and I got a bill for 7 months of rent. The property management company wasn't doing their job, and didn't follow up when people missed rent payments. My roommate was fucking irresponsible, and never had the money in his account for automatic withdrawal. So he was dealing drugs, and still didn't pay rent. He borrowed money from his grandma to cover enough of the cost for us not to get evicted. End of December hits, and he abandons the place to live with a FAT CHICK, and do drugs all day with her. He dropped out of University as well. I was stuck in the abandoned apartment, trying to put myself through school, with no way out of the situation. I literally went without food most of the time. I moved out of there in April for a summer job, but the property management company still wanted a fuckload of money, all of which I had to pay to save my credit. All of the money I made that summer went to those bills, and I had nothing to show for it, with a semester of college left to complete.


I barely made it through this mess. The roommate now lives on skid row, and smokes crack with money he makes doing odd jobs (drywalling, other menial physical jobs, etc). The fat chick is doing coke now, and is unaware that her oh-so-loving boyfriend is a crackhead. Fucking losers. I'm glad to be out of that situation, working in a proper job, making real money. Only now am I starting to recover from that damage.


edit: forgot to add that 2 years into the apartment, he forged my signature to try to take out a car loan with me as the co-signer. I only found out when I got my credit report a few months ago. Luckily the request was denied.

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I see things have taken a serious tone. :unsure:


Well like I said earlier, whenever someone is over, there is a higher chance of something breaking. One roommate brought out his toy helicopter, but this is a cheap model. It last about 10 minutes before losing all power.


When it loses power, the toy loses control. I almost had to dive and get hit in the face with a bunch of plastic blades so the thing didn't crash into my HDTV. Thankfully the helicopter took a B-line away from the HDTV, but it accidentally nose dived into the dude's girl's knee and caused her to practically fall down.

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  On 4/9/2011 at 6:18 AM, Atomsk88 said:

I see things have taken a serious tone. :unsure:


Well like I said earlier, whenever someone is over, there is a higher chance of something breaking. One roommate brought out his toy helicopter, but this is a cheap model. It last about 10 minutes before losing all power.


When it loses power, the toy loses control. I almost had to dive and get hit in the face with a bunch of plastic blades so the thing didn't crash into my HDTV. Thankfully the helicopter took a B-line away from the HDTV, but it accidentally nose dived into the dude's girl's knee and caused her to practically fall down.


It didn't cause any injuries, did it?


Normally I'd be fine with people using remote control helicopters and whatnot within my house, but I generally make sure they keep it to the living room/common area only. I think people would probably have more fun with these things outdoors...

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  On 4/9/2011 at 6:30 AM, Enervation said:
  On 4/9/2011 at 6:18 AM, Atomsk88 said:

I see things have taken a serious tone. :unsure:


Well like I said earlier, whenever someone is over, there is a higher chance of something breaking. One roommate brought out his toy helicopter, but this is a cheap model. It last about 10 minutes before losing all power.


When it loses power, the toy loses control. I almost had to dive and get hit in the face with a bunch of plastic blades so the thing didn't crash into my HDTV. Thankfully the helicopter took a B-line away from the HDTV, but it accidentally nose dived into the dude's girl's knee and caused her to practically fall down.


It didn't cause any injuries, did it?


Normally I'd be fine with people using remote control helicopters and whatnot within my house, but I generally make sure they keep it to the living room/common area only. I think people would probably have more fun with these things outdoors...

Like I said, it's really cheap so any outdoor wind would cause his toy to crash, like, 50 ft away. It's a small indoor one, but our common/kitchen area is also really small. I've never seen it go as fast as it did tonight.


I don't think it would have cracked the screen of my HDTV, but leave a lot of scratches. The girl is fine, but she didn't see it coming, and neither of us did either.

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Ok, split the thread folks. Please continue the part about generalization, yay or nay, here: http://board.pressxordie.com/topic/1064-generalization/


We talk about Roommates now and maybe try and find two or more people on this forum who would be perfect to live together so we could make a sitcom out of it. Imagine all the zany fun we could have with Beefy, Goh and FDS in the same apartment!

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  On 4/9/2011 at 1:15 PM, Cyber Rat said:

Imagine all the zany fun we could have with Beefy, Goh and FDS in the same apartment!

I wouldn't be very fun at all.



  On 4/9/2011 at 2:30 PM, Johnny said:

Not enough UST. Take out FDS, insert Connor.

However, if Connor were there, my previous statement wouldn't be true. ;3

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