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MvC Power Levels


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So, (Vicarious)Shaner, Brain(hurtboy...2) and I were on chat the other night, and Shaner got us talking about who in Marvel vs. Capcom is actually, canonically strongest, rather than just in game balance sense. It was a long, fascinating debate that finally resulted in a tiered list, from weakest to strongest, and Shaner has been bugging me to post it ever since ^^;


But, of course, simply posting a precanned list would not be very interesting. So the challenge to you fine fellows is two-fold- 1) if you contest a certain ranking, make your case, and if it's good, we'll change the list around, and 2) currently, the list is just MvC3. I would be nice if it included MvC2 and Marvel Super Heroes and all that jazz... the whole MvC series. So submit previous entrants into the series, and tell us where you think they should rank in the grand scheme of things! Hell, maybe this will even go long enough that we'll start adding in TvC characters.


Without further ado, the list as it currently stands.





Crimson Viper

Chris Redfield

Nathan Spencer


Jill Valentine



Tron Bonne




Captain America



Viewtiful Joe


Albert Wesker



Super Skrull



Iron Man







Doctor Doom







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Well, I think I should add the first new character to the list, actually, I shall add 3.



Roll, Dan, and Servbot.


Roll doesn't seem to have any combat abilities, like a useless Mega Man. She would probably be below Arthur.


Dan, I am not so sure about. Yes, he is weak compared to the rest of the characters, but the other characters are the greatest fighters in the World. That's like saying wine is bad compared to what Jesus makes. I would place him above roll, and either ahead or behind Arthur.


A single Servbot is useless. It should go behind Roll.



Let the arguments commence!

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Upon looking at the MVC 2 roster, I have seen some interesting contestants:


Cable- Seems similar to MODOK, I would put him under Sentinel because I think he could take Jill, but not anyone above her.

Captain Commando- Seems to be a male version of C.Viper, just with more fire. I would put him directly in front of her.

Strider- He is a ninja, nothing special. I would put him directly below Arthur, because Knights > Ninjas.

Jin-Apparently in a giant robot. I would put him directly above Tron.

Hayato-Like a Strider, but not nearly enough training. I would put him directly beneath Strider.


And especially hard ones:

Amingo- He is a frog with stretchy hands and shit. I have no fucking idea. He reminds me of a rejected pokemon. I'm going to put this guy under Dan.

Ruby Heart-She is a pirate. Therefore, she is above Arthur normally, and above Sentinel if she has a pirate ship.

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Their toolset is allowed, not just their martial/magical/whatever power. I'm not sure to what degree we're allowing intellect, however- I think we have to assume that, in any given fight, say Iron Man vs. Dante, they had no idea that they would be fighting each other until suddenly they were.


Also, assume maximum potential- characters that naturally hold back (like Akuma), assume that they are not holding back.

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