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TAY's Top 50 (or 100) games.


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1. Half-Life

2. Half-Life 2

3. Starcraft 2

4. Diablo 2

5. Fallout 2

6. Portal

7. KoToR

8. TF2

9. Max Payne

10. OoT

11. Mass Effect

12. Warcraft III

13. Super Metroid

14. Battlefield 1942

15. Halo


Honorable Mentions: Earthbound, Mechwarrior 4, Starsiege: Tribes, AoE 2.

Edited by mergedwarrior
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1. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

2. Final Fantasy VIII

3. GTA: Vice City

4. Burnout 3: Takedown

5. Tetris

6. Metal Gear Solid 3

7. Gran Turismo 4

8. Pokemon Gold/Silver (Does this count as one? Same gen, but obviously not the Crystal-specific story)

9. SimCity 3000

10. The Secret of Monkey Island

11. Deus Ex

12. Mega Man 2

13. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

14. Final Fantasy VII

15. Mortal Kombat 2

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1: Super Mario Bros

2: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

3: Mass Effect

4: Rock Band

5: Super Mario 64

6: Bioshock

7: Super Smash Bros: Melee

8: Super Mario Galaxy

9: Socom II

10: Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (best thing Silicon Knights has ever done, and it wasn't even their idea)

11: Fallout 3

12: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

13: UN Squadron (for sentimental value)

14: Super Mario World

15: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


*Edited once I remembered the Splinter Cell franchise

Edited by Gyaruson
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1. Metroid Prime (justification - http://board.pressxordie.com/topic/1110-metroid-prime)

2. Final Fantasy XII (justification - it's like FF, but with all the things I'd be ashamed to show people stripped out. And the best soundtrack ever - I actually imported that sucker)

3. Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations (justification - an actually not bad story in a video game)

4. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (justification - it's art. It isn't always fun, it's not kid friendly, and the sense of oppression is completely unrelenting. It's the best game to experience, and the worst game to play. All for the same reasons.)

5. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (equally valid pick - FF X. Both are well made modern anime influenced JRPGs. I love both. Both suck if you aren't willing to overlook a little cheese.)

6. Jak II (justification (justification - http://board.pressxordie.com/topic/1054-the-mighty-ps2-platforming-3/)

7. Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal (justification - http://board.pressxordie.com/topic/1054-the-mighty-ps2-platforming-3/)

8. Super Mario Galaxy (justification - a glimpse into the mind of a man filled with joy. Refreshing in more ways than one)

9. Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (justification - a totally average narrative made great by support relationships individualizing every army)

10. Super Smash Brothers Brawl (justification - fun)

11. Super Castlevania IV (justification - I haven't found another game that controls as tightly as this game. Ever)

12. Chrono Trigger (justification - pretty much the JRPG template that all others innovate on (or don't))

13. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (justification - not only impressive technologically, but tricky and rewarding. Capcom should do Zelda games more often)

14. ICO (justification - Shadow of the Colossus is an equally valid pick, but ICO happens to resonate with me more personally. These are the argument for art and fun not being exclusive.)

15. Cave Story (justification - a fun little 2D romp that tells you just enough to leave you desperately wanting more. Incredible sound track.)


Almost making it onto the list: Star Wars: Tie Fighter, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and World of Warcraft

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1. Persona 3

2. Final Fantasy 4

3. Final Fantasy 6

4. Final Fantasy 9

5. Persona 4

6. Final Fantasy 8

7. Red Dead Redemption

8. GTA Vice City

9.Heavy Rain

10. Portal

11. Fire Emblem 7

12. Age of Empires 2

13. Left 4 Dead 2

14. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

15. Pokemon Gold/Silver



Right. I have a Top 50 now. I will leave the polls open until tomorrow morning, 9am GMT. 205 games have been nominated.

Edited by Nexus
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Jesus christ... This is too fucking hard.


1. Shadow of the Colossus.


2. Silent Hill 2.


3. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.


4. Max Payne 2.


5. Jet Set Radio.


6. Metal Gear Solid.


7. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.


8. Braid.


9. Ico.


10. Freedom Fighters.


11. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


12. Halo: Combat Evolved.


13. Halo: Reach.


14. Uncharted 2.


15. Timesplitters 2.


Jesus that's heavy. And I'm probably too late to be counted. But oh well.


Lots of honourable mentions, so many things that would probably be in the top 10, but I've forgotten about. Pretty sure my top 5 is solid, though.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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I might rejig my list a little. I feel kinda bad leaving out some games I do really like, just because I've already included one from the series, in favour of getting some classics in there.


But I might leave them be and fiddle with the order of some of the others.


Boo to this point-adding AV system. We want FPTP! :P

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1. Portal - Short, sweet, and to the point. Perfect package.

2. Portal 2 - Expanding anything will provide minor missteps but not enough to put it further down the list.

3. Half-Life 2 - No comment necessary?

4. Commander Keen: The Armageddon Machine - This series and my childhood are synonymous. Put together by Apogee & id Software (Apogee went on to be 3D Realms, and we all know what they went on to do), a great game for sure.

5. Team Fortress 2 - Endless hours of fun. What, 500 or some hours on my Steam profile alone?

6. Persona 3 - If you want to do a JRPG right, this is it.

7. Chrono Trigger - Greatest SNES game of all time. Period.

8. Megaman 2 - Greatest NES game of all time. Period.

9. Final Fantasy XII - Hate me for it, I don't care. Loved the story/battle system, overall favorite FF game.

10. Super Smash Brothers Melee - When I was in the military we would have SSBM tourneys. Good times.

11. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Another nostalgic favorite. Still play it today.

12. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Bioware's test bed for the ME series, and a stellar game in it's own right.

13. Mass Effect - Amazing RPG. Loved it, though I was disappointed in ME2 for the way they stripped so many RPG elements out.

14. Doom 3 - The first PC I ever built was built so I could play this game.

15. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - Continuing on a great legacy, Blizzard hit it out of the park with this one.


I considered putting World of Warcraft on this list, but honestly? I don't enjoy that game without the social aspect. I have a hard time saying a game that is a social experience could be in my top 15. Shout-outs go to Deus Ex, Myst, POD, Major Stryker, and so many more. Hard list to narrow down to just 15.

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1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

2. Mass Effect

3. Fable

4. Fallout 3

5. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

6. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

7. Simcity 3000


9. Super Mario Bros. 3

10. Mario Kart 64

11. Victoria II

12. Crusader Kings

13. Jungle Strike

14. GoldenEye (Original)

15. Donkey Kong Country

Edited by topeka!
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Since I know it will be included now, I will add my list here. I normally hate lists like this because I think its silly to compare games of different genres, but these lists are personal, not objective.



1. Chrono Trigger

2. Loom

3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

4. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

5. System Shock 2

6. Final Fantasy VI

7. Thief: The Dark Project

8. Shadow of the Colossus

9. Silent Hill 2

10. The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind

11. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

12. Katamari Damacy

13. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

14. Demon's Souls

15. Doom II

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