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"Microsoft has declined to comment. EA has declined to comment. Develop’s source is not employed at either company" - lolwut. How'd they know then?

Just seems to be the average "E3 is coming, rumour posts are more allowed" kinda thing.


Also for a xbox inbound, tbh I'd want it longer. (not that it would change my mind like, not much interested in the next xbox. Not much of a shooter fan so very little point)

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not much interested in the next 360. Not much of a shooter fan so very little point)


I'd roll my eyes too but I mostly play FPS on my Xbox.

I'll roll my eyes cause I'm not much of a shooter fan either (outside of Halo, which admittedly is a really big plus for Xbox) but I still like my Xbox.



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because they only released the slim less than a year ago, which is when I, and many others took the plunge. I wouldn't have had I known that focus would be pulled within one year and it would be superseded within two years.

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because they only released the slim less than a year ago, which is when I, and many others took the plunge. I wouldn't have had I known that focus would be pulled within one year and it would be superseded within two years.


You can't really be that upset. You wouldn't be able to get the NeXbox for the price you paid for your Slim anyways, and definitely not with the vast library it has today.


If I had more patience, I would love to be a half a generation behind. Would save me soooo much money, plus I could find really awesome games dirt cheap. But, alas...

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yeah, I'm not upset at all, but I would see it as more of a slap in the face of customers than the PSN debacle, especially after the way they pushed the original xbox under a bus. I'm not upset about the PSN thing either. Hell, if MS would give away free stuff I'd be happy for LIVE to be hacked. :P

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from the current limitations view it kind of sucks, but overall I'm glad; I'm not ready to shell out for another console; the next generation I'm not sure if I'll be lucky enough to afford multi-console ownership.


And besides, MS stated multiple times they wanted to treat Kinect's launch like a whole new console launch... so that should lengthen the 360's lifespan.

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I'm shocked at how well Kinect is doing, actually, in awareness more so than sales. I was studying with one of my female friends yesterday, and she was looking for a yoga class in the city she's moving to after graduation, and was complaining that they only had old-person yoga and middle-aged-person zumba. I commented offhand that there's a zumba game for Kinect and she goes "Is that that thing where you don't have to use a controller? I want that." This girl has probably never played a video game in her entire life.


I bow to MS's marketing.

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Its odd to see so many people wanting a new console. Yeah the 360 is showing its age, but i cant see what the next gen is going to do so differently. Its just going to be more power. The nes to the snes to the ps1 and so on were graphical leaps in realism that game creators used to portray different worlds and genres impossible on the old 8 bit system, but now? Its all just better textures, less jaggies, and bigger worlds, which only rockstar and bethesda will utilize.

im no graphic whore so maybe im not the person this is all targeted for.

this next gen isnt going to do anything different. That to me is kind of boring. Graphically, these graphics we have now on consoles are good for me.


Plus, the longer it takes to throw 400 or whatever dollars to play new games the better.

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