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Here's a making of in the early stages. Seems it's due in 2-3 years :/



About 10 minutes long. Nothing too revealing. Few spoilers if you've not read the book.



One thing to note for this is they're doing it in 3-D at 48fps, which they reckon makes it all a bit smoother and less strain on the eyes. I guess it's a case of wait n see.




Oh yeah you' may of noticed, a lot of this is going up on facebook. He's being pretty open on the film making process which is cool.

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I can't believe he's doing it in 3D. I really want to stab who ever started the stupid 3D craze again IN THE EYES. Go back to the 90s who ever the hell you are! We hates it, precious! We really hates it! And of all the damn people too. Have fun wearing your prescription 3D glasses, Peter! Ass.


Anyway, I have my doubts about the movie. I've heard the script has changed so many times that it's at some ridiculous stages now. And how the hell do you cast for Frodo when he's not even born yet? And I doubt it'll be in two or three years. I wouldn't be surprised if it wouldn't be until 2015 that we'd finally see part one, given all the delays that keep on happening.


Anyway, I keep up with the info on Third Age: Total War's suboard, which has a great thread containing a boatload of info on the film: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=282000


Which mostly comes from theonering.net anyways, so bookmark that as well if you'd like.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yikes! I can finally get back to some postings! We've finished our first block of shooting and moved straight into location scouting. More on that soon... But today, I'm thrilled to announce two new cast members who will be joining us for our second block of shooting.


Evangeline Lilly will be playing a new character—the Woodland Elf, Tauriel. Her name means 'daughter of Mirkwood' and, beyond that, we must leave you guessing! (No, there is no romantic connection to Legolas.) What is not a secret is how talented and compelling an actress Evangeline is; we are thrilled and excited she will be the one to bring our first true Sylvan Elf to life.



I'm also highly excited that Barry Humphries will be portraying the Goblin King, in much the way Andy Serkis created Gollum. Barry is perhaps best known for his business and social connections as the long-time manager of Dame Edna Everage. He has also been an ardent supporter of the rather misunderstood and unfairly maligned Australian politician, Sir Les Patterson. However, in his spare time, Barry is also a fine actor, and we're looking forward to seeing him invest the Goblin King with the delicate sensitivity and emotional depth this character deserves.



Evangeline and Barry, along with Welsh actor Luke Evans as Bard and Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug, just about rounds out the major casting. I cannot wait to get stuck into these new scenes!



More soon, including a flurry of answers to your questions. Sorry for the delay!





Peter J



I was like "Barry Humphries? Isn't that...".

Also Cumberbatch is Smaug. Woot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was like "Barry Humphries? Isn't that...".

Also Cumberbatch is Smaug. Woot.

And Sauron in the second one.


These first pics appeared a couple of days ago but in case anyone hasn't seen them:






They're pretty horribly lit and just not very well composed in general. The Ori, Dori and Nori designs son't feel very Tolkien to me either.

So safe to say I'm not loving the pics that have been shown so far, hopefully these early stills aren't reflective of the finished film.

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  • 2 months later...

Eh, might as well post this as there has been some rather large momentum.




While I know one of them, though they're all in advertising with me, I never really bothered to learn more about their desire to be extras in The Hobbit. I figured many other fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's work, especially The Hobbit, would be up to something similar. The difference has been http://roadtotheshire.com. While I'm not quite sure how widespread their success has been in the last few months, aside from fellow fans, the article above shows that there are even people in New Zealand that would like the trio's dream to come true.


The only downside is how a spokesman for Peter Jackson, a Mr. Matt Dravitski, pretty much has taken a "realistic" approach saying anyone outside of New Zealand has no chance.

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  • 1 month later...

Can't embed this and it doesn't seem to be on youtube yet, but Holy. Mother. Of. God.




Everything just looks... perfect. Quite simply perfect. I'm actually a fan of Guillermo del Toro and would've loved to see his take on the material. But seeing this just makes me think "Thank fucking God Peter Jackson came back!"

Edited by FLD
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I prefer scifi over fantasy almost every time, but I LOVE the LOTR movies. This is going to be the movie to watch next year for me. The Dark Knight Rises trailer didnt do a thing for me and im looking forward to the Avengers, but no other film really matters in comparison. This is like....my thing, man.
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  • 5 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

It's the 75th Anniversary on Friday. So folks are doing "Elevenses" around the world. Oh also on a local scale, turns out Northumberland is as good as New Zealand. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/newzealand/9549670/Middle-Earth-moves-to-Northumberland-in-The-Hobbit-film-posters.html

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The one with the animals? He's actually not in the Hobbit book, he's mentioned in Lord of the Rings though as sort of being partially involved (remember in Hobbit when Gandalf fucks off for a large part of the story?). He's Radagast the Brown AKA The Seventh Doctor AKA Sylvester McCoy. They seem to be expanding upon the whole

Dark Lord of Mirkword part of the Hobbit that was only partially touched upon in the book, but obviously hugely expanded upon in LotR since he leaves Mirkwood for Mordor. Since we are kinda working our way backwards it means events of LotR can be injected into The Hobbit as a sort of retconning that Tolkien did kinda attempt, but couldn't really do without rewriting the Hobbit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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