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Team Fortress 2

Mister Jack

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So I got a naming tag to day and it's time to name my axtinguisher... the theme I've been using is pokemon moves from the 1st generation and I need help deciding which move reflects the weapons ability while not being obscure or misinterpreted as something else.



My 2 named weapons so far are: Degreaser as "Fire Blast" since Flamethrower is also a fire move, I think of the degreaser as the same but, better and the blast part can also mean the airblast. I renamed my shotgun to "Fury Swipes" since its a normal type move and hit-scan weapons seem to be the normal equivalent and because I usually need to land multiple hits to do real damage.


With those 2 as examples I've only thought of 2 so far which are: Guillotine and Dream Eater. Guillotine is a 1 hit kill but, has low accuracy and Dream Eater does good damage but, the target needs to be asleep for it to work kinda the same way the axtinguisher needs fire to do real damage.


So yeah...what do you guys think? : <

Edited by ChrnoXIII
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Now... things are getting interesting. Most of the changes ignoring the melee/nocrit ones to existing weapons seem to make sense whether they're things that have bothered me about these items or if they're things other people have brought up continuously. The few that strike me as odd are: allowing random crits on the caber... considering how much damage it does already, the vitasaws new ability... while it needed something being able to see enemy health is kind of random, as for the rest.. will have to play before I comment on them


--- February 11, 2011 ---




Restored player health to normal values

Replaced the no-crit attribute with -25% damage on the following:

The Eyelander

The Gunslinger

The Southern Hospitality

The Powerjack (also added +20% melee vulnerability)

The Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker

The Ullapool Caber

The Claidheamohmor




Added the ability to see enemy health

New Medigun - The Quick-Fix:

Heal rate increased 50%

Uber charge rate increased 50%

Not able to overheal

Match the speed of any faster heal target

Uber effect: Megaheal

Heal rate increased 3x on heal target

Heal target and medic immune to stun and damage forces




Removed cooldown

Fists of Steel

Increase deploy times 20%

Ranged damage reduced 40% (down from 60%)




+10% damage




Tuned high-end damage range so it's no longer possible to one-shot certain classes

Suppress the medic call effect while active




Heal 60% of damage done (down from 75%)



Flares always crit burning targets, regardless of range.


Removed the restriction on airblast

Ammo cost increased 150% (4 blasts at full ammo)

Damage bonus reduced to 10% (from 15%)

New Flaregun - The Detonator:

Alt-fire detonates flare in flight

Does a small explosion that catches players on fire

20% explosion damage vulnerability



Sydney Sleeper:

+25% increased charge rate




Added an option to display healing done over heal targets (hud_combattext_healing)

Display a value whenever the player does something that earns them a bonus point

Starting position of values is now affected by range to target, making it easier to see numbers when next to targets

Medic overheal effect is now more noticeable

Synced with changes from the official releases












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Total numbnuts here, I've been thinking about buying a new PC and one of my main priorities is having a PC that's capable of running TF2 perfectly. Would anyone mind giving me some guidelines as to what I would need?


Valve is similar to Blizzard, in that both are fairly lenient with their games (as far as system requirements are concerned). Basically any PC you can find today will be able to easily run TF2.

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If you get a desktop any modern one will do, just install a cheap $30 Graphics card and you're dandy. Should run more than TF2 aswell.


*looks at laptop with Ubuntu*

I better start saving up more cash instead of wasting it on silly games and food.




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