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Midnight Launches


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Portal 2 is about to grace PS3s in a couple days!!!


Oh, what? If I want to pick it up at midnight, I've got to go two towns upstate?!




Anyway, another topic for an event I'm sure a couple of us have at least experienced once before; for better and for worse. I've only done one midnight launch before and that was back in 2006 for the Nintendo Wii. Got to sit inside a Wal-Mart for 12 hours. The guy at the front of the line had numbered cards, so we could get up and walk our passionate bodies around Wally World.


Yet, it didn't feel like those rugged winter camp-outs in a parking lot types. For that I still feel like a virgin, waiting in a long line. I want you to teach me every little thing you know!


Alright, for real, Monday night I'm kinda nervous simply because I've never been to the store I'm suppose to go to, and I'm not sure about the actual conditions. I've paid off the game, so I'm on a "list" to receive my copy of Portal 2. I won't be able to get to the store until about 10:30 pm, so I feel like I'll be late.


Thinking of videotaping it too for laughs as I'll be alone this time. I had a friend with me last time, but the people were cool. Well, most of them except for this brat. :getoffmylawn:

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I used to do them a good bit, but my life is a lot busier now than it used to be and I just don't have the time to go out and play these games into the wee hours. I can't remember the last midnight launch I did now.


I will do these for movies, though. Ironically, seeing movies that late often works better for me than trying to see them during the day. Funny how that works.

Edited by Mister Jack
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I get midnight launches pretty often. I picked up Homefront at midnight, and before that, Bulletstorm.


I get off work at 11 pm, and if my gamestop is doing a midnight for a game I preordered, I figure why not, saves me the trip out the next day.


Usually they are nonevents -- just stand in line, get your game, go home. No real festivities or insanity about it.



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If you will, I have a rant for the midnight launch I attended.




I blame myself for getting to the store 40 minutes early, in which there was nothing to do. That's alright, except for the fact that there was an attempt to make the thing an enjoyable event. Say, how many GameStop employees does it take to use a stereo?


Four, and in the end it was because they didn't have the volume turned up enough.


Because this was also a Mortal Kombat midnight launch, I had the pleasure of listening to a bunch of needle dick high school burnouts. It was truly glorious to listen to how they use condoms and how the other was so gay.


Finally, the time arrived to get in line and receive our games.


"Um, hold on we just need to... um, find the names... Well, here's..."


Yeah, they didn't think to organize the games before telling everyone they were ready. You're not ready when you've got to spend two minutes per customer simply to find a pre-ordered copy of a game. Oh, and I was a special customer.


By chance, the employee I had pre-order a copy for me is the stupid, even among his fellow employees who admit to it. I told him I wanted the PlayStation 3 version of the game, and he even repeated the platform to me.


"The SKU is for a 360 copy."




I said, "Alright, just swap an unmarked copy and I'll be on my way."


No, she said, "We have to run it as a return, and we have to process the new version and it'll be a few seconds."


Five minutes later...


I said, "Hey, not to be rude, but exactly how many more seconds do I have to wait just to get a PS3 copy of Portal 2?"


Response: "We need to use the computer because... um, it..."


Finally I get a guy to, heaven forbid, finish serving me and all it took was some key strokes and I had a PS3 copy.



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That happened to me with AC2. Each time I went in to pay on it, I made sure to stress "PS3 version" and then when I went to pay it off that Monday, the manager tells me the whole time it was for 360. And they were out of PS3 slots. So he calls the other store (which is literally in the parking lot of the mall the one I was at is in), does some work, and has a PS3 paid off and ready for me come that midnight. whew.

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I wonder how my brother fairs in customer service... I personally never had a problem with Gamestop. I guess it depends on the store and/or managers.


As for my midnight launches... If I recall correctly, I was out for a midnight for MW2. It was painless. We all got our copies without a hitch.

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So I picked up Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat at the midnight launch because I was hanging out with a friend of mine who was in the area. Fortunately, my experience was much less of a hassle than Atomsk's. I showed up at 12 on the dot, waited about five to ten minutes in line, and then when I got in the guy immediately recognized me and handed me my two games rubber-banded together from a pile and that was it. Took me about five seconds in the store. Sometimes it can be a good thing to have a rapport with the clerks of a store you go to often.

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The employees acted like they knew me, but I've only met one of the guys once before. Never met the girl, but she was so glad to see the familiar faces.


I guess I made an impression last night because I got a call basically saying, "Yeah we kinda screwed up so we've got a $10 gift card for ya."


I guess I'll make one more purchase at Gamestop. Ten bucks is ten bucks. :P

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I've only been to 2 midnight launches, Resident Evil 5 and Halo Reach, for Resident Evil 5 there were only 4 dudes lined in front of me so it was really quick... Because all 5 of us were the only ones that went to pick it up at midnight :P


For Halo Reach I went with one of my cousins, there were a lot of dudes this time but still, it was fast and easy, the employees had everything ready, and we were told to go into the store in groups of five to make things easier, so yeah, just go in, get your copy, leave. That's all :P


There aren't many midnight launches here because the main videogame stores here are inside malls that don't like having people inside at that time... Unless it's a bar/pub/tavern/something like that. :P

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