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Roommates & Co. Rants


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It's decided: I'm going to move two floors down.


While I still haven't been in contact with whoever is suppose to be in my (original) apartment space, the room I'm in now is just uncomfortable. Even when I'm not actively around, these guys are hollering and banging on objects like a bunch of retarded chimpanzees. I've told them my plans and while they're acting like it's kinda sad, I know they're excited for it.


Even if these guys in the space (I was originally assigned) is filled with douchers, at least I won't have to deal with "our friend isn't here" nonsense.


Wait, you already moved into the space two floors down? Or is "the room [you're] in now" the one with those three guys you mentioned earlier?

Edited by Enervation
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It's decided: I'm going to move two floors down.


While I still haven't been in contact with whoever is suppose to be in my (original) apartment space, the room I'm in now is just uncomfortable. Even when I'm not actively around, these guys are hollering and banging on objects like a bunch of retarded chimpanzees. I've told them my plans and while they're acting like it's kinda sad, I know they're excited for it.


Even if these guys in the space (I was originally assigned) is filled with douchers, at least I won't have to deal with "our friend isn't here" nonsense.


Wait, you already moved into the space two floors down? Or is "the room [you're] in now" the one with those three guys you mentioned earlier?

The ironic thing is that the room I'm moving to was the room I was originally assigned to move into. However, I was moving in early and the previous residents had decided to use the room as their junk room. I had to move that day, so after 90 minutes I was assigned to the room I'm currently in, a.k.a. three crazies' place.

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It's decided: I'm going to move two floors down.


While I still haven't been in contact with whoever is suppose to be in my (original) apartment space, the room I'm in now is just uncomfortable. Even when I'm not actively around, these guys are hollering and banging on objects like a bunch of retarded chimpanzees. I've told them my plans and while they're acting like it's kinda sad, I know they're excited for it.


Even if these guys in the space (I was originally assigned) is filled with douchers, at least I won't have to deal with "our friend isn't here" nonsense.


Wait, you already moved into the space two floors down? Or is "the room [you're] in now" the one with those three guys you mentioned earlier?

The ironic thing is that the room I'm moving to was the room I was originally assigned to move into. However, I was moving in early and the previous residents had decided to use the room as their junk room. I had to move that day, so after 90 minutes I was assigned to the room I'm currently in, a.k.a. three crazies' place.



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So I'm pretty sure things are squared away. I didn't talk to the guy tonight, but I've told his friends (my roommates) that if he wants to trade, it'll have to be on Friday. I think I'll try tomorrow afternoon at his place so I can (possible) talk to him.


I didn't realize it, but he was actually over. You're thinking, "Wait, he was a few feet away and you didn't talk?" Well, remember how I said these guys like to yell and bang on things like they're devolving each minute? Imagine going from three to four of them. So yeah, when I heard yelling and banging, I stayed in my room. Not out of fear mind you, but, like, what do you do in those situations?


Me: So you're the friend?






Me: So it'll be...



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Not out of fear mind you, but, like, what do you do in those situations?

Cut the shit and get straight to fucking business. Emphasis on the "fucking business" part.


Was never one for pleasantries, especially when it comes to issues that personally pertain to me. If I had it my way, I'd think a lot of my talks with people over serious things like housing would end up like the "English, MF" scene from Pulp Fiction.

Edited by Pirandello
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Actually, it means now they can bitch about me. That is to say more frequently. Not that they do it in front of me, but with how thin the walls are I can hear my name easily. Add in the fact that they probably don't know the meaning of "quiet" and there's no point in buttering me up as the trade will commence.


Seriously, about the "quiet" thing, they were hammering the walls and jumping around like chimps at 1:00 am. I'm serious, man, this space must have been reserved for retarded genetic experiments.

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I've come to learn that management here is incompetent. Like I said, it took them 90 minutes to find me another room after my original one was filled to the brim with junk. The second was occupied by one of the residents as his "second" room.


Their excuse was, "Well we can't hold their hands."


No, August is the month where students are moving in and out. There are complexes that kick people out sooner than the 23rd as my last day was the 12th. It should be the time when you send your employees around to check on the status of the rooms. Hell, if they can come in for three minutes to check if things are not broke when people move out, why not make sure there are no residents abusing empty rooms. If you find any, give a warning of eviction if they do not clean said room. After all, I'm pretty dame sure that's contractually a "no-no."

Edited by Atomsk88
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Well, if the person is paying for both rooms, it doesn't really matter to management since they are getting paid for the rooms. Now on why a person wants two rooms... beats me. Sound like a hoarder in the making.

If management doesn't even know that room is empty and they're not getting paid... well. They are really dumb shits,

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My god. Where the hell do you live?

Snob Central, a.k.a. Entitlement Children Cottage. It's one of the most expensive places around, but my father wanted me to live somewhere that wasn't built around the time he was a kid. So I got him to pay the rent if he was so keen on having me live at $400/month. It wasn't my intention mind you as I was looking at places just under $260/month.


Anyway, about the rooms, I guess it follows the mantra of "see an opportunity and take it." I know there are other guys like me around the complex, but the athletes are attracted to this place because of the wild parties and sluts. Considering that they get payed to play sports, they can afford it.

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I'm out on Friday. I would so get that if it didn't mean I'd have to leave it behind, and that I only have three days left.


Anyway, yeah this place isn't cracked up to what it's suppose to be, but if I get the right roommates it'll be a lot better. I mean, I do have a pool, (ghetto) fitness room, and club house. The parties will be huge, and it is nice to have a room that doesn't smell or isn't falling apart.


Still, some of the best social places around town are in the crappiest of places. Heck, some even have great management; you're just in a place that's over half a century old. EDIT: For example, there's an apartment complex that is practically falling apart each day (wear-and-tear), but everyone is super friendly. The management serves burgers and smoothies (for free) during the weekend. I didn't live there, but some of my friends did.


Now they don't live there anymore as, while everyone was cool, living in the physical place was terrible, if not pathetic. I just happen to be in an apartment complex with the snobbish students and blockhead athletes.

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So why not just tell that to your dad so you can move somewhere else? I've never had roommates, but if your complex has that many shitty people I'd just pack up and leave.

There are good people, just not an abundant amount of them. Like with my old apartment, while my roommates may have been less than desirable, I got along well with my neighbors. I figure the same will be true where I am since I've talked with a few really friendly people.


Besides that, I have way too much crap to be shuffling around. The large factor in why I'm heading out is because my new room is only two floors down. Also, it happens to have been my original room. I figure why not take back what was designated as mine in the beginning.

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So why not just tell that to your dad so you can move somewhere else? I've never had roommates, but if your complex has that many shitty people I'd just pack up and leave.

There are good people, just not an abundant amount of them. Like with my old apartment, while my roommates may have been less than desirable, I got along well with my neighbors. I figure the same will be true where I am since I've talked with a few really friendly people.


Besides that, I have way too much crap to be shuffling around. The large factor in why I'm heading out is because my new room is only two floors down. Also, it happens to have been my original room. I figure why not take back what was designated as mine in the beginning.


I see. Well hopefully your luck will stop being crap and you'll finally find roommates who aren't terrible.

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Got class at 7:10 A.M.

Time: 2:12 A.M. Roomate texts me "Can I use the printer in the morning to print something? It's for school purposes"

щ(≖益≖щ) "Yes, gonna wake up extra early, you can figure out how to just do a plug-n-play kind of thing with it right?"

"Oki, I'll wake up at... 8-ish, hopefully."


Edited by 「Advent Chaos」
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So, I got a room in a house with two other dudes named Bryan and Brian. Haven't seen Brian yet but the Y Dude seems nice enough. He was with his mom though so who knows how he is alone. :P


Now to prepare for the move next week and yeah. If I have stories for you guys, I shall share!

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