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  On 5/9/2011 at 4:17 PM, Deanb said:

Does it come inside a PC tower?


Oh, didn't see that bit. Nah, story is full of crap to the best of my knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a prototype of something somewhere, but certainly nothing that you could call a "Nextbox". It's not showing on any of my sku plans whereas another rumoured but as yet unconfirmed console is.

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I don't get the whole "announcement of an announcement" concept. Isn't the first announcement the "announcement"? Nintendo, you've announced the new console, it's been announced, all you're doing at E3 is giving us more information. You can't put the announcement cat back in the unannounced bag.

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Can anyone imagine what they could develop with a new Xbox? Or a new next gen console in general.


The only things I can think of are:


- HDD only, no physical media input. Unlikely for backwards compatibility, let alone most 'punters' buying retail.


- New control/ input methods, though the tried n tested joypad is unlikely to change.


- Even more social networking/ social media merging.


- Improved hardware specs (obviously).

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I've been saying there will be no optical disc so I agree with you on that.


As far as new control/input methods go I'm not convinced waggle will be back. Touch screen on controllers might work but that would be expensive. Unless someone figures out a better way to move around inside a game world than a joystick then I think controllers will largely remain unchanged.

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You're not agreeing on no physical media (he is just throwing out ideas and said it's unlikely), and it's certainly not going to come in next-gen.


I don't think a touch-screen controller would take off either. No one thinks an iPad is ideal for gaming and, even if you were just using it for buttons, you can't beat the haptic feedback you get from a button.

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I was more envisioning a controller that looks like a PSP. The touch screen doesn't have to replace the buttons and is not your main display. Really it'd just replace the guide button and manage an inventory or things like that.


The more I think about it the more awesome it would be. I hate games where I always have to stop to bring up an inventory screen.

Edited by Yantelope
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  On 5/10/2011 at 7:27 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Sounds like the Wii 2 is for you then.


Also, I know I've said this before, but I would bet money that there's an optical drive in the 720.


I think the Wii 2 was the opposite where the TV was secondary to the screen on the controller. That does not sound like as much fun.

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I'm pretty sure the Wii 2 is primarily on a TV, though if you're moving around the house you can have the output on the controller screen, at a lower quality. Obviously that's just what 'the people' are saying though.


But actually Yant, I agree with you on the inventory/secondary screen thing; it would be nice in, say, Resident Evil, to be able to look down and sort out your inventory on the fly, while the game continues on your main screen. Would add a lot of tension, and would make it easier in most games if it was a touch screen, too.


However, I think it's unlikely that'll be the next control innovation in the Xbox/ PS3 domain.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I heard that in Fable you'll be able to plant a tree and it will grow through the course of the game as time goes on.


Seriously though, I would like to see the LA Noire face tech used on a PC where they can actually have some high res textures. It would be amazing. The movement in that game is great, almost all the weirdnesses I noticed were from the textures shifting/stretching oddly.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 6/15/2011 at 2:37 AM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:
  On 5/20/2011 at 4:16 AM, TheMightyEthan said:

Yeah, I heard that in Fable you'll be able to plant a tree and it will grow through the course of the game as time goes on.


Didn't Oblivion have this (or was supposed to) in regards to how vegetation changed over time?


No, Fable was. :P

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