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Xbox One


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I like my consoles too. I always have a certain attachment to them. Not to mention all the exclusives they get and the fact games tend to be designed with them in mind.


I've owned one since the NES and have never missed a generation. Playing in the PC isn't the same. It's like with my car. It was my first car and I gave it a name and have a certain attachment to it/her.

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My first car was a 1995 Pontiac Bonneville named the Green Dragon.  Though it just occurred to me that it was newer then than my current car is now... :s


Anyway, I play on consoles too, but it's more of a "I don't have a choice for certain games" kind of thing.  Though a large part of that is that this generation's so old that it's not hard to have a PC that can do better than the consoles, and I have more disposable income now so the prospect of upgrading isn't as daunting.

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My attachment to consoles is purely because I rent a lot of games, buy significantly less of them (generally stuff that has replay value or longevity to it) and because for some reason, I'm just not very good at sitting in front of my computer to play anything.


That said, if even half the things rumored for the Durango are true, I would seriously wonder what Microsoft is smoking.

Edited by Alex Heat
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I like my consoles, thank you very much.


As someone who plays on both... Why?

In the present, mainly exclusives since I do also have a PC that can murder my PS3 and 360 combined (If they somehow worked together...I think). The novelty of owning multiple/all consoles has worn off quite a bit. For the 720, I don't think Halo can even save it if these rumors are true. Again, it'll come down to the revealing next month.

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It's already basically confirmed that Halo won't save this. Maybe Activision bros will buy it to play COD but that's basically it. I hope it crashes and burns so whoever is in charge of the xbox division KNOWS what it's like to see as a fan what you've done to my baby. Fuck you Microsoft.

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I like my consoles, thank you very much.


As someone who plays on both... Why?

In the present, mainly exclusives since I do also have a PC that can murder my PS3 and 360 combined (If they somehow worked together...I think). The novelty of owning multiple/all consoles has worn off quite a bit. For the 720, I don't think Halo can even save it if these rumors are true. Again, it'll come down to the revealing next month.


So you're going to go PC and a console next-gen? That's what I'm doing now but unless the exclusives are really great I'm not sure I would get a console at this point. It's still too early to tell. Let's say everything but Sony goes multiplat and comes out on PC. What would you do then?

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I'm PC/Console(s) now and I intend to keep it that way. If everybody but Sony goes multiplat, I would really look at what Sony got to offer. I could go just PC for a while (3+ years) and see what happens. Also I don't have to play every game that interest me.


Also for the sake of competition, please don't suck (that) much 720. We don't need Sony to get haughty again.

Edited by MaliciousH
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Ethan I both want you to be right and be wrong. I want you to be right because these rumors are ridiculously bad and could possibly destroy the xbox brand just like the zune brand was destroyed. But I also want you to be wrong so I can rub it in your face and say "I god damn fucking told you Microsoft rumors are always true don't you ever fucking doubt me"


and then do a little jig on a table.

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You still have Sony and Nintendo, there's other companies in the wings. Samsung would be my big guess to fill in the third spot. (Though there's also waiting to see how Steambox plays out if it's more PC or console). I know many suggest Apple as maybe making a console one day, but games are far from their thing.

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Microsoft won't get out of the console business with one bad maneuver. They didn't get out with one bad music player. If anything if this thing does "just ok" they'll keep it going until 5 years and announce a new console. If it does horrible they might announce a new console sooner than expected.

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