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TAY Podcast


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1. One of you, Harri I think, is pretty quiet. Whoever it was who's been playing MW2.

2. There's some weird clicks in the background. (and a skype beep a few times...edit quite a few times)

3. Main guy has sound all right, Shaner has good sound too.

4. I agree with the other guys, you need a sound track at the start. I may have access to some free royalty free tracks if you're wanting anything.

5. Vegas bit? mmeeeehhhh


I'd shrink the "what you playing now" down. or make it more snappy at least. I actually thought quite a bit more time had passed than it had.


Burning through your topic list isn't a good idea. Generally you'd stick out a topic lists to allow people to get versed in the topic matter.

Just a recommendation the EpicBattleAxe topic layout is:

-Intro/Banter for the first minute or so.

-4-5 topics that are in the news of late, or upcoming/out games

-"Battlecry". Each person puts forward their topic of choice, each is discussed for a bit.

-Member battlecry - single topic chosen from their readers... I guess you guys can't much do this :P

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Alright. Before we can really get anywhere, we have a few basic needs. First off, we need some intro/outtro music. I'm trying to do something about that, but frankly, I have no real composition talent. We could probably get away with using some game music, but that's technically not fully legal, so let's not go down that road. We want a brief, maybe 15 second piece of music to usher in the podcast, and another to usher it out. If you have musical skill, talk ta me, we could use your gifts.


Second, we do need structure. I have some ideas as to how I think that should work. Essentially, each podcast will be focused around a central topic- this topic will be the main topic that we discuss, and will change every episode. Beyond that, though, we need some recurring features- the What Are You Playing segment should obviously be one, but one or two more would be good also. If you have ideas, let's communicate.


The issues with recording have been worked out, that was just oversight due to lack of experience. Topics, I will post more in depth about later- I'm about to go to bed, and I'll do it after I awaken. I have some strong ideas about that, and I think it's going to go over pretty well. Is there anything I'm forgetting?


Dean, I know that the first podcast was bad- that's no secret. I had a few days to put it all together, and I had no idea how my efforts would work out. I've never done this before. So the amount of experience and learning that the 'cast gave me is beyond measure. Our crew was less than optimally constructed, our topic list not related to the people we were running with, and as you noticed, Harri just stopped talking for a long time. It was very much not good. But hell, this is a first try. Of course it is bad. The rule of podcasts, from what I hear, is that the first three are always piss, and then it usually gets better from there. I'm hoping we can make number 2 a doozie, though.


And while I can't comment too much on EpicBattleAxe, I don't want things THAT formulaic. Structure is good to keep things moving, but when the structure begins to stifle interesting conversation, you've gone too far.

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Personally I think taking cues from EBC - in my opinion one of the most stale, predictable and overstructured podcasts in existance - is a remarkably bad idea.

But that's just me :P


Well unless you have pure chemistry and can just fire off each other for a good hour or so I'd say a strictly structured show is the way to go.They did get halfway and go "oh, ran out of things to discuss". Not a good idea.

Anyway music:


(You can cut it, I'd suggest 00:20 to 00:35.)(p.s it's royalty free and free)http://www.freesoundtrackmusic.com/ - here's more. Some decent stuff, though most is a bit long as it's made with backing tracks in mind.

If you're wanting a recurring topic a "games out this week" kind of thing would be good, various thoughts n such on the upcoming games. How long are you wanting this main topic to span out for though, you'd need folks well versed in it if you want to discuss for more than 10 minutes.

I'm not trying to slam you guys, far from it, just highlight a few areas that could do with a bit of TLC. And when I say "was quiet" I mean as in low mic volume, not so much that they never spoke.

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Okay. Topics... here's how this is going to work. Every podcast is going to have a central, primary topic, that will be the core of discussion. I am going to drop a list of what primary topics I have so far- feel free to suggest more. If you like the sound of a particular topic, and want to participate, say so and we'll add your name to the list. Once a list fills up to a certain point, it will become the next podcast that we will do. So these podcasts will be made as they fill up. Currently, I'm planning for biweekly podcasts. This next one will take a little longer, but once we get into the rhythm of it, it should go pretty smoothly.


Only sign up for a topic if you are knowledgeable about the topic, and able to discuss it with others for a significant length of time. I'll try to have a brief discussion with potential members on chat or something to verify their knowledge and ability to casually talk about it- it wouldn't do to start the podcast on, say, fighting games, and learn that two members have never played Street Fighter. Obviously, just because you're on the list does not mean you will be in the podcast. Once the list fills up to a certain point, I'll work out schedules, and those people who show knowledge and are available at the right times will get priority.


With all that said... here is our current primary topics list.


-Fighting Games


-Video Games as Art


-The DLC Debate


-Innovation in Games


These are pretty broad topics, and we don't have very many, and so on. So help out! Contribute! Suggest topics, and ways to refine the topics that we have!

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Okay. Topics... here's how this is going to work. Every podcast is going to have a central, primary topic, that will be the core of discussion. I am going to drop a list of what primary topics I have so far- feel free to suggest more. If you like the sound of a particular topic, and want to participate, say so and we'll add your name to the list. Once a list fills up to a certain point, it will become the next podcast that we will do. So these podcasts will be made as they fill up. Currently, I'm planning for biweekly podcasts. This next one will take a little longer, but once we get into the rhythm of it, it should go pretty smoothly.


Only sign up for a topic if you are knowledgeable about the topic, and able to discuss it with others for a significant length of time. I'll try to have a brief discussion with potential members on chat or something to verify their knowledge and ability to casually talk about it- it wouldn't do to start the podcast on, say, fighting games, and learn that two members have never played Street Fighter. Obviously, just because you're on the list does not mean you will be in the podcast. Once the list fills up to a certain point, I'll work out schedules, and those people who show knowledge and are available at the right times will get priority.


With all that said... here is our current primary topics list.


-Fighting Games


-Video Games as Art


-The DLC Debate


-Innovation in Games


These are pretty broad topics, and we don't have very many, and so on. So help out! Contribute! Suggest topics, and ways to refine the topics that we have!


Schedule notwithstanding, I'd like to participate. I'd be happy to discuss DLC, Video Games as Art and innovation in games. The last fighting game I played for any length of time was Killer Instinct, so I'd probably sit out the discussion of fighting games, unless you want someone to make snide and sarcastic comments about them. ;)

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Cyber Rat, too, IIRC. And Johnny's into Smash Bros. That's me, Six, Johnny and Cyber Rat right there, which is plenty for a podcast.


Johnny's into fighting games in general... :P

I'm just not up to date due to being unable to afford any of the newer fighting games at the moment.


Video Games as Art


Edited by Johnny
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Video Games as Art



I'd like to clarify this.

I am genuinely interested in games as an art form. I am however less interested in the debate because it usually turns into a discussion on the definition of art.

There is that danger, but it could be avoided by concentrating on what can games do to be more accepted as art, what games have managed it already (in part or completely). It would be good if everyone in the podcast put forward the game they consider to be most art-like.


As for topic suggestions, what about Narrative in Video-Games or Video-Games in Other Media (I'm was thinking specifically of film adaptions of video-games and game adaptions of films but you could also talk about representations of video-games and gamers in other media etc.). I'd be quite interested in talking about narrative myself, but I'm a bit busy atm, so we'll see if you ever get round to it.


Also a suggestion for the formula of the podcast itself, each week you could have an Off-Topic section where you talk about one non-video-game related subject for a bit.


Anyways, great job with the first podcast guys. I think Six did a great job of hosting as well.

Edited by Mr W Phallus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, folks! We want to do an E3 podcast, to talk about all the E3 stuff, in this upcoming week. If you followed E3, if you kept up with the news, have things to say about it, and would be interested in being in this podcast, please message me a copy of your availability for the following week.

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  • 3 months later...

I would like to clarify why there wasn't and never will be a podcast. I owe an explaination.

It was partially my fault, where I wasn't coordinating everyone, and I do admit I fucked up in that. But even when I passed the organization to sixtwosixfour, no one responded. We honestly couldn't have all the chat regs make up a podcast, and people didn't respond to the PM's or steam group, or the forum thread FFS. It essentially died because not enough effort was put into it. People said sign me up, and didn't do anything active. I theorize that people were cool with the podcast, but didn't actually want to invest time/effort into it, like they actually wanted to do it.


However, with all these new members because of our good friend masterdex, we can start anew. If anyone's interested with doing another podcast, we can arrange things. PXODcast sounds nice, no? Full integration with the main news site could make it happen.

Edited by Harri
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