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Remember from that article posted earlier in the thread that said that they were hearing that what has been rumored as "always on" really doesn't mean it requires a constant connection, that it can tolerate dropped connections and such.

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I feel like the console was heavily considered to have always online but once the shit storm with rumors started brewing they may have dropped it a bit. Maybe now used games won't be a problem who knows. That'll be the biggest decider for me as the internet isn't the end of the world since I'll always have internet for the most part unless the electricity goes off imho.

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> Always online

> "Isn't as draconian as it seems"


How is always online NOT draconian?


How Draconian do you consider Steam?


If it didn't have offline mode it would bother me, but it does so it doesn't.

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But it does say right there "will require an internet connection."  Even if you can use it with a dropped connection, you still couldn't use it if you have no internet.


Right, but maybe it just has to be connected at startup or something, who knows.  I'm not defending it, just giving ideas of what could be less draconian than "constantly connected and if you drop for a millisecond you get kicked out of whatever you're doing."

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I suppose technically that's accurate but it's kinda like saying that a kick in the gut hurts less than a kick in the balls.


The way the rumour mill is churning at the moment I would not be surprised to hear that the console will deliver a mild electric shock through the controller if you are not online.

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