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Team Fortress 2

Mister Jack

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Speaking of trading, I got a shield that gives +25 health to the sniper that I'd trade for the soldier's black box, should anyone be interested.


The dangershield? I have it but I think I have a spare Black Box I'd trade for something else if you're interested, not a complete trade douche either so I wont ask for your soul for it :)


Recently got a friend into TF2, he started off by changing class everytime he got killed to the one he thought would get revenge easiest ¬_¬

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Ok been trying to get hold of festive crates cos I don't mind paying for keys (yeah I'm a mug), but fucking hell are people putting their value high, I've had people trying to get me to give reclaimed for them?! Anywya managed to get a few and what do I get from them....3 of the new engy wrench and 3 of the metal Heavy fists....maybe its time I stopped bothering with crates haha


On the upside I crafted the Loch'n'Load :D pretty great, didn't use the stupid 2 reclaimed recipe though, and the new melee map is great!

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A friend of mine has mentioned to me that some of the new weapons on TF2 have no blueprints and are only available in the cash store. Is this true? Because if it is that's bullshit.


Yeah it's looking that way right now, a lot of items seemingly only through crate drops, though I guess you could do the class token/slot token and hope you get it? Not sure on that one, the crafting recipes for the new items are rubbish anyways. A lot of the new items seem to suck tbh, I hope the next updates mostly include maps and not more weapons.

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