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That's a dorky looking logo.


On an unrelated note, I always kind of bristle at taglines like 'Introducing a NEW way to play'.


I hated "YOU are the controller." with a passion. "You" are not the controller, Kinect is the controller. "You" are the thumbs that interact with the controller.

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Ads on my xbox?

Charging me to use services like HBO Go, Amazon and Netflix that are free to use everywhere else?

Having the shittiest deals for the online store?

STILL charging to play online?


The xbox management is in a whole new field of fucking up. If this is true, which with so many rumors to a degree it'll be I guarafuckingtee it, they have screwed their last pooch. They (and by that me since i currently have a 360) have nothing besides Forza and Halo that is worthwhile. Gears of War ended with the third tbh.


They opened a studio but I'll say it right now, it'll be a third person shooter. Alan Wake was the reason I was sticking around but that's multiplat now.

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Assuming this rumor is indeed true, I can only think of two reasons they'd do something so monumentally ill-advised:


1) Piracy, which would be kind of like cutting off your leg because you got athlete's foot.


2) Xbox isn't a "game machine" anymore, it's an "entertainment" machine, and they intend to use it more like a streaming/television device that just happens to play games.  Sure you need a connection to stream tv, movies, or music, but why would you need one to play games?


I see no upsides to this idea, but plenty of downsides.

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Original Xbox got booted pretty fast, but there was some external factors to that that don't (currently) exist for the 360.


As for the 1 and 2, the Xbox was never a "games machine", just had more of a leaning towards games than other media at the start. It was always a 'Microsoft entertainment PC in your living room'. Video games come under the "entertainment" umbrella.

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So the Creative Director (Or soon to be former...) of Microsoft may have confirmed the "always-connected" rumor while being an ass? Thoughts?


Nevermind? Seems like the two were fucking with each other but still... bad PR if this gets carried away by mobs.

Edited by MaliciousH
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Yeah, you can now dance on the table and I won't object.


Also, what the fuck is he talking about with "Every device now is 'always on.' That's the world we live in.""?  Not a single device I own requires a connection to function except my phone and my modem.  There's a difference between making a device which supports constant internet connectivity and making a device which requires it in order to do anything.  Things like cable boxes have to be connected because by their nature they are accessing remote content, but making an always-online requirement for anything accessing local content is just asinine.


As far as "electricity goes out too", I've lived in this house for 2 years and I think the electricity has gone out twice in all that time, whereas my internet connection fucks up at least a couple times a month (for a while last year it was broken all morning every Saturday, but that hasn't happened in a while).

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Yeah, should have expanded more on my point. I agree a phone is about as "always on" a device as you can get, but even that can start up and run stuff without a connection. I don't know exactly what their plans are for connectivity, but making an internet connection a hardcore, set in stone, device won't even boot, requirement does seem somewhat premature.

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