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Transformers: Dark of the Moon Trailer

c hoertjes

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Look, I don't care if the movies are cheap thrills and have shit plots. You know what these movies are supposed to be about? Big motherfuckin' robots that transform and shit blowing the hell out of each other. That's all I want and all I expect. Not every movie needs to be Citizen Kane. I love the Transformers movies and kiss my butt.

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Second one had robots and explosions. That's all I expected. I did not understand the complaints from movie critics who were like "Oh, it was too loud and blah blah blah I'm an old fart and I'm senile and can't follow along." What the fuck do you expect from a movie about GIANT BADASS ROBOTS? A quiet drama? I want NOISE and BOOMS.

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My problem with the second one is that it was too fucking long and it took itself more seriously than it should have without the writing chops to back it up. That middle stretch without Optimus was just painful. And the Optimus/Fallen fight at the very end was bullshit. If you like it for nothing more than giant fighting robots, then that fight should have pissed you off.

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Look, I don't care if the movies are cheap thrills and have shit plots. You know what these movies are supposed to be about? Big motherfuckin' robots that transform and shit blowing the hell out of each other. That's all I want and all I expect. Not every movie needs to be Citizen Kane. I love the Transformers movies and kiss my butt.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't like the second one, purely because it made Shia LeBouf look like a dick. What made the first one so great was that it was a story about a young kid and his car. All he wanted was his car, and then when it happened to be a giant fucking robot, that didn't stop him from caring for it and looking out for it.


In the sequel Sam is all like, "This ain't my war. I've got shit to do." and it sucks. Plus the fact that they added so many damn robots that it's damn-near impossible to keep track, and when one dies you have almost no attachment to it whatsoever because you never saw it. When Jazz died in the first one, you felt bad. You liked Jazz. There are too many robots to care about all of them. Also, racist robots blow balls.


Now, on to the topic at hand. The trailer was awesome. One of the things I loved about the first film was the whole "The Hoover Dam was built to hid the Cube" idea. I love when history gets integrated into modern themes. I think it's awesome. So, if they pursue the idea that the Apollo mission was really just to explore the crashed ship they detected, then I'm all for it. I can't wait for the film, but I'm not expecting it to be awesome. I too like awesome effects and explosions, and when that's what you want you can do no better than Michael Bay.

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I didn't really like Jazz, but not enough to hate him, to me he was just kind of a dick who died pretty quick. I never did feel bad, was I supposed to?


The super ghetto combo in the second was just... out of place and not funny, I'm all up for a little stereotypical comedy, but that was just bad. In simple explosion terms I loved the first one. Second one had build ups, but never really lived up to them. Last fight was too quick.

The giant grinding robot with the whirling mouth, in the trailers he looked so cool, so fearsome and he was for about 20 seconds then oop he's dead.


The beggining of RotF though that was pretty damn cool.

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I fucking love the first Transformers movie, and by that, I mean this:




I did like the first Michael Bay Transformers though. It was far from perfect, but the way that they eased the audience into the story and made Sam a likable teenager worked pretty well.


Revenge of the Fallen was a fucking mess. It was too long, the story sucked, and overly-reliant on action and explosions. But the WORST PART was that 10-year-old-boy-writing that permeated the film: gratuitous sexuality (far more than the first film,) blatantly offensive characters, and even more in-film commercials than before.


I understand that with Bay you have to expect a certain degree of this, but in RotF it was major overkill.


Honestly, I don't know what to expect with the third Tranformers film. Bay simply can't resist sexy/horny characters and dick/fart jokes, so I'm not expecting much.


On a side note, I remember Bay going on Conan (or maybe Leno) just before Revenge of the Fallen and bragging about how he had the largest non-CG explosion in cinema history. He said something like they used 100,000 gallons of gasoline to make the explosion. Then I loved what happened next: the audience reflexively started to applaud, but then it seemed to dawn on everyone at the same time how terrible that was and they just stopped clapping at once, like they all remembered "Uh... isn't gasoline a precious commodity that indirectly causes terrorism? And you used it for a stupid movie instead of just using CG?"

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