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TAY's Top 50 (or 100) games.


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Alright, but warning I'm a big Zelda and Final Fantasy fan.


1. Ocarina of Time

2. Super Mario Bros 3

3. Link's Awakening

4. Final Fantasy IV

5. Majora's Mask

6. Red Dead Redemption

7. Final Fantasy IX

8. Super Mario World

9. Donkey Kong Country 3

10. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

11. Wind Waker

12. Final Fantasy XIII

13. Fallout 3

14. Mass Effect 2

15. Dissidia 012


I would have put in the original Dissidia but considering the new one contains all the originals content plus more, I'll substitute it in.

The only position that I'm 100% on is Ocarina being my #1.

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Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica

Suikoden II


Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel


Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia

Baldur's Gate (PC)

Shadow Hearts

Counter-Strike (PC)

The Witcher

Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC)

Final Fantasy VI

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Ever 17: Out of Infinity

Rainbow Six (PC)


Eh, I'm sure I could tinker with this list for days. Instead, I just threw it together with the 3x3 thread and some remaining titles.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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Hmm not sure I'm content with this list. Some of these choices seem to be some what nostalgia clouded, or simply remembering how much time I wasted on them as opposed to them being the greatest games I've ever played.


1) Ragnarok Online

2) Team Fortress 2

3) Starcraft

4) Diablo 2

5) Kingdom Hearts

6) Super Smash Bros.

7) Halo (PC)

8) Pokemon Blue

9) Minecraft

10) Counter Strike 1.6

11) Day of Defeat

12) Final Fantasy Tactics

13) Donkey Kong Country

14) TMNT IV: Turtles in Time (SNES)

15) Dynasty Warriors 4


Some other games left out/considered: Super Mario World, FF VII/X, Portal, AOE2, Xenosaga, Dark Cloud, Golden Sun, Link to the Past, SSBB, ZOE, .Hack//sign, Grandia 2, Pokemon Silver and Pokemon Stadium.

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1. Zelda OOT


3. Halo 3

4. COD 4

5. Red Dead Redemption

6. Super Mario World

7. Command & Conquer

8. Supreme Commander

9. Quest for Glory

10. Street Fighter 2

11. Knights of the Old Republic

12. Metal Gear Solid

13. Xenogears

14. Goldeneye

15. Half-Life



Those aren't exactly in order but I love them all.

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Tried to give a range of titles from my gaming past and present. Some of them come from sheer time played as well as the good memories from doing so (Halo 2's co-op campaign memories just about lose out to Halo 3 MP memories).


Decided to pick just one title from a given series to save on space; considering I didn't get all I wanted on there anyway.


Tried to rank them but that it's almost impossible; just too mind-boggling a thing to do.


1. Halo 3

2. Rock Band 3

3. Burnout 2


5. TimeSplitters 2

6. Carmageddon

7. Final Fantasy VII

8. The Curse of Monkey Island

9. Tekken 3

10. Knights Of The Old Republic

11. Pokemon Silver (and Gold, obviously)

12. Sonic 3

13. Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit

14. Duke Nukem 3D

15. Unreal Tournament


Honourable mentions to:

TMNT II: The Arcade Game, Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers, Mass Effect games, Age of Empires II, The Sims, Theme Hospital, Uncharted 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Freedom Force, Vigilante 8 and Psychonauts.

Edited by Hot Heart
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My tastes are so varied and malleable that it is practically impossible for me to compile a concrete list of my favorite titles. However, I do know the identity of the best game ever made.




I could write an entire essay on why Tetris is the perfect game, but I'll keep it short; there's no game that's ever come close to matching the accessibility and challenge Tetris presents.

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1. Final Fantasy IX

2. Final Fantasy X

3. Dawn of War (Dark Crusade if pushed)

4. Team Fortress 2

5. Oblivion

6. Defense Grid

7. Pokemon Gold

8. Final Fantasy XII

9. Uncharted 2

10. Fallout New Vegas

11. Dragon Age Origins

12. Minecraft

13. The Witcher

14. Tetris

15. Puzzle Quest


I guess that'll do. My tastes and choices of top games change all the time. There's not really 15 that I truly love tbh that I could just kick out a full list.


Also why'd you specifically want a list from me?

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01. Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone (PSP/GBA)

02. Knights in the Nightmare (PSP/NDS)

03. Riviera: The Promised Land (PSP/GBA)

04. Tales of the Abyss (PS2)

05. Persona 3 Portable (PSP))

06. Pokémon White (NDS)

07. Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

08. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Wii)

09. No More Heroes (Wii)

10. DJMAX Clazziquai Edition (PSP)


12. Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP)

13. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (NDS)

14. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (PC)

15. Aquaria (PC)


Most of them are portable games... mostly 'cause I'm away from home at campus a lot (13 hours on days I have class). Soon to be on that list will most likely be "Gungnir: Inferno of the Demon Lance and the War of Heroes". If anyone knows anything about the Dept. Heaven Episodes, well, they might recognize a few of the titles on the list and also Gungnir.

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Woo! I'm NOT the only person who likes this game! :D


It seems odd it's in my top 15 (and so high up), but I thought about it and I just love the game.


Sure it has its flaws but I could enjoy myself in just driving around the city, listening to the radio. Or wandering around the back alleys and such. While, graphically-speaking, it's not that impressive there is something about driving over one of the bridges on a sunny day that is utterly wowing (yeah, that's a word).


I think part of this fondness is because it was the first game I properly experienced with an HDTV. It was my first real taste of 'next-gen' and I loved it.

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