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Assassin's Creed Revelations [SPOILERS for AC1, 2, and Brotherhood]


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Same here. I haven't even played ACII, much less Brotherhood but I'm already sick of EZIO EZIO EZIO EZIO and the same time period. I want to be able to look forward to a variety of time periods, locales, and protagonists. Despite my anticipation for playing ACII I'm not really looking forward to being stuck in the same time period with the same protagonist for 3 games in a row -_-

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For the record, Ezio Auditore is a great character, but I also feel like it's time to move on.


There's two major problems:


- The consumers (apparently) want Ezio. Ubisoft went and had a poll allowing gamers to vote for who they'd like to see star in the next AC game. Guess who won? Ubisoft is a business in the middle of a recession like everyone else. Choosing another time period and protagonist is a quite a risk.


- The main creative force at Ubisoft Montreal, Patrice Désilets, has left the company. In his absence, it seems Ubisoft can't think of anything to do but milk his previous work.

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  On 5/5/2011 at 6:00 PM, HotChops said:


- The main creative force at Ubisoft Montreal, Patrice Désilets, has left the company. In his absence, it seems Ubisoft can't think of anything to do but milk his previous work.

So the franchise's final chapter is headed for the toilet?





Edited by TheMightyEthan
Added line breaks cause the NOO shooting across the page was irritating me. :P
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  On 5/5/2011 at 6:21 PM, Deanb said:

From what I've read on it the teaser trailer suggests a date that's quite a while before Ezio is born. And in Istanbul/Constantinople. Which is quite a distance away.


I saw an image of who appeared to be Altair juxtaposed with who appeared to be an older, bearded Ezio. Again, I straight-up read that the game features an older Ezio in Constantinople. My guess? The game features chapters with both characters (and Desmond) in that location and others.


EDIT: http://www. gameinfor...revealjune. aspx -- oh, there you go.

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  On 5/5/2011 at 6:00 PM, HotChops said:

The main creative force at Ubisoft Montreal, Patrice Désilets, has left the company.


I read about this but he already commented on what the 3rd game was supposed to be.


" . He also commented on the story of Assassin's Creed III, saying that it will focus on Assassins' quest to prevent the end of the world in 2012 and their race against time to find temples built by "those who came before". Desmond would have to search for clues on locations of these temples by exploring memories of his other ancestors."


This is the game that I've been waiting to play.

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This doesn't bother me too much. I loved Brotherhood and I'm sure I'll love this just as much.

Plus, playing as both Ezio and Altaïr could be awesome if they find a good balance between the two.


That being said, what I really wanted was a proper ACIII with a new setting and protagonist. And the more they delay that, the higher the expectations get.

If they stay in Ezio's time for too long and only slightly refine the gameplay, it's going to get old pretty quick.


They might've gotten away with an only slightly improved ACIII if they'd released it after ACII.

But after 3 games, now it'll be time for another significant upgrade. Otherwise ACIII will just feel half-assed.

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Copied from my rants in the Updates:


I don't get all this... Sure, they're relatively "milking" the IP, as an IP. But from a 'game' standpoint, it's great. ACII was a huge improvement over ACI as a game, and Brotherhood was yet another huge improvement over that.


Ezio's okay, but in this one we'll apparently also spend a lot of time playing Altair and Desmond, so the story will be pushing forward a lot. Also it suggests Ezio's going on a journey that Altair took, following in his footsteps kind of thing- so maybe it won't be so much of an open world situation?


I'm all for constant iterations as long as it is unique and improving the series.


This is nothing like the CoD milking or the old Prince of Persia milking (after Sands of Time). I've found these games to each be actually unique, and pushing the quality envelope constantly, so I'm really fine with it.


Even the multiplayer in AC:B was great. Took a different mindset, but it worked well, in the story and as a game.

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It's gonna have Ezio and Altair, hopefully. Istanbul and Constantinople were very different places at different times, so they could do something really cool and interesting.

I liked Altair only because he was a game protagonist that wasn't black or white. Okay, he was kinda white, but I'll take what I can get.

I'm hoping for a 20s Shanghai or Hong Kong setting for AC3. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Realistically, as long as it's not modern or in the states I'm happy. Though I'm not sure how much more they can milk Europe for.

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I thought Brotherhood had a substantial amount of improvements over ac2. Not like ac2 had over ac1, but the game has a lot of stuff to do. Tons of optional shit and a lot of it is fun. Pretty much everything was enhanced and refined, then had stuff added on.. It was literally bigger and better in every way. The next game might be the best one. Also as someone who doesnt game online, acb's online mode was a lot of fun. Unlike bioshock 2 and dead space 2, acb had an online mode that actually was full fledged and not just tacked on.


To be quite honest, the ac formula is so awesome and the storyline is so gripping that i dont mind another sequel that improves instead of redefines.


Also, i know im alone in this, but i like desmonds story and i hope he gets his own game as a modern assassin.


Also, kristen bell. Oh yes.

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Wonder if we're gonna have some sort of "Go somewhere as Ezio, hit a dead end, go back as Altair to find the way through, go back to Ezio to progress" mechanic?


I mean, I don't think you'll be able to change history, so not changing the landscape per se, more finding a hidden switch that has become obscured over the passage of time.

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  On 5/6/2011 at 4:59 AM, Strangelove said:

Also, i know im alone in this, but i like desmonds story and i hope he gets his own game as a modern assassin.

You are definitely not alone in this. Once it got to Assassin's Creed II, I found that I cared about Desmond more than any of the other plot lines. During much of the gameplay in Rome and Italy, I desperately wanted to jump out of the Animus and start on the quest the series has been hinting at for some time now. I want to learn more about his childhood and the events that came before the first game. I also love the way the characters interact in the modern day setting. Though the e-mails were a bore, I jumped out of the Animus often to see if there was any new interaction I could have with the crew.

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I also like Desmond/the modern story component. I liked Ezio too, but I am ready to move on, this just makes it feel like the story is stagnating, even if they keep improving the gameplay (I agree Brotherhood was the best so far). And I don't mean that as "they're not developing the story anymore" so much as I mean the manner in which they're developing it is stagnating, which is going to make people lose interest.


As for the multiplayer, I thought it was a terribly flawed execution of a wonderful idea. I haven't played it since a few weeks after launch though, so it's possible a lot of the issues I experienced have gotten better.

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Yea, Ezio is a fun character, but he's had his time and its time to move on. New setting, new era, new assassin.


I don't know if I'm ready for Desmond's game, there's still some time span, it'd be fun for one more ancestor, and maybe mix it up a little, have it be a woman.

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Playing as Ezio over 50 is a real stretch of the imagination. Few people in those days reached that age without major illnesses and ailments. Far fewer -- if none -- reached that age and could still do parkour and leap to the ground from building rooftops.


It would be interesting if Ezio's weapons and tactics changed with his condition; relying more on recruited assassins and projectile weapons. Heck, by the end of AC:B, all I had to do is raise a hand in the air and my assassins did all the work.

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