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Team Fortress 2

Mister Jack

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Wow, I was the last poster...


Long shot then; Im moving house tommorow, day of the update, wont have internet till friday. Would someone mind grabbing me some update swag, for my triumphant return to the internet?




Much appreciated.


Please don't burn the place down in my absence :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the new TF2 mode is out and with it comes the controversial Mann Up mode




For those of you who don't have time to read that, the short version is that the mode is free, but if you want to get new items from it you have to complete missions, and the only way to do that is to play on special servers that you have to pay 99 cents to get into for each mission you do.


Not to sound ungrateful, but I think Valve is making a mistake with this approach. If they want to make some more money off this rare drop mode, fine. What I don't care for, however, is that "99 cents per mission" philosophy. I have no idea how many missions there are and even if it doesn't cost much, I don't like the feeling of plunking down a dollar every time I want to join a server. I would much rather they just charge one flat fee, probably between 10 to 15 dollars, to unlock that mode permanently.

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