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PSN users' personal details compromised


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  On 6/3/2011 at 10:37 AM, MaliciousH said:

Funny thing... SonyPictures.com got hacked. :P

Just think this is the best place to put this after you know... all this waiting. At least it wasn't the PSN... god damn I would kill the next person who does take it down.


Jeez poor Sony. With all these hard hits they're taking and loss of money it makes me wonder if they would even want to make another console. For all they know it could be another profit loss in the future. Goddamn you hackers, DAAAAAMN YOUUUUU

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So is there anyone here already using Playstation plus? Do you get to keep free DLC if you let it expire? I know that free games have to have a membership, but what about DLC for games you bought in disc form? I don't plan on keeping PSN plus so I want to get all I can while the getting is good, assuming that I can keep it.

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Yeah, it's a fucking pain in the ass to access right now. You get like 9 errors in a row regardless of which section you're trying to access.


After fighting with it for like 20mins, I finally managed to pick my two PS3 games and one PSP game.


Went with the WipeOut HD bundle and Dead Nation. I had been considering LBP, but when I saw it wasn't GOTY I said fuck it.


I picked Killzone: Liberation for PSP, but I have no idea what I should get for the other one. LBP and MNR feel... pointless on PSP.

And that other Pursuit game looks decent, but I had never heard of it prior to this, so I'm hesitant.

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I'm very happy to be catsitting at a house with fast internet while all this is happening. Super Stardust HD is a definite for me, I have LBP, inFamous doesn't interest me, and I'm in the air about Wipeout HD and Dead Nation. Since there was no demo for Dean Nation, I popped on Youtube to see the gameplay and I can't believe some of the comments there:


"i have infamous and lbp -_- the others arent games to me, they are just crap with no story lines. ratchet clank has no trophies so its worthless >_> im ungrateful but this sucks."


"LOL so many people r going to get this and LBP because they r the best (infamous is beast but many people already own it) who cares about stardust or wipeout, seriously"




"I'd rather have Rachet and Clank than Infamous that game sucked...Why couldn't they give us LBP2. or Killzone 3/ or COD Black Ops considering this was a Blackops scam to get APPLE to buy out SONY so they could charge us to play online. Ask the NSA the Illuminati want us to mandatory switch to Internet 2."


What is this I don't even...


I haven't looked too hard at the way Playstation Plus works out, other than you have until July 12 or so to sign up for the free month. I might wait on it to see what deals they have each week up until the final week if no must-haves pop up until then.

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  On 6/3/2011 at 11:30 PM, SanaEquiesterer said:

Since there was no demo for Dean Nation, I popped on Youtube to see the gameplay and I can't believe some of the comments there


There is currently no demo, because as of yet my plans for global domination haven't extended that far. Even a small micro-nation in Indonesia.

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  On 6/3/2011 at 11:30 PM, SanaEquiesterer said:

I'm very happy to be catsitting at a house with fast internet while all this is happening. Super Stardust HD is a definite for me, I have LBP, inFamous doesn't interest me, and I'm in the air about Wipeout HD and Dead Nation.

Yeah, Super Stardust HD would've been a no-brainer if I didn't already own it.

Dead Nation is actually made by the same developer. I gave it a quick try earlier and it seems decent enough. I'm loving the hell out of Wipeout HD so far, too!


But it would take more than that to keep me away from L.A. Noire at the moment.


  On 6/3/2011 at 11:47 PM, Deanb said:
  On 6/3/2011 at 11:30 PM, SanaEquiesterer said:

Since there was no demo for Dean Nation, I popped on Youtube to see the gameplay and I can't believe some of the comments there


There is currently no demo, because as of yet my plans for global domination haven't extended that far. Even a small micro-nation in Indonesia.



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  On 6/3/2011 at 11:47 PM, Deanb said:
  On 6/3/2011 at 11:30 PM, SanaEquiesterer said:

Since there was no demo for Dean Nation, I popped on Youtube to see the gameplay and I can't believe some of the comments there


There is currently no demo, because as of yet my plans for global domination haven't extended that far. Even a small micro-nation in Indonesia.


This is why I hate typing on laptops.


One note to other who might check the demos of Wipeout and Stardust: try not to have them on your PS3 when you select them as the game you want to get. I selected the 'Get Now' option like you were supposed to, and I'm having a memory lapse about what happened after. The end result is that the option to get a free PS3 game is now gone, Stardust and Wipeout no longer say 'demo', but their content isn't unlocked from the demo.

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  On 6/4/2011 at 2:04 AM, SanaEquiesterer said:


One note to other who might check the demos of Wipeout and Stardust: try not to have them on your PS3 when you select them as the game you want to get. I selected the 'Get Now' option like you were supposed to, and I'm having a memory lapse about what happened after. The end result is that the option to get a free PS3 game is now gone, Stardust and Wipeout no longer say 'demo', but their content isn't unlocked from the demo.

Perhaps you managed to redeem the free game option but got an error before you could choose your game?

It also happened to me.


They gave a workaround on the ps.blog


If at any point you can’t find the ‘Welcome Back Free Game 1 or 2’ products, the list of available titles or a game you’ve selected, go to your XMB>PlayStation Network>Account Management>Transaction Management>Services List>SCEA Promotions to complete the process.
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hmm, I guess I could try and regain access to the old EU account I made to get the Killzone 2 demo early a few years ago.


Problem is I've no idea which email address I used (if even a real one).


edit: ha! managed to retrieve it!

Though for some reason its region is France. Kinda wish I'd done England. I got LBP through it, downloading it now. hope it won't be in french :/


Oh and I took a quick look around that region's store and saw a demo for No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise.

Unless I'm completely blind, I don't think that's available in North America? Downloading it as well :D

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I do have a UK account, but the email was through Yahoo and I have no earthly idea the exact phrasing of the address. I deleted the User on my PS3 a few months ago too.


Even if I were to properly access it, the only game I would be interested in is that Ratchet and Clank game. I've had LittleBigPlanet and inFAMOUS for a long time now. ^_^

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  On 6/4/2011 at 2:04 AM, SanaEquiesterer said:
  On 6/3/2011 at 11:47 PM, Deanb said:
  On 6/3/2011 at 11:30 PM, SanaEquiesterer said:

Since there was no demo for Dean Nation, I popped on Youtube to see the gameplay and I can't believe some of the comments there


There is currently no demo, because as of yet my plans for global domination haven't extended that far. Even a small micro-nation in Indonesia.


This is why I hate typing on laptops.


One note to other who might check the demos of Wipeout and Stardust: try not to have them on your PS3 when you select them as the game you want to get. I selected the 'Get Now' option like you were supposed to, and I'm having a memory lapse about what happened after. The end result is that the option to get a free PS3 game is now gone, Stardust and Wipeout no longer say 'demo', but their content isn't unlocked from the demo.


That's weird, because I had the WipeOut HD demo before this and when I redeemed the first free game all I had to do was download the unlock code and the Fury expansion and played the full version without a problem.

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  On 6/4/2011 at 5:04 AM, FLD said:

They gave a workaround on the ps.blog


If at any point you can’t find the ‘Welcome Back Free Game 1 or 2’ products, the list of available titles or a game you’ve selected, go to your XMB>PlayStation Network>Account Management>Transaction Management>Services List>SCEA Promotions to complete the process.


Thanks, that did it. Still, I distinctly remember the games saying 'demo' on the XMB, so it was odd it was removed after redeeming the free game promotion.

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  On 6/7/2011 at 8:48 PM, SanaEquiesterer said:
  On 6/4/2011 at 5:04 AM, FLD said:

They gave a workaround on the ps.blog


If at any point you can’t find the ‘Welcome Back Free Game 1 or 2’ products, the list of available titles or a game you’ve selected, go to your XMB>PlayStation Network>Account Management>Transaction Management>Services List>SCEA Promotions to complete the process.


Thanks, that did it. Still, I distinctly remember the games saying 'demo' on the XMB, so it was odd it was removed after redeeming the free game promotion.

That's because Wipeout is one of those games that upon buying it you only download the demo and an unlock key.

When I redeemed it, 3 things were added to my download list: Wipeout HD demo, Wipeout HD unlock key and Wipeout HD Fury Add-On.


I remember a while back I had tried a demo of a game (not 100% sure, but I think it was Castle Crashers) and liked it, so I went to buy it.

But I first deleted the demo, worried that it might interfere or something (I can't really explain the reasoning either...).

Then when I bought the full game, I had to redownload the damn demo -_-

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  On 6/7/2011 at 8:57 PM, FLD said:


I remember a while back I had tried a demo of a game (not 100% sure, but I think it was Castle Crashers) and liked it, so I went to buy it.

But I first deleted the demo, worried that it might interfere or something (I can't really explain the reasoning either...).

Then when I bought the full game, I had to redownload the damn demo -_-



Haha, I did the same damn thing with Scott Pilgrim vs The World, downloaded the demo and when I was about to buy the game I deleted the demo for... some strange paranoiac reason. Bought it and bam re-download the demo and a 63KB unlock Key.


I had the wipeout demo for a while, and after the fury expansion came I was asked to download the update, I did and played the demo a bit, even in the demo I was able to unlock about 2-3 trophies :P




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