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Osama Dun Goofed


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I'm British :P so I'm aware about the London bombings, but how much of "Al-Queda" was Bin Laden? I know they claim to have perpetuated every act of terrorism ever, but the London Bombings had no direct links to him, though some to the orginisation. The Madrid bombings were never even claimed by Al-Queda. I'm not saying that terrorist attacks haven't existed, but I wonder how much influence he really had considering his focus on evading capture?

How much of al-Qaeda was bin Laden? You mean other than him being the founder and leader?


By the way, just because al-Qaeda does not claim responsibility for the attacks does not mean they weren't involved in some way. Unless you're saying it's just a coincidence that three of the four bombers were Pakistani and their pre-taped gloating also had al-Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri gloating as well. You're talking about an organization that gladly trains and arms would-be terrorists. They had their finger in the pie, somewhere.


I suggest watching the Carlos TV miniseries for a more dramatic portrayal of how well-connected various terrorists groups are with each other.

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How much of al-Qaeda was bin Laden? You mean other than him being the founder and leader?


By the way, just because al-Qaeda does not claim responsibility for the attacks does not mean they weren't involved in some way. Unless you're saying it's just a coincidence that three of the four bombers were Pakistani and their pre-taped gloating also had al-Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri gloating as well. You're talking about an organization that gladly trains and arms would-be terrorists. They had their finger in the pie, somewhere.


I suggest watching the Carlos TV miniseries for a more dramatic portrayal of how well-connected various terrorists groups are with each other.


I wasn't saying he wasn't affiliated, I was saying that as much as those are attributed to Al-Queda how can anyone know what his level of involvement is with the organisation now? I just wouldn't imagine it to be very high, that's just speculation I don't pretend to know a great deal about it :P. And I did say about the British lots involvement with Al-Qaeda. Anyway I feel like I've probably confused my point now! I just don't see his death having much of an impact on terrorism which is why I said that it was anticlimatic.

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Northern Pakistan is the breeding ground for the majority of the world's terrorists these days. bin Laden just happens to be living in a palace not but a couple hundred miles away from all the "alleged" training sites? Connect the dots.


As for an impact in terrorism, I imagine it's having a morale effect. It's certainly having one in America. Finally capturing the man responsible for America's biggest terrorist attack in its history is a pretty big deal. Only time will tell how big of an impact it will have on al-Qaeda, however. But I'm a little tired of people shrugging this off like water on a stone.

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Northern Pakistan is the breeding ground for the majority of the world's terrorists these days. bin Laden just happens to be living in a palace not but a couple hundred miles away from all the "alleged" training sites? Connect the dots.

Of course the connection could simply be the fact that Pakistan has many Bin Laden/Al Qaeda/anti-western supporters and combined with the geography of the place that makes it an easy place for any terrorists to hide from the US and other coalition forces.


As for the effect it will have on morale, on the US side it will obviously be a boost, but we're talking about religious extremists here, martyrdom probably only strengthens the terrorists (perceived) cause anyway.

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As far as the United State is concerned, they killed a founder and poster boy, Ronald McDonald (Osama). They captured mastermind of the 9/11 attack, Hamburglar (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed). Now they need to get the brains, Grimace (That one old guy, forgot his name...).

Considering that the US mostly likely went in without Pakistani help... heh. What is to stop us from going into the Tribal Region of Pakistan? Then again, the brains, 2nd in command, might be walking and sleeping in Islamabad for all I know. Seriously, where Osama was is surprising as fuck.


But yeah, Al Qaeda as an organization is loosely connected with many heads. Hopefully this is the start of separating the heads into separate bodies.

Yeah, they can recover from this. Note "can". I don't care if they do. You can't have what-ifs stop you.


Meh. If we ever take out the brains, hopefully we and the Afghan gov't can stabilize Afghanistan to the point that only outside threats are only of real concern. Somehow make it a West/East Berlin situation. It'll be a stalemate resulting one side to eventually giving up. Meh.


Living in one of the best countries to live in sure have it perks but man, does it sucks when it comes to these things. Someday I'm just going to stop caring.

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Well, people on GOG are starting to go all "9/11 is a conspiracy!", so needless to say I will not be discussing this matter with them anymore.


EDIT: Wow, now this guy's telling my WWII was a conspiracy as well. Are people from Peru really that short-sighted?

Edited by DukeOfPwn
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Well, people on GOG are starting to go all "9/11 is a conspiracy!", so needless to say I will not be discussing this matter with them anymore.


EDIT: Wow, now this guy's telling my WWII was a conspiracy as well. Are people from Peru really that short-sighted?


Talking politics on Good Old Games forums? Well, there's your problem!

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Well, people on GOG are starting to go all "9/11 is a conspiracy!", so needless to say I will not be discussing this matter with them anymore.


EDIT: Wow, now this guy's telling my WWII was a conspiracy as well. Are people from Peru really that short-sighted?


Talking politics on Good Old Games forums? Well, there's your problem!

Forumgoers at GOG are also conspiracy theorists? Well, I'll be tickled pink!

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Imma be honest, I find it hilarious that people immediately call me a conspiracy nut the minute I call bullshit on the Government's "official version of the story". I find it more likely that Bin Laden died back in 2001 and the powers-that-be have been perpetuating this war for a multitude of reasons. I won't go into them as I know no one will care or take me seriously.


Call me naive, stupid, crazy, un-American.. I don't care... the fact of the matter is that it took nearly 10 years, at LEAST $1.3 Trillion dollars later, and supposedly the most advanced, well-equipped military from allegedly the most powerful nation in the world, to supposedly find one guy in the middle of arguably one of the most barren parts of the world. Not only that, but neither the attack on the compound, nor the after-math, nor the freakin' BURIAL AT SEA, a short 3 hours later, were recorded in any way shape or form. Unless someone here has a video other than that damn 3D chinese news thing... or non-photoshopped images, color me cynical.


I would like to say however, that I would not begrudge immediate victims of the 9/11 attacks their joy/closure after hearing of their murderer's death; I am not that heartless or selfish of a bastard, I'm just a plain old bastard.

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It would of been a lot better if they hadn't dropped the ball at Tora Bora. I mean we would of had him in 2001. Instead they left it to a local milita leader who Osama paid off to let him walk right out.

He didn't walk out of there completely free... not when this (or the MOAB) was dropped on him as a farewell gift.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't read the article yet since its tl;dr for this time of night but... yeah, that is the nature of fighting a organization such as Al Qaeda. What the hell do they got to lose? They already commit to die and you can't really rape them of their land and resources much anymore... Their primary objective is to push the US and other Western powers out of their lands. They have home court advantage.


Now the US got an ideology to beat. Tough thing to do and a thing you can't win with weapons. That is for damn sure.


Man, will I see the end of this before I hit 30 or this shit the new Cold War? Meh...

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