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Need For Speed Hot Pursuit


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Really liking this game and is perhaps the best driving game I've played in a long time. The freedrive mode feels a like phoned-in and could've done with some fleshing out, not a fan of the rubberbanding and I've got to a point where the game is starting to kick my ass but I still love it. The online I've had more fun with than I have most other games this year. Hot Pursuit mode is excellent fun, especially as a cop.


Looking forward to seeing how well they continue to support it, given Shift 2 is on it's way. I'd like to think it'll get the Burnout Paradise kind of treatment but we'll see...

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I enjoyed it quite a bit as well. The rubberband AI is only bad 'til you get really good at the game. Then it doesn't matter because you can play well enough that your opponents are never given an opportunity to overtake you. Personally, I wish they would just ditch the rubberbanding altogether and simply ratchet up the AI difficulty to compensate. It's not really much fun anymore when you feel like you're racing the track more than you are other drivers. If I wanted that, I'd go play GT5.


Still, it's classic NFS goodness. Really love the weight of the cars this time around as well. Doesn't feel like I'm in a matchbox toy anymore. Needs more Elise/Evora though. The lack of Lotus makes me sad.

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Hah, that's my problem, I'm pretty much winging it at the moment. I've heard once you invest in it and really get used it to, it's supposed to become quite easy but we'll see.


I would be sad about the lack of the Ferrari licence but the Viper and Veyron made it and that's good enough for me.

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I paid 2.49 for that expansion pack, just for the Reventón. It just looks so sweet. Handles pretty much the same as a Murcièlago, though.


Here are a few of my 'dream shots'. You can find yours if you log in at NFS Autlog.








And does this remind anyone else of Outrun 2?




I think you can check out the rest of my gallery if you go here. Let me know if it doesn't work.

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Nice shots, Smooves. Link does not work though.


I've really enjoyed the game...from what I've played of it. I got the PC version (looks gorgeous) and it keeps crashing...and their patch broke my workaround for the crashing while not actually fixing the issue. :angry:


Criterion are complete asshats when it comes to PC programming. Figured they would've learnt by now...

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Thanks guys. I love making screenshots in videogames, for some reason. Probably because I suck at real-life photography and pausing the game gives me enough time to get the angle and composition just the way I want it. But I digress.


Nice shots, Smooves. Link does not work though.


In that case I'll just post them here:














(Sorry, but if I use spoiler tags, the images don't resize. I figured this was the lesser of two evils.)

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Ive been having a blast with this game. Unfortunately I only have one person on my friends list playing this game. The result is that I am the only one on my speedwall for the majority of the races. It would be fun to compete if anyone wants to send me an add. My XBL GT is the same as my screen name.


Actually, this works to your advantage. Being top of the speedwall nets you an additional 2000 bounty per event. Towards the end of the game that's not a huge amount but every little helps.

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Man, got this yesterday and I have already fell in love with it. It's not so much the challenges are hard, it's that it's either one or two seconds off a Distinction (Cop > Racer all the way :D) or you just have to beat that one person. Autolog, I thought it was just a bit of a gimmick, "yay we can see people racing" but it's actually integrated so well that I just hope a lot of other games try to incorporate it this way.


And I haven't even gotten to online yet...


(I've got a few dreamshots, mostly some fun ones... and a 'funny' one of a Cop car outside the Donut shop... yeaahh)

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I have this OCD nervous habit of clicking the right thumbstick unnecessarily when I game, so at the end of a race in this game I have a full album most of the time. Real pain in the ass for me.


Heh, well I use a launch day Sixaxis, the thing is so old now that the left analog stick has a tendency to wander upwards ever so slightly that when I get to a main menu, it registers as up and scrolls through the menu. Now that is a pain in the ass.

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My 360 controller's left stick does that, it gets stuck slightly to the left. I just have to give it a tiny nudge though and it will pop back to center and stay there. Most games it's not even far enough for the game to register it as an input though.

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How do you get some of those angles in your dreamshots? My fingers are way too slow to turn the camera in a good direction and click down when something is happening.


Bagsy. Most controllers should have a button on them to PAUSE THE FUCKING GAME.


Select the dreamshot option from the menu and take all the time you need.


@berober: Cool shots. I never noticed that donut shop before. That's great. :lol:

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